Powerball - Soccerball by Mike Bozart - HTML preview

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Nov. 4, 2019

Hello there, assiduously ante/anti-residual Agent 33,

After reading your short story, Farallón, a few months back, an idea emerged. Yes, imagine that – an idea at my ripe-old age. (I hear you laughing. Quiet down. The neighbors can hear you. Or, might you be in the office?) Anyway, I got to work on tweaking the aforementioned Powerball-based virtual soccer/football game. After eight iterations (trial runs), I think that I have it perfected in the 9th season, as the GPM (goals per match) average is now running between 2.77 and 2.88 – right in line with the 2018-19 Premier League season average of 2.82. That luckless fellow on the rock in your nautical calamity … what was his name? Ernie? That was it, right? Well, his scoring schedule was a little low; thus, I ‘primed’ it.

Attached is my documentation.

Awaiting next neural impulse.


Agent 929

p.s. Oh, that young lady who was the main character in

 Peripheral. Well, I think I saw her in a Manila mall.