The Voices by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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Harry had spent a couple of weeks in hospital, drifting in and out of consciousness. Being a man of means he was placed under the care of his family physician, Dr Hancox, who had performed expert surgery to treat the large gash that snaked from his left earlobe almost to the nape of his neck. He had lost a lot of blood. His injuries were not as horrific as those suffered by Peter but a crowbar can inflict a nasty gouging slice and the perpetrator seemed to have enjoyed every blow.

Luckily for Harry he had blacked out pretty quick, he had not a single recollection of the incident apart from the confrontation at the outset. He was a tough character, nobody entertained the thought that he would perish during his time in hospital. The same fire that burnt deep within him would see him through. He was determined to find the culprits and bring them to justice any way he could but he knew it was long shot, a chance encounter, no motive apart from a drug crazed man tripping out to the enjoyment of simply injuring for sick pleasure.

He couldn’t understand these kind of people -never could. He was old school, you studied through fear of punishment at school, enrolled on an apprenticeship and you worked your way up trying to be a good man as best you could, dealing with life’s misadventures along the way. It was an inner feeling of direction, control that carried you through. Now a sick minded individual, bereft of soul and care was about as random as you could get, there was no rhyme nor reason … Harry quickly shuddered.

He had no more time to think about the whys and wherefores, he just got on with it but the pain to the left side of his head troubled him greatly. He took strength in the knowledge he was still alive. Peter was not so lucky, a kind gentle soul, always had been, a true friend. He could talk to Peter about everything he wished, Peter was a good listener and Harry was sure he kept every secret locked away, faithful to the end, quite a rare find.

“I can see your mind drifting again Harry, you must stop dwelling on the circumstances and come back to the here and now.” It was Suzy, it did the trick. “Now Harry darling, what’s done is done, I’m only saying this because I know you will probably be formulating a little plan to catch those rotten killers but you need all the strength you can get. Don’t waste your time pondering, let the police run through their usual enquiries and see if they can ...”

Harry interjected, “Suzy I know you want to see me back on the mend and it has been a tough few weeks. I just want some closure on this. The quicker these lunatics are caught the better for Joe public, you know that. It’s sickening that they should be roaming free like wild animals on the hunt again.”

“They have probably slunk away into their drug fuelled pit by now I daresay Harry. They were probably so stoned on whatever concoction they were taking and simply had no idea what they were doing. If they had the mindset they would remain there, justice will be dished out in due course, one way or another they will be punished, maybe an overdose will claim them.”

“It couldn’t come soon enough Suzy, anyway you’re probably right; I must look forward to the future.”

“You know I’m right, I’m always right, its women’s intuition,” she kissed him tenderly on the cheek.

Harry smiled at the way she always looked to the future.

“I’m glad your back Harry, you will be up on your feet in no time. The same old Harry I know and love. Why don’t we take a break of convalescence somewhere warmer than under the grey dreary skies of London? We could head to the Villa, our special place, it would be good for you, you spend far too much time in meetings. Maybe you should take an extended break away from it all?”

“My dearest Suzy, as much as I would love to, you know I can’t. Even after this, the wheels of industry continuously turn; I have to keep ahead of the game …”

“Christ Harry, you never stop,” she said with indignation but a smile spread gently across her lips as she wrapped her arms around him. “That’s the same old Harry, it’s what you want and it drives you forward. You would probably be bored within a couple of weeks at the Villa anyhow. Besides I can never get my stylist to fly out, he is always fully booked. Never mind, have some rest darling and I’ll see you later.”

Harry watched her leave. He took strength in her personality, she was so wily, a true feminist, strong and soft at the flick of a switch. He loved her unpredictability at times, he knew she had his best interests at heart.

Harry switched on his laptop, he had so much to catch up on. He had left his CFO, Jack Mayes, in charge of the business while he was recovering. A capable man and a good friend, Suzy seemed to like him and she was a good judge of character. He needn’t worry about the wheels falling off. Just catch up on the current events, Jack would take good care of the helm for a few weeks longer.

The computer screen in his home office started to flicker, he gave it a whack. “I have only been away a short while and the technology is falling apart around me,” he thought, His head started to throb with pain again. He gave up and shut his laptop then decided to take a nap. Dr Hancox was quite forceful on the subject, he was probably right.

Becky was sat at her desk in the imposing glass and steel corporate office of Rowlandson Banking Group, one of hundreds of plush executive offices in London’s Docklands, a veritable beehive of financial global giants. She felt privileged to be in such a fortunate position and her dedication showed itself to all. She rarely took time out to relax. She found the all encompassing financial world had a pleasant monotony about it, it was a safe position. Workers often dreamed of faraway places, to just up sticks and go, ride the wave and see where it took you but in reality they were so accustomed to the good life the thought quickly disappeared as a mere whim. The reality of doing so was a far more scary option.

She had, to all appearances, recovered quickly from the horrific events a few weeks back but whatever nightmares she suffered over the period she never showed it. People in suits as a general rule always played it low key in these situations and a reassuring brief pat on the shoulder was all they could ever offer. It didn’t mean they cared less for the drama of it all, it was simply the way crisis was handled around here.

Becky was far too busy to dwell on the fact she had been few seconds away from possibly ending up like Peter and threw herself into her work. She had a conference call to Harry at 3pm and she was hoping he was able to see the latest quarterly performance figures she had emailed an hour ago to lay down the groundwork for this particular strategy meeting. She knew he must be tired but he had a sharp mind for figures, it wouldn’t take him long to digest the key facts when they did speak.

She picked up the phone …

“Hi Becky, how are you feeling today,” the familiar voice of Harry responded.

“Fine Harry, I could have rescheduled the meeting but you have Jack at 3.30 to go over these preliminaries in more detail but I thought ...”

“Don’t fret for my sake Becky. I’m feeling better than ever, my head still hurts a great deal but the painkillers are helping to ease the pain. Besides the ebb and flow of industry don’t stop just because of one man,” he quickly interjected. He cared about Becky.

“Thanks Harry, did you get a chance to have a look at the key figures in the report I emailed over earlier?”

“My apologies I was forced to have a lie down, doctor’s orders. Could you get one of those nerdy tech guys to send me out a new laptop, this one’s given up the ghost. I would use the desktop in the basement but these are quite handy in my current situation.”

“Sure Harry, I’ll phone through after we end this call.”

“Thanks Becky, now on with the figures. Get a hardcopy couriered over when you get chance.”

The meeting resumed with talk of dashboards, key performance indicators and the usual financial speak that is echoed throughout the hive on a daily basis. It was time to wrap up the meeting.

“Becky, I can see that you have done your homework, the figures sound good. It looks like we are steering our way through the current financial crisis in the most positive …”


“Christ, what the?” Harry jerked back from the desk in his study with a start and hit the ground with a crash. The voice he’d just heard was as crystal clear in his head as if someone had just stood next to him and shouted in his ear, a cruel and evil voice, metallic and full of hate.

Becky shrieked through the conference phone, “Harry are you ok? Harry, Harry?” She feared the worst for him, he was still in convalescence.

Harry quickly recovered and looked around the room, his heart was racing. He had no idea where the sound came from, “Becky did you just hear that?”

“Hear what Harry? What is going on, are you ok. I thought you’d fallen over.”

Harry decided to play it safe. “Sorry Becky, I just tripped over some books I had left on the floor, no bother.” He had started up a cold sweat. He couldn’t believe what had just been said. Maybe he needed more sleep, maybe it was the sedatives.

“Well I hope you’re ok. Please be careful, maybe you should have a lie down again. I can call Jack and postpone the meeting.”

“I wouldn’t hear of it,” Harry said with forced humour, “I want to know that he isn’t frittering away all of my hard earned cash on the horses while I’ve been away,” he was suffering now.

“Ok Harry, well you take it easy and I will be over tomorrow with some paperwork I need you to sign, till then?”

“’Till then Becky, you’re a star, I don’t know what I would do without you,” he said a little more quickly than usual.

Becky paused, it was worth the humdrum just to hear him say that. “I’ll put Jack on the line in 15 minutes and you can fire him for incompetence while you’ve been resting.” She also said with humour but in truth she didn’t like the man. An oily snake, he always gave her the shudders with his false charm and confident cocky manner.

Harry sat back in his chair with a great sense of unease to reflect on the voice he had just heard. It was the queerest feeling, he stared out through his window at the beautiful manicured lawns at the rear of his house but they gave him no comfort.

Maybe he was recollecting sounds from the accident. He was unconscious but what the two thugs said could have invaded his psyche. He couldn’t be sure, he had to find an explanation for the twisted voice and it was the only reasonable practical notion he could think of. He decided to give it no more thought but a sudden memory of his sister Helen’s condition broke the peace and he was left feeling strange again.

The conference phone sprang into life, It was Becky again, she put through Jack, he would have to leave his reasoning for another time … back to business.

“Hi Harry, I hope this is a good time to talk,” the familiar voice of Jack was heard over the faint crackling static. “Becky told me you may have had a fall earlier, is this true?”

“Don’t be daft Jack, I’m perfectly fine apart from the pain in my head but that’s normal trauma. I’ll be right as rain soon,” Harry said with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. He wasn’t due for the knacker’s yard just yet.

“Look Harry, I didn’t mean to listen to idle office gossip, you know me well enough by now, we just care about you that’s all.”

“No, I know Jack, one thing I made sure when I started this bank was that everyone should feel like family. It’s probably my fault that they act like one when things go wrong.”

“It’s your legacy Harry,” said Jack. He almost made it sound like retirement for Harry but he was straight onto the figures.

“Well as you know, this period of financial adjustment has affected every area of our operations. It’s fair to say that we have weathered the storm as best as the rest of them with minimal wastage.”

“You do mean the loss of key staff Jack don’t you?” said Harry, a little more riled than when he first took the call.

“Of course Harry, I’m sorry, you know I was as upset as you were to shed over 300 jobs so close to Christmas. It couldn’t be avoided,” said Jack with a note of sympathy he couldn’t really play well.

“It was very unfortunate but I hope that once we are out of this mire we can start hiring again, bring some of them back. An awful mess but I’m sure we will be able to see the light soon.”

“Your perfectly right Harry, with you at the helm as always I’m sure we will.”

Harry shuddered a little. He liked the efficiency and fervor that Jack displayed in his day to day duties but one thing he lacked was care for his fellow colleagues. His slicked back hair and clean looks reminded him of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.

He knew he couldn’t do all of this without Jack running the show. It took certain individuals with unique qualities to carry out the more unsavoury actions a business might take such as the loss of staff.

The call was wrapped up and it gave Harry some time to relax again before Suzy came back. He thought about telling her of his little episode earlier but he shrugged the idea off as quickly as it had arrived.

There was no point worrying her any further and besides, he felt there was a perfectly rational explanation for it. She would only insist on him visiting Dr Hancox again for a checkup but he had spent far too much time in hospital. Dull dreary grey places full of sick people, too many in fact, probably the last place you would want to go when you had problems yourself but the nurses worked wonders considering the constraints they were put under.

He sat back in his easy chair and raised the leg rest. He was still dressed in his brushed cotton dressing gown and pyjamas. He felt he was still in hospital but there was nothing better than familiar surroundings to get you back on the mend. Harry closed his eyes.


The bright light punctuated the dirty, threadbare curtains that were a permanent closed feature in the dingy flat occupied by serious drug users in London’s Shadwell district, a mixture of slum dwellings and green shoots of glass and brick buildings that tried to push through the dreary surroundings in the hope it would rejuvenate the area but dirt and character were constant bedfellows and they weren’t looking for a new companion.

A hooded man rose up from the single bed in the corner of the room. His eyes were slits and he had just spent the previous night getting stoned off his face and partying. Now it was lunchtime and a good time to kick start the day.

He gave the bundle of clothes a kick on the floor and it jolted a little before it too rose from its bed of choice the night before.

“Where’s my frickin weed you ponce, I need to skin up, were late,” said Hobbs.

AJ sat up rubbing his eyes. “Have you ever thought about a full English instead, I’m starving.”

Hobbs sneered at him. “First things first, I need my smoke then were heading out for the pickup. They can wait a little longer for us,” he said with a small hint of false bravado. He knew he had to be on time for this one.

“Great party last night, pity we ended up here. I thought we had a chance with those two tarts down at the Bethnal,” AJ said with a croaky sigh.

“Yeah well, they were chasing Charlie and when this job’s over we’ll be living the high life my friend and those sluts won’t be going anyplace else.”

Hobbs rolled up a fat joint and took a long toke. He breathed out a long snake of smoke whilst contemplating his immediate future and leaned over to AJ and handed him the spliff.

“You and me, AJ, soon we’ll be hitting the big clubs, suited and booted looking for action. We’ll be important, money breeds money, fast cars, fancy women. It’s our destiny,” Hobbs said with confidence.

“You’re always floating around on a cloud Hobbs. After this thing has been sorted we should head to Spain, soak up the sun, get some chiquitas and regular muscle work, I’ve got a friend out there runs a bar, great gaff.”

“Shut it AJ, all your ideas are crap. You and me dressed like Spandau Ballet dancing with the best looking crumpet in London is more our kind of thing.”

AJ rolled his eyes and said nothing. Hobbs was always banging on about Spandau Ballet, ABC and all the other crap poncy haired bands that were around in the 80s. He was in a time warp and his time machine had broken down.

“Let’s get going then,” AJ finally said. It was only a short journey to the Isle of Dogs but at least he would spend less time with him in this filthy room. The air was beginning to get stuffy.

Hobbs had managed to get hold of a blue sporty looking Saab he’d nicked down Cable Street the night before. It was trendy back in the 80s but it was looking shagged by now. AJ climbed into the passenger seat and looked around the motor before shaking his head once more.

“With your skills mate you could nick anything, this belongs to the scrap yard. Maybe we should drop it off there after we do the pickup?”

“Look AJ, the Saab was a legend in its heyday and besides, the pigs couldn’t give a monkeys about looking for a car like this. If we’d nicked a Beamer from Tarquin Stuck-up-me-own-arse down on Shad Thames, then you’d be seeing a blue light in your rear view.”

“I only see blue velour in my rear view mate.” AJ was far too quick witted for Hobbs, it riled him.

Hobbs was ten years older than AJ and he looked it. He’d spent far too much time binge drinking, smoking and having a good time. His addiction to the weed didn’t help, it made him slow to react and paranoid. HesawAJ as a younger brother and he wasn’t afraid to give him a slap once in a while to keep him in line. He saw him as a follower. Hobbs made all the choices, AJ just tagged along. He thought he was just lazy and it suited him to do so.

They had met at a party, both acting like wild stray dogs and it was inevitable they would become partners in crime. Hobbs was too vain to think that AJ was better than he was at anything, be it nicking cars, smoking the most gear, chatting up the slappers and using his fists.

Hobbs didn’t fancy a solitary life of crime either and with AJ at least he could be in charge of something even if his life was going down the pan. He thought that the way things were shaping up at the moment it could be his break to turn the hopeless situation around.

They drove down into the Isle of Dogs and along Westferry Road to Island Gardens, the place for the pickup. Hobbs didn’t know the man who had hired him for the job, he had gotten the low down from Vic at his favourite drinking haunt. Vic was middle aged, well connected and not a man to cross. Hobbs was in awe of him. Vic hadn’t given him much of a look in when it came to jobs but lately he had taken a special interest in him.

Vic had told him he was dealing direct with the source on this one. The man who was paying him wanted to get a good look at the people he would use for the next task, he said it was a one off and he wouldn’t see the man again but the benefactor wanted to give specific instructions to avoid the information becoming lost in translation. Vic had said that after this he was to deal only with him.

The rusty Saab juddered to a halt alongside the river towpath. There was a small eatery across from them which read 'Yards Caribbean Chicken’, a converted public toilet; Health and Safety must have had a field day before the opening of this one but it was one of the best cafés around. This was the place they would meet.

AJ scanned around, “I don’t see anyone, are you sure we got the right day and time? That place looks good to eat, I’m starving.”

Hobbs whacked him with the back of his hand across his chest, it winded him a little. He leant over to AJ, “I never get my dates mixed up mate, they will be here and you can stop banging on about your stomach, you’re beginning to mug me off.”

AJ quickly apologised. Hobbs was unpredictable at the best of times. He carried on scanning around and saw a black Mercedes, one of those beautiful 500 series; it was cruising slowly towards them.

“Hobbs! Look, that’s the man, nice car.” The windows were blacked out all around but he could see the driver who looked more like a chauffeur, maybe he was. The car continued to cruise past them without stopping and pulled into a car park about 50 yards down.

“No, it can’t be them, they would have stopped. This is the meeting point right here.” Hobbs continued watching when he caught sight of the Merc flashing its headlights.

“What are they playing at AJ, why don’t they get out and meet us?”

AJ looked at Hobbs and just shrugged. “We should go over to them, maybe Vic got the meeting point mixed up. They don’t know we’re in this piece of 80s junk.”

“Maybe your right, I’ll give you that one, let’s walk over.”

He liked to threaten AJ and then play it softly softly the next time, it kept him on his toes.

The passenger in the Merc watched as the two disheveled hoodies approach. He himself was wearing an expensive, beautifully cut Henry Poole suit, an Egyptian cotton shirt and Brioni tie. It was a world apart from the scruffy shapes that approached. He sized them up, they looked desperate and furtive which was always a good sign when you wanted some dirty work carried out with no questions asked. He pressed the electric window button just enough to allow a small, two inch gap to appear at the top of the pillarless door, the windows were so dark it allowed him the benefit of anonymity.

Hobbs leaned forward. He could see himself driving in a car like this. It wasn’t his era but it was definitely a step up. He peered through the window but couldn’t make out the occupant.

“Nice motor squire,” said Hobbs,

There was an unhealthy pause,

“I was told you wanted to meet us in person, size us up and all?” he continued,

The passenger remained quiet, Hobbs looked over at AJ who just shrugged, they felt like street kids begging for change.

“Well you be rest assured Mister …”

The man in the suit suddenly spoke, “The last job was a tad sloppy, although I don’t doubt your conviction in carrying it out. I can see you have the right attributes although the next task will be a little bit trickier.”

Hobbs spoke nervously this time, the passenger made him feel awkward;

he didn’t feel on the same level but he had to look tough in front of his friend.

“We’re up for tricky Sir you can count on …”

A fat looking A4 envelope slid through the opening and interrupted him again. The man in the suit continued, “You will be well recompensed if you follow the instructions carefully, this is the first advance. Vic will take care of the rest. Good day gentleman.”

Harry snatched the envelope and ripped the seal open, he could see a large number of Queens heads poking through. AJ craned his neck to have a look but Hobbs just as quickly folded it up.

“Thank you Sir, we just want to reassure you that …”

The Merc suddenly pulled away, it made Hobbs feel like a child that had just been scolded. He sneered a little but the envelope was a sweetener and he turned to AJ with a broad smile and said, “Let’s have some of that chicken, I’m starving too, that guy gave me the creeps. From now in were going to have some fun.”


Suzy sauntered out of Paul Edmonds Salon in Knightsbridge sporting a new feminine and fabulous off the shoulder cut. Her favourite stylist had firmly cemented his reputation in her mind, she was feeling confident and a little bit sexier than before.

She was almost 15 years younger than Harry who would be celebrating his 55th in a couple of year’s time, her looks hadn’t faded much over the years and she knew it. There were a few backward glances from admiring males as she walked down Brompton Street, She reciprocated but she wasn’t about to turn around and chat to these potential suitors. She was on a timer and she had only one mission to complete today before heading back to see how poor little Harry was coping with his convalescence.

The fact that he had a greater degree of immobility was a trump card in her pack. She didn’t have to check her movements or avoid certain places to remove any awkward questions Harry might have if he had spotted her in Central London whilst going about his business.

She only had to walk a few hundred yards to the Rembrandt Hotel near the Victoria & Albert Museum, an up market establishment but not too swanky in case she bumped into his. She could always say she was lunching with friends.

The front desk clerk eyed her up as she walked through the lobby, he was a tall Italian and obviously used to seeing pretty women walking around the Piazzas of Rome but she was something else.

“Can I help you Madam?” he said with an almost desperate manner in his voice as he continued to stare intently holding the gaze a little too long. Like most males he would take a few seconds to fantasise about any pretty girl he met for the first time.

She smiled and noted his interest but he was too weak in her book. “I’m staying in room 402, Mr & Mrs Carter, I have mislaid my key, could you please hand me a replacement or get a porter to let me in?”

“Certainly Madam, it happens all the time. I will personally show you to your room, follow me.”

Accompanying her into the lift, he could smell the alluring scent of her perfume and just wished for once he was on the other side of the desk. He tried to make small talk but she was spending the precious time attending to her lipstick.

The doors opened and he let her walk ahead first, definitely a courtesy designed by men for it allowed him time to study her rear and see the confidence in her walk as she stepped through.

The desk clerk opened the door to one of the more exclusive suites. He didn’t stand in awe at the luxurious furnishings and beautifully large bed that adorned the room, it was the people who occupied the rooms that interested him.

Suzy passed through and thanked him for the assistance whilst brushing his hand gently. He stood mesmerised by her beauty but the illusion didn’t last long when she abruptly closed the door in his face.

He stood there thinking how lucky Mr Carter must be to have such a stunning wife as that. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked back down the hall.

Suzy wasted no time in undressing down to a sexy red silk number, she popped the champagne that was standing in the ice bucket next to two glasses and sprinkled some rose petals she’d purchased on the bed before turning down the lights.

It was only a matter of minutes before Mr Carter appeared through the door and fumbled around for the light switch.

“Leave it down low darling, I don’t want to be dazzled by your good looks,” she said with playful humour.

A smile spread across the face of the tall handsome energetic man who had just placed his sharply cut suit jacket on the rack. He started loosening off his shirt buttons in anticipation.

“Won’t your poor husband be wondering where you are?” he smirked.

“Sod the weak old man, for now I’m looking for someone a bit stronger. We simply have hours before I have to return,” she said in a wicked and totally self absorbed manner.

The desk clerk had already followed Mr Carter up to the landing on an apparent errand and turned back to place his ear to the door, it didn’t leave anything to the imagination.


The menacing figure stood in a commanding position above Harry. He looked anxiously around but there was not a soul to help. He pressed his hand to the side of his head and felt something warm and sticky trickle down past his wrist. The figure was laughing at his plight, at his helplessness; it appeared he was enjoying inflicting the pain upon him. His thick hand gripped a large metal bar tightly and to his horror he could see lumps of hair and skin hanging off its edge.

Harry was begging for his life, he could see the man speak but could not make out what he was saying. The man raised his arm again to deal the final blow and …

Harry jerked upright with a cry but saw again his familiar surroundings. He was sweating profusely. A softer more caring voice called out to him and came rushing into the study.

“Harry, Darling, are you ok?” It was Suzy with a concerned look upon her face. She cupped Harry’s head in her hands and kissed his forehead.

Harry came to his senses; he had just had an awful nightmare reliving the scene along the dark London street. “I … I’m fine Suzy, Christ, I thought I was back at the point of Peter’s murder. I keep seeing it, I can’t get it out of my head, poor Peter.”

“Oh Harry, maybe you should visit Dr Hancox again, you know he would give you something to help you sleep better?”


It was incredible. It knocked Harry for six. The vilest sounding voice had just appeared in his head again, only this time he had spoken the words in plain mimicry, he was still dazed from the nightmare.

“Harry!” Suzy shrieked. She pushed herself away from him with a look of fear upon her face and made sure she was standing out of arms reach in the door way. She clasped her mouth and began to cry.

Harry was speechless. He was completely taken aback by the situation. Suzy was still standing there when he rose to h