Powerball - Soccerball by Mike Bozart - HTML preview

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Initial Setup for 1st Season


1. Each participant (minimum of 8; maximum of 20) choose a name for their virtual team, and then secretly pick eleven white-ball (WB) numbers between 22 and 55 (inclusive), two of which are prime. These numbers are known as the constants.

  • Example: (24)(26)(28)(29)(32)(35)(37)(42)(48)(51)(55)

2. Each participant then secretly picks five WB numbers between 1 and 21 (inclusive), one of which is prime. These are the Home Bonus (HB) numbers.

  • Example: (6)(10)(14)(19)(20)

3. Each participant then secretly picks three WB numbers between 56 and 69 (inclusive), one of which is prime. These are the Away Bonus (AB) numbers.

  • Example: (57)(61)(68)

4. Finally, each participant secretly picks a single Powerball (PB) number between 1 and 26 (inclusive). The chosen PB number can be prime or non-prime; there is no advantage for either.

  • Example: [16]

5. Each participant now makes a list of all twenty of their secretly chosen numbers, beginning with their WB numbers, grouping their HB numbers, constants, and AB numbers in ascending order. Their chosen PB number [in brackets] is last. These will be their numbers for the whole season.

  • Example:


6. A schedule of fixtures (matches) is now configured with all teams playing each other twice, home and away. If there is an odd number of teams, byes will have to be used.