The Voices by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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It was shaping up to be a grand affair, the banqueting suite was clothed in crimson, champagne flowed like water from a fountain which never looked in danger of running dry. Harry had much to be proud of, in fact it was his night, a benefit hosted by the company he’d founded, his guests were expecting an uplifting and hearty speech and he wasn't known to disappoint.

He buttoned up his dinner jacket and shook the hand of Michael, the guest speaker, as he confidently swaggered across the stage to address the audience.

Over in the corner a couple were watching the show unfold.

“I do hope it’s not one of those long and dreary speeches he gives when he’s had a few, God help the paying guests. If there is a god up there, I hope by now he’s plotting a grid meltdown, I would welcome the silence ... and the darkness“, she said with a glint in her eye.

Her partner in crime, sharing her sentiments, nodded and looked over at the energetic man who had just leapt on stage. Speeches and goodwill were the last thing on his mind as he felt a hand reach over and gently stroke his thigh.

“It is with great pleasure that I am stood here tonight to talk to you about one of the great causes I hold close to my heart. Thank you all for attending this evening’s benefit in aid of the newly formed Schizophrenia Alert health trust, a charity created to help diagnose the symptoms quickly and to seek long term respite care for their mental health issues.”

“As you may well know, it is with deep sadness that I lost my dear sister Helen to the same crippling illness almost a year ago to this day. I wish at the time there were facilities like the one we’re supporting today, I daresay she may well be here tonight to listen to the speech I’m giving you, albeit a different benefit.”

“You stupid, melancholy old fool, your precious little sister is dead, when are you ever going to get over it?” again from the corner, but barely audible to her companion who just sniggered. Any amount of bad press directed at this man was fair game in his opinion and especially coming from her.

Oh how he loathed the man, of course it was pure envy through and through and if he could trade places just for a split second with this self made multimillionaire, he’d be sure to take it.

But ironically, bad press was a constant companion for a man that was as sincere and kind hearted as Harry. There was a fairness in most things he did, you started out admiring him, maybe lavish a little praise and respect on the man, but sooner or later you were going to feel envious, it was human nature. The only thing you could do was go through the motions like everyone else.

A short while later Harry wrapped up the speech. It probably wasn't the longest he’d ever made but this particular evening he found it hard to concentrate. His mind constantly flashed away from the cue card and inevitably to thoughts of his sister, the kind of thoughts that only time can smooth over to form fonder memories.

He couldn't dwell on the numerous times as a boy he’d woken to hear her screams, the panic he’d felt as he pushed open her bedroom door to find her just lying there with blood coursing from her wrists. Oh how he’d never forget the helpless desperate look she’d given him as though she was possessed or plagued by invisible demons. It was too much to bear, this benefit was too close to home. But he had to do it, he had to show strength.

A sigh of relief accompanied the rousing applause from the room but it wasn't his. “Bravo Harry, what a thoroughly nice man you are, you must be so proud of yourself,” again a snigger. “I don't think I could stand the thought of a repeat next year, and there will be a repeat mark my words. I am sick of hearing about her, she is perched on this mile high pedestal and I can’t seem to knock the little bitch off.”

“Let the old man have his day and we will have ours,” said the man. “I’d best be off, the champagnes on ice, you know where to come, I’ll be waiting.“, He laid a kiss on her cheek and discreetly left the room.

The lady in the corner suddenly found something to smooth over this evening’s dreariness. A wry smile spread across her face.

Harry stepped off stage to allow the guest speaker to wrap up the evening with some light hearted banter. He was greeted by Becky, his PA, who had sensed it had been painful but nevertheless, she was always on hand to offer him some comfort. Hers was a fondness that went beyond her job description, he was a genuinely nice guy.

“Harry, I could see that was tough but you did well, I think the audience appreciated it.”

“It was probably the champagne, they'll clap at anything. It’s always best to leave the speech till the end” he chuckled, ”but thanks for the sentiment,” he said.

“The flight is booked to Manchester from London City Airport in a couple of hours, your driver is waiting outside Harry. I’ve reserved your usual room, please try and keep the banter to a minimum as we don't want to miss ...”

“I know, I know, don't worry I don't have any desire tonight to hang around too long. You’re one of a kind Becky but you do worry needlessly.”

“It’s my job Harry,” snapped Becky.

Harry winked back and clasped her arms in a warm embrace, ”I know, you’re right, I’ll be there.”

“I turn my back for an instant Harry, and I suddenly find your chasing the skirt of every available female in the room. Take your hands off that pretty young woman this instant!” said Suzy, his glamorous wife, her demeanour was one of shock and surprise and it caused Becky to flinch and reel back from the touch. But Suzy changed her expression in an instant to one of fun and flirtatiousness and placed her arm around her husband.

”You should know better than to chase a married successful man and dare I say, not too bad looking considering his years,” she chuckled.

“Hello Harry, nice speech, I was trying to keep a low profile on that one, it was your night. I’m glad you had the strength to see it through.”

Becky looked flustered. Whenever she was in the company of Suzy, she always felt out of her depth. She couldn't see what the attraction was for Harry apart from the obvious physical one.

Harry had met Suzy at an opening ceremony in the north of England for a new state of the art financial operations facility his company had created. He was mesmerised by her beauty and poise at the outset, a stark contrast to the ugly grey electronics machinery that lay all around.

Suzy happened to be on assignment as a host for a local promotions firm on that day but hardly paid him any notice at all. To her it was all part of the package. It was a fun job, her life was a complete blur, whisked from one party to another. Free drinks, beautiful people to talk to and plenty of compliments too.

Still, Harry wasn't a man to lay down and take no for an answer. Suzy found him entertaining and mildly handsome for his years but she wondered whether the interest was shown to every hostess at every soiree or ceremony he had been to in his career. He handed her his card and urged her to call him soon. She smiled and filed it away with the others, it may come in handy someday when she was at a loose end.

The loose end came one day when she found herself on assignment at an Earls Court trade fair. The mostly fat and uninteresting businessmen seemed extremely keen to know the whys and wherefores of the latest securitisation structures…exciting stuff. She tried hard to contain her yawns but in-between remembering to smile and nod at the right moments her mind gave a little thought to Harry. He may be in town and it wouldn't hurt to be wined and dined along the river tonight. It may even excuse her from the company social later on tonight with the usual suspects and probably a few suited undesirables too.

She gave Harry a call.

“I wish you could delegate tomorrow’s meeting to somebody else darling. Bob Austin is just as capable of handling the negotiations. Loosen the reins, maybe relax a little?. We could spend a perfectly delightful evening together but oh no, not Harry,” she said with a hint of bitterness at being left all alone again.

”I’m sorry Suzy, I appreciate the gesture but if this deal is to go ahead the Chinese will not look favourably on a subordinate taking my place. We are at such a critical stage in the negotiations”.

'Please yourself Harry, but on the off chance the flight is cancelled tonight, you'll find me in our favourite suite by the river, we could eat at Francescas where we first met. Maybe rekindle a few flames?” She placed a kiss on his lips, he felt her touch and held her for a brief moment before Becky interjected.

“Harry, we don't have much time, we need to leave now or it's a long walk to Manchester.”

Suzy turned and shot her a look of disgust. Becky found her gaze hard to take and looked away. Suzy never did rate this girl and knew there was nothing to worry about where Harry was concerned.

“Bye Harry, see you Sunday, and Suzy walked off to join a group that seemed to be having all the fun.


”Mate, the petrol in this piece of crap is worth more than the car, why didn't you nick something a bit more upmarket?” AJ said to Hobbs.

Hobbs was fed up with his bitching, “Shut it, you try nicking a posh car, they’re all alarms and immobilisers. You never get a problem with your trusty old Escort.” He tapped the dashboard.

“You sound almost proud, maybe it's the car for you after all, it suits you.”

“This crowbar would suit your face AJ. Have a look in the glovebox, see what CDs this joker has. I hope they've got Spandau Ballet ... You have Gold, Gold, always believing.”

AJ laughed, it was probably the only music that would play in a car this old. He grabbed a bunch of CDs and tossed them out the broken window until he found some Gangsta Rap, now that was music he thought.

“This'll pump you up man, it’s bangin',” said AJ. He lit a spliff he’d pre-rolled for such a perfect occasion as this, took a few tokes and passed it to Hobbs.

”Cheers, it helps me cope with the music you picked.” Hobbs eyed the dark East London street as he raced along. This was going to be a profitable night he thought, just keep your wits about you, watch out for the filth and things will be just fine.

Harry's limo cruised along the tarmac. It was a long night and it wouldn't hurt to shut his eyes for a brief moment. The airport was about 20 minutes away, luckily the traffic had been light. Becky sensed a quiet time and decided to plug in her IPod and keep it low. She never felt it was the right time to relax herself, there were always deadlines to meet, she was a constant worrier, maybe a little too uptight sometimes but their partnership worked well and it was clear that Harry appreciated her.

The Mercedes pulled up to the lights at the intersection that marked the slip road to the airports access road. The driver could see a headlight pop up in his rear view mirror. He was glad this was his last run tonight, he was heading to the Casino after a quick change, it was amazing how many ladies he could pull at these places for a quick one in the back. The job definitely had its perks. The headlight came up way too fast and there was an almighty bang. Harry and Becky awoke with a jolt from their respective distractions as their seatbelts kicked in.

“What the hell is going on?” asked Harry.

Becky looked shaken but as professional as ever, wanted to step outside to clear up the accident with the other driver.

”Becky, stay seated, I’ll deal with it. Peter are you ok?”

“I’m fine Mr Rowlandson, I’ll come out with you. They’d better have a good reason, the lights were on red.”

Harry and Peter stepped out of the car to assess the damage. It was solidly built like most German cars but they couldn't say the same for the other car. The old yellow Escort’s bonnet had twisted up like an accordion and steam was rising from a blown radiator. The two occupants just sat there, dark shapes in the dimly lit street, motionless.

“Jesus, I hope they’re alright, they look dead Harry.

” “Nonsense Peter, they must be a little shaken.” Harry shouted over to the driver, “Are you alright.” He didn't get an answer so he tapped on the window. It was wound down a little and a sweet smelling aroma wafted through and caught his nose. It took him back to his university days but this was no time to reflect, he had to sort this mess out quickly, arrange a taxi and get the flight with Becky.

The yellow door was pushed open with a jolt. It caught his body a little as he reeled back and almost lost his footing. He couldn't believe the rudeness; what kind of people run into you, decide to sit there like dummies and then bulldoze their way out of the car. It made him angry, common decency was clearly lost on this pair.

Peter stood behind Harry, all he could do was swear, he was more of a player than a fighter. Besides, Harry carried weight in all situations, his maturity would sort this little mess out.

“You hit my frickin’ car man,” said the driver.

Harry was incredulous, maybe the man had smoked a few too many, he tried to play it easy. “I think you hit mine but no-one seems injured so let’s exchange details and ...”

“You hit my pride and joy man,” the tall man said again, this time a little more menacing.

“I’d hardly call it your pride …” Harry broke off. Now was not the time. “Look we can just swap details, the insurance will sort it out, we don't need to get the police involved do we?”

”Dude, he’s broken the CD player, I can’t get the rap going,” shouted his mate, AJ.

Hobbs looked over at his mate and then back at Harry, “That was a £200 stereo you've just busted, my dad bought me that for Christmas, what you gonna do about it?” He was getting increasingly angrier.

Harry couldn't believe his ears. The man’s car was totalled at the front through his own lousy driving and he was crying over a stereo. This was getting out of hand. Harry decided to reach for his mobile; he turned to look at Becky with a quizzical look on his face and his arm raised. She just looked back and smiled in a sympathetic tone.

“Frickin’ do him man, he busted your stereo,” said AJ.

Harry nervously dialled 999 on his mobile. He was waiting for an operator to answer when he was suddenly floored with a hard blow just below the ear. The pain was incredible; he’d never felt anything like it before. Hobbs was standing over him menacingly, he was muttering again about his car and his stereo when Harry felt a second blow to his face. He shrieked in pain and felt blood pour from a large gash wound the crowbar had gouged.

AJ ran over to Peter and started pushing him. He was too stunned to offer any resistance and looked like he was about to cry. This only made AJ push him more.

“Ha Ha you idiot, what you gonna do about it, come on, give some back, what’s the matter with you, you pussy.”

He landed a hard right on Peter and he folded to his knees. Becky was screaming and reaching for the phone from her bag, but she was so frantic with the whole build up it was hard to dial the three numbers ...

The operator could be heard trying to get the caller to answer back but Harry was too semi-conscious to reply. He could only make out the sound of fists making contact and the cries of Peter but it all seemed like a dream.

Then another thud and darkness. Harry just lay there, his hair wet with his own blood as it trickled into the gutter. Hobbs was reveling. He reached down and fumbled around for a few seconds before peering at the wallet he'd just robbed. It was stuffed full of cash.

“This job has its bonuses.” He smiled a wicked smile and walked over to finish off the driver. He wouldn't be walking tonight.

Becky had managed to get through and peered out the window as she deliriously relayed the events and the location. She could see the man with the crowbar advancing towards the car. It was only a split second but she managed to lock the doors of the car as the man started striking it with several heavy blows.

“Get out the car you frickin’ bitch, get out now!,” he said.

She was hysterical and dropped the phone. The man had the chance to smash the windows and literally drag her out but he just stood there banging metal against metal.

Then just as suddenly, sirens were heard in the distance and Hobbs quickly looked up. She’d never forget that face, the cruel twisted face, it was a look of blood lust.

AJ went to grab Hobbs who was now enjoying himself punching the bloodied face of the driver he had left. He pulled him up and Hobbs just shrugged and kicked Harry in the back for fun as they ran off over a bank and into the night, away from the sirens.

It was all over. Two bodies lay on the ground and the muffled sobs of a woman could be heard not too far away in the dented limousine.


Two weeks had passed and the morning sun cast its glare over the still churchyard where several people had gathered for the simple service. A general feeling of bewilderment had descended; relatives nodded subdued greetings and faint smiles to each other. Suzy was being comforted by Becky, probably the only circumstance in which she could. The hearse gently rolled up to the gates and the sight of the coffin caused several muffled sobs to break out.

“I don't understand how it could happen like this, it was ... it was so random,” said a middle aged lady. She was shaking and the man next to her could only offer his arm as comfort.

”It was all over so quick, he didn't stand a chance; he wasn't the sort of man to retaliate, you know that,” said the man.

”What kind of animals would do such a thing, they don't even have suspects, These people are still roaming the streets,” she said almost half hysterically. She was visibly shaking and found the solemn atmosphere stifled her anger, it was hard to bear.

”They will find the filthy drug dealers, mark my words, they aren't stupid. Now lets just see about getting through this day, for him, we have to show strength.” He tightened his arm around her shoulders, she took some comfort in the gesture.

The service passed quietly. It was what he would have wanted, he wasn't the sort of man for grand gestures. Had it been Harry lying there then it was likely to be a bigger service with a lot of friends and associates, even a few acquaintances who came to close the door and open a new window of opportunity from his passing.

The attack on Peter hadn't been as violent as that on Harry, no weapon had been used but the number of blows to his face and body was enough to cause the fatal clot that had formed in his brain. It was only a matter of time, he was unconscious from the time the medics had tended to him and he could give no assistance to the police in the few days he was in Hospital. Theirs was a waiting game but time had other plans.