Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 24

Paranormal Journal Entry 24- Spirit Of Cats

Dear Journal,

Do you believe in animal ghosts? I didn’t either until my dog came to visit me, not only that I have heard a spirit of a horse whinny in my neighborhood, no joke true story. I thought I could see ghosts, spirits, and entities. I never thought I could animal spirits and when I saw my dog for the first time since she passed, I believed. Not long after that I heard something else, now my neighbor down the street in which I was really good friends with, I hung out with her all the time, things like that. She had cats and I grew very fond of her cats she had two in particular that were my favorite; anyway two of cats passed away and when my friend told me I was pretty torn up because I grew to love these as if they were my own. About a week after one of passed my daughter began to hear meowing coming from out back room, now I just want to state that we don’t have cats at that time we just had a dog, no windows were opened so we knew it wasn’t coming from outside. We looked all around the house trying to find this sound and my daughter says “Mommy what if the cat’s that’s meowing is King Benny” that was the name of my friend’s cat. I listened for a moment at the meow and it was familiar to me, so I closed my eyes tried to a sense of what was going on and there in the back room was a cat and it had all the markings of my friend’s cat, he knew how much I loved him and he came to say goodbye. A couple months later my friend comes to tell me that she lost another cat, her other cat whose name was Finny was an outdoor cat and spent most of his time outside, she wasn’t sure how he died she thinks he got hit, crawled off some where and passed away. I was crushed by this because this cat who barely let anyone touch him accept maybe my friend, he had grown to trust me and he’d let me pet him and for that was the best because I loved this cat I feel like him and I bonded somehow. Not long after finding out the news I hear meowing upstairs in my room and it sounds like it’s coming from my crawlspace. I close my eyes and see if I see if it was in fact Finny, he was in the room with me he was staring at me, he meowed one last time as he was saying goodbye and left and that was the last time I saw both cats.