Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 25

Paranormal Journal Entry 25- The Top Hat Demon

Dear Journal,

After months and months of having an empty house and no activity, something is back and it’s evil, strong and so powerful, it’s something I have yet to encounter and there no demon I can’t handle but this one scares the living hell out of me. Have you ever heard of a Top Hat Demon? I didn’t think it was real or it even existed until it happened to me. However, in doing my research I looked up a top hat demon and it is in fact very real. This Top Hat Demon was scary, I have visions of seeing this thing before it even appeared to me, I saw walking past my windows outside and it gave me the creeps, I was taking that as a sign that this thing was coming to visit me. I think I experienced seeing one. I was sick that day I was recovering from either food poisoning or some bug so I was feeling like crap that day and spent sleeping, it was night time and I was lying in bed, and I kept getting this vision of something in my room and I could feel there, I could it’s presence and it was making me ill, I got a headache, I was nauseous and dizzy, and disoriented. Never have I ever felt this sick in a presence of a demon. Why I don’t know, I suppose to torture me somehow. I looked up top hat demons and why they will come to you and meaning was umm. kind scary but true, they come you if you have been molested or raped, sorry just being truthful. I realized at that moment I knew why it came; it was because I myself was raped and molested and now it was here. I thought it was here to torture me like every other demon, to face something so powerful and evil was scary. I laid in my bed and at first I was lying on my right side and I see when I closed my eyes, it was slowly coming up out of the floor it was rising and it almost peeking over the bed as if it was trying to watch me. I turned to my right side where I can see him better and I full on view it. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. He was tall, his face was hard to see, it is wearing hat, trench coat, and he is coming up out of my floor. I dealt with many demons none of truly revealed itself like the top hat demon. I was scared because I didn’t know what this was going to do. It was evil, and powerful and it was making sick to my stomach, more than I already was from being sick. I asked it what you want but it kept staring me, I feel it’s eyes on me it gave me the total creeps. I cast it out but it be the last time I’d see this demon it would haunt in my dreams. I remember one day taking a nap while my kids our at school and I’m laying on the couch and I have dream where I’m awake and I’m in my house and I see the top hat demon in neighborhood and after that day I never saw him again. One of my scary experiences.