Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Paranormal Journal Entry 17- Terrible Tragedy

Dear Journal,

More and more spirits are coming to me for help in fact I feel like I have a whole group of them come to once. I had this vision of my family going on vacation and we’re at an airport and my daughter is off with her friend and my son and husband aren’t around. But I see a bad guy at the airport and I follow him. At this point I don’t know if I’m seeing this as future event that will happen or if I’m seeing a tragic event through these ghosts’ eyes that have called me to help them. I end up following this man who catches on and he begins to chase me through the airport but I find a room to hide in, when I know the coast is clear I bolt. I end up catching up with him again and I follow him onto a plane, I am seated on the plane and the guy is near because I feel him watching me. All of a sudden the there’s an explosion on the plane and the is full of passengers and the plane is going down and it’s going down fast, I grab a parachute and jump out the plane and make to the ground safely. As I watch from the ground, I see a man up on a building and I’m a city somewhere he’s upholding something in his hand not sure what it was it could. have been a remote to a bomb, I don’t know I don’t a clear vision of him and too far up to see. I do remember seeing this man before the plane went down and the man on the plane and the man on the building were somehow connected. I watched the plane I fall out of the sky. It was a horrible sight to watch and it was heart breaking, what was the worst was the plane began to bleed blood. I fell to my knees at the moment and I cried. After coming out of my vision and I remember being sad, really sad. I felt what those people in the plane were feeling and it, I’m not going to lie it hurt. After this happened, I wanted to know if what I saw was real and true, if this was a future event that was going to happen or if it was a ghost or ghosts coming to me for help. I looked online and searched plane crashes, and nothing ever came up. It was the worst thing I have seen. About a week later the ghosts from the plane came to me and told me their names, I crossed each and every one of them over.