Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 30

Paranormal Journal Entry 30-Choked By An Evil Spirit

Dear Journal,

I am writing this entry today and for this was a very terrifying incident, I thought with all my experiences being a medium with all I have seen and dealt with for me it was pretty bad. I have had many times where I have been pushed, and pulled, and grabbed, but I was choked this time. It the first time this ever happened; the first I was younger and I had gone swimming with a friend at my favorite pool, and we were swimming when this boy came up to me and I swear the boy that came up looked possessed his eyes her black and he wrapped his hands around my neck and began choking me, I start hitting him and trying to fight him off and the life guard intervened and blew his whistle and he finally let go now I am convinced that whatever possessed that kid was going to back and choke me again. I remember a time where I’m upstairs it’s around five in the morning and I’m watching tv and I hear three demons whisper “KILL YOU, DIE, KILL YOU”, I am scared out of my wits from hearing this but I my best and stay firm and try and cast them out. It doesn’t work, that same day I’m napping on my couch and I begin to hear footsteps coming towards me because I can hear my floor creaking, it comes to me puts it’s hands around my neck and begins squeezing as hard as it can, I can physically feel this thing choking me, I coughing and gagging and fighting to get this thing off of me, it wanted me dead, whatever it hated me wanted me to die. At the moment I knew it was the same demon that possessed that kid who tried to choke me, I could just feel it, I felt it my gut. After fighting it off and I gained my strength and my breath back, I casted it out, I prayed a prayer, I had my house cleansed and blessed and after that I never had any issues again.