Confessions Of A Medium by C.W. Works - HTML preview

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Chapter 29

Paranormal Journal Entry 29- Demon Boy

Dear Journal,

I’m writing this because I’ve had another experience yet again. Just when I think my experiences with demons are over I another happens. First of all, I’d like to say that I have seen what looks a demon boy but I haven’t seen him in my house at not yet but I have seen him in someone else’s house. I took this a sign or maybe it was an omen I don’t know. I just whatever I saw was creepy. I never saw a demon boy before it was pretty creepy. My senses were telling me I’d see him again. It wasn’t until two weeks later I’d see this demon boy again it was at night when everyone was sleeping and he came to me and I knew he was in my room I could see him there he was sitting behind my husband’s pillow and he had bad intentions, he was short, he pail, white skin, black hair, it’s eyes were as black as coals. Looking straight into his all I could see what hell itself. Being around made me ill, I felt disoriented and sick. I knew what he wanted I hear what he was thinking, his intention was to possess my husband. He was about to pounce when I intervened, I said in a firm voice, “You are not welcome here, I cast you out in the name of Jesus Christ.” Just like that he was gone, I never thought I have seen anything like that in my life. It was scary moment for me and my husband, I’m glad was there and able to protect him. Never saw the demon boy after that day.