The Voices by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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The music was pumping a rhythmic vibe of Cuban beats inside Zigfrid von Underbellys. The swanky bar that fringed Hoxton Square, it was a meeting place for city workers and local gangsters out for a good time. AJ and Hobbs were suited and booted up to the nines although AJ had the lead in style terms over his older mentor.

Hobbs was in his element leering and harassing the posh tottie who knew they were onto a good thing for free drinks but had no intention of taking things further. He was getting knocked back a few times but his motto was always that if you knocked on 20 doors you’ll get one answer.

AJ was faring pretty well although he was wishing it was just him. He felt if he could get them on his own without his creepy friend hanging around then he might just seal the deal. Unfortunately for him it was Hobbs who had the money. He never shared it, he just rationed it; it was a power game and AJ was never to forget that.

Hobbs grabbed AJ around the shoulders which made him feel uncomfortable. It was clear Hobbs was way out of control.

Hobbs leaned into him, “Mate, this is fantastic. Look at us, were living the dream you and me. One of these posh birds is going to crack soon, they just need a bit more alcohol in 'em,” he said a little too loudly and downed his White Russian in a huge gulp.

AJ said nothing. He felt uneasy. He was talking to a girl called Lucy, who came from around Regents Park. She overhead Hobbs and shot him a look of disgust. AJ knew the game was up, he might as well waste his time with someone else.

“Here’s half a ton mate, get the drinks in, these birds will be gagging soon.”

AJ gave a painful half smile to Lucy and pushed his way to the bar.

About an hour later, after exhausting the female crowd, they spotted the two Charlie girls from the week before come waltzing in done up to the nines and looking fabulous. Both were blondes and pretty much identical to each other. Hobbs fancied the taller one; the girls were looking around surveying both the competition and the most likely suppliers tonight.

Hobbs and AJ were resting against the bar. They knew their luck was in if they could persuade these girls that they weren’t short of a bob or two tonight. Mel, one of the Charlies, clocked AJ standing there with his annoying friend. He looked different than the last time she saw him, he seemed to stink of money tonight. Maybe they had misjudged him. She leaned into her friends ear and whispered something which made Laura look over in his direction.

The girls smiled from across the room and came prancing over, hips swinging and breasts heaving.

Hobbs was thinking it couldn’t get any better than this. The job had paid off, the errand went well and they were looking at a possible payoff shortly. It didn’t matter if the money tonight got wasted; they were due a lot more very soon.

AJ quickly intervened before his mate could open his sad little mouth, “Evening ladies, I knew this classy establishment was a regular haunt for you. What can we get you?”

Hobbs was caught off guard, he was supposed to say that but then again, his little minion was allowed to speak if it meant they both prospered from it.

Mel thought the approach was too easy, “Thanks, I’ll have a Bloody Mary and my friend will have a Highball.”

Hobbs again sent his friend off to bar with some cash he pulled out of his wallet. The girls eyes bulged as they clocked the size of it, they were in for a wild night if they played their cards right.

“So ladies, do you remember us from the Bethnal about a week ago? I’m Hobbs and that’s AJ.”

Mel piped up, “Can’t quite remember, a week’s a long time in our social calendar, isn’t it Laura?” She prodded her friend who nodded with a giggle.

“Although you do look familiar, that suit of yours would have caught my eye,” she said with a wink.

“Stop playing games ladies, we’re unmistakable around these parts. The Bethnal’s the last place I would go wearing fancy clobber like this.”

Laura saw a gift horse for what it was. “Of course we do Hobbsy, you caught us on our day off but we’re up for it tonight. We love to party,” and with that the Charlie Girls laughed and whooped. It was plain as day to anyone else that these girls weren’t as posh as they made out … except to Hobbs at least.

The drinks started flowing and AJ had already dragged Laura, the shorter blonde, onto the dance floor. They were grinding it up to the samba beats but back at the bar, Hobbs was having worse luck with Mel. She looked bored and laughed only when she thought the punch lines had come to the worst jokes imaginable.

Hobbs, being ignorant of everything around him, thought he’d scored big time. He didn’t catch the beckoning look Mel gave to Laura on the dance floor that said, “Save me, please.” As her friend pulled AJ to come back over, Mel leaned into Hobbs and whispered, “Have you got any Charlie?”

Hobbs shook his head. If the night was going to finish on a high note, he would have to get some quick.

Mel grabbed her friend and announced, “Ladies Room.” They walked off swinging into the heaving crowd.

“Shit, AJ, we need to score some Charlie or were doomed.”

AJ was rubbing his hands, “I was having a great time with that Laura, she’s all tits and arse. It’s in the bag for me mate.”

“Shut it AJ, we’re a team. Go and scout around for a dealer, it’s not hard to find one in a place like this. Here’s 300 nicker, get us six wraps, we’ll snort two here and then get these birds into the nearest hotel for a right good shagging.” With that he sent AJ off to do the errand.

Mel and Laura were putting on lipstick and pushing up bras in the bathroom. They were giggling incessantly; they knew they were in for a good cheap night.

“Cost me nothing so far Mel, he’s a good dancer too. Shame he’s hanging around with that ape.”

“The things I do for you Laura. He’s the biggest bore that Hobbs, but I sent him off to score something for tonight. It’s got to be worthwhile for a reason.”

Mel continued, “They’re the same losers we bumped into last week, they looked rough back then. I wouldn’t have dreamed of wasting my time on them that night.”

Mel and Laura took turns on the men as it never followed that you had two good apples in a pair. As long as they had Charlie it didn’t matter, the party high had to go on.

They checked each other over and headed back out to the action. AJ meanwhile had managed to track a dealer down who wanted £50 a wrap but he got him down to £45 and pocketed the rest.

Hobbs announced a little bit too triumphantly, “Ladies, you’re in luck. I think we should head back our suite at the Crowne Plaza.” In reality he hadn’t even booked, he was hoping for the best, he had been lucky so far.

They walked into the street scene outside and hailed a cab. The Charlie birds got in first and Hobbs winked at AJ as they followed them in. Crime pays sometimes.


Harry had woken with a terrific headache. The pain was isolated to the left side of his head near his earlobe, a pulsating and nauseous feeling. He pressed the area and it felt extremely tender and it seemed to wipe away the happy feeling he had experienced the night before with Becky.

Suzy still hadn’t rung, he thought it was better he didn’t try and contact her. Jessica would probably pick up the phone and tell him to stop pestering and make him understand it was a delicate situation.

He still couldn’t understand the reaction she gave to his outburst as if he had always been like that; it was not as if she had tired of his condition over time.

His visit to Dr Hancox had gone better than expected, he had asked quite a few awkward questions at first such as the number of episodes, what was said, how long had he known about it etc.

Nick had finished off with a blood test, the results of which wouldn’t be known until sometime during the securities conference. He could wait, he was damn sure it wasn’t schizophrenia anyway.

What he felt relieved about, almost regardless of the thumping headache, was the lack of static around his phone and computer when he had logged on in the morning. Maybe he was on the mend after all and it was down to a stress disorder which could be fixed over time.

One thing he did notice at the clinic was Dr Hancox’s flirtatious nurse Trixie. He was sure something was going on; it was no business of his whether it was or not but the Doctor always had an eye for the women, he was a complete charmer.

Harry chuckled to himself as he walked again down Devonshire Place to be met by his new driver sitting patiently in the black Mercedes. His next stop was Canary Wharf … it was finally time to visit the family at the bank.

Rowlandson Banking was a top tier investment bank situated in Cabot Square opposite the beautiful fountain where financial workers would sit and chat during their lunch hour. Its impressive glass and brick frontage was a testament to the man who had built it up to the respected global giant it was today.

Styled on the American banks dotted around the area and with a relaxed working attitude that mirrored their ethic, his workers felt it easy to bring fresh ideas into play. It was not a bank that spread fear into its workforce through old concepts like Taylorism that measured output to the single minute, far from it.

Harry was proud of what he had achieved so far and as he stepped out of his executive limo, he looked up to take in the building in all its entirety. It had definitely been too long, he needed to get back into action even if he was to work limited hours. It would give his people a buzz to see him back at the helm.

The concierge welcomed him as he stepped through the revolving glass doors and passed through the security gates. It felt like a homecoming as people nodded, smiled and greeted him with friendly words.

He took the walnut paneled lift up to the 36th floor and was completely taken aback when Becky was there to greet him with a a large number of senior staff. The walls were plastered with 'Welcome Home Harry' slogans and balloons adorned every corner of every desk. He could see the social committee had been busy with drinks trays and food on hand with the black suited waiters milling around like a disturbed hive.

“It’s so nice to see you again Harry,” winked Becky. She hadn’t told anyone of his visit the night before in case they started gossiping. He understood the gesture and started shaking hands with everyone he met, it was quite overwhelming and felt very genuine to him. Warmth like this couldn’t be bought in a million years.

His headache remained but he was determined to enjoy the party and took a glass of champagne from the silver tray as a waiter closed in on him.

Bob Austin, the senior Sales Director, was the first to make a speech, a longtime friend and a funny one at that, “It gives me great pleasure, and I say this for all of us, that we are glad to have you back, Harry, even if it means I can’t clock off a few hours earlier anymore.” Everyone laughed, “But the most important thing is that you’re alive and well, although nowadays you look a bit more dug up than alive,” the laughter increased.


Harry’s wide eyes couldn’t hide the internal outburst and he dropped his glass onto the floor. Everyone gasped and assumed he was offended by Bob’s comments. Harry bent over to cough and splutter at the floor. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard and Becky ran over to him to help him back up.

“Harry, oh god Harry are you ok?” she said with a shriek.

He had to compose himself, think quickly Harry he thought. This was getting ridiculous, he stood up and looked around the room at the horrified expressions of his friends.

“Blimey, did someone drop an olive in this glass I nearly choked!” He retorted and let out a huge laugh. Everyone gratefully joined in as it was apparent he was not offended in the least; it was the same old Harry.

“Good speech Bob, if I’m the undead it means I’ll be the lifelong chairman from now on.” Daniel Camper, the resident head IT nerd, laughed louder than most … he was fond of zombies.

After much banter and drinking of fine champagne, the crowd began to disperse and get on with the orders of the day; Becky, being perpetually organised, came over to remind him of his strategy meeting in ten minutes time.

“Harry, you had me worried there. I thought you had suffered a heart attack or something horrible. I did ask them if they could leave the jollities till later on in the week as you are still resting; it must have been a shock when you stepped out of the lift.”

“That’s ok, I quite enjoyed it, where’s Jack? I didn’t see him in the crowd?”

“He said it was your day and you’re the big boss. He went off to play golf, you know he hates parties like this.” She said it to excuse him. She didn’t feel comfortable defending him but it was her job.

“That’s fine, he’s a good sort even if you find him creepy Becky.”

She looked surprised, “How do you know that? I never told you?” she demanded.

He laid a friendly hand on her arm to reassure her. “It’s obvious you don’t like him. Anyhow, I’m glad. I don’t like split loyalty, you might have defected.”

She smiled back, “Never Harry, you know that,” and placed her hand on top of his.

There was an air of anticipation before Becky broke the urgent news that he had to be in his strategy meeting in five minutes. She would be in attendance to take the notes.


Harry walked into the large glass fronted room to be greeted by ten senior executives from all branches of the bank. They had been in attendance at the homecoming so no formalities were required. The broadcast was sent live to other delegates across the globe and analysts were poised to make investment decisions based on Harry’s long term view.

Harry had no time to ponder on the latest outburst. He was glad he hadn’t spoken it like last time, at least he wasn’t having a nightmare like before. Again, he felt no connection to the voice, it was the strangest sensation. Maybe he could just block it out, pretend it didn’t exist for now.

He was hoping it wouldn’t return.

Becky sat in the corner admiring the man even more than before. It was not like her, she found it increasingly hard to concentrate.

Harry had been placed on her own personal pedestal but it seemed like he had taken a step down from it and greeted her in a more personal way. She couldn’t help how she felt about him; it gave her great comfort to know she was there to lend a hand at the moment and with Suzy away for a few days, at least she didn’t have to feel uncomfortable.

Suzy had a way of always arriving unannounced and making her feel useless. She was a stronger character than Becky, there was no doubt about that but what Suzy lacked, Becky had in abundance and that was what Suzy hated her for the most.

It was a genuine sense of selflessness and admiration that made Becky stand out; there was simply no motive for her actions aside from care.

Suzy had tried several times to get Harry to change his assistant. As wily as she was, she knew the reasons for Harry’s pursuit of her in the first place. Suzy was beautiful, there was no denying that, but she had her feminine wiles and she could smell competition a mile off. Some frumpy old assistant nearer retirement would have been a better pick for him.

Of course, much to her annoyance Harry was fond of Becky. He didn’t have any designs towards her at that point but lately he had sensed the genuineness that went beyond the job description. He had pondered a little on the probability it was just him feeling loneliness and longing for Suzy to return, but these things can grow and bloom and inevitably jump up and bite you at anytime.

“Becky, Becky are you ok?” Harry whispered as she sat there like a statue with a thousand yard stare across the room. She suddenly jerked upright, smiled and continued to scribble shorthand in her minute book.

Harry continued, “Of course Gentlemen, we all know that the current financial climate has put a severe strain on our ability to invest. The truth is that our lending criteria has been tightened to offer our services only to the highest S&P risk ratings, however…”

“ARE THEY LISTENING TO ME, I DON’T THINK THEY ARE,” came an annoying voice that interrupted Harry in mid flow. It sounded more rhythmically Punch and Judy than sinister. Fortunately for Harry, he was prepared to meet this one head on.

He cleared his throat and continued, “We are all aware that the industries long term view is that the current situation is easing somewhat and we equally expect to see the Rowlandson …”


Harry’s nerves were beginning to fray. The voices could have picked a better time to harangue him.

“Expect, erm, expect …” came his stumbling reply.


It was at him again, he couldn’t let it beat him

“Expect the Rowlandson Banking Group to lower their restrictions in the coming quarter in line with the positive view.”

Harry was relieved he managed to get it out. He walked over to sip from a tall glass of water. The resident executives were mildly uncomfortable. They knew his frail condition at the moment but their hopes were he would be able to spin a positive view on their future, enough for the floodgates of investors to open up and start trading again.

Becky was staring at Harry now and felt ill at ease that she couldn’t go over to him and comfort him. Whatever was troubling him, she hoped it would pass soon or the meeting would hurry up and finish soon.


Harry’s head felt like it was going to explode. The pain was increasing in his ear. He had noticed the loud interference the moment he passed the broad plastic conference. It was the same kind of sound you would get when a mobile came too close to a receiver on a desk phone.

He cleared his throat, “and now, without further ado, I would like to report on the groups Q3 figures …”


There was no avoiding the voice now. It was relentless and repetitive and it just kept on coming like a child who was screaming at his parent for the latest toy.

“FIGURES FIGURES FIGURES FIGURES …” The voice was getting increasingly angry and hysterical, it was no use, Harry finally snapped …

“For God’s Sake! Stop It, Stop It, I beg you!”

He collapsed into a heap on the floor and could hear distinct laughter trailing off to nothing, inside his head. The whole conference had just witnessed the strangest ending to a corporate speech; there were possibly hundreds of equally stunned attendees in the virtual world.

The executives started to shout and rise from their seats; Becky cried from the far corner and rushed over to help Harry who was still lying there on the floor.

“My God, somebody do something,” shouted an executive who was good at figures but useless at common sense.

Becky shouted, “Call an ambulance, it’s his condition, he is still in convalescence.”

An executive wrapped up the speech for the investors and apologised, citing a medical emergency then proceeded to report on the Q3 figures.

Harry lay there. He wasn’t delirious but he stared at the floor in disbelief. The voice in his head had continued but this time he heard the faint sound of laughter and then all was quiet.

Becky propped him up against the wall , “Harry, are you ok?” it was only a matter of minutes before the paramedics arrived to assess his situation. They had brought a stretcher with them and he was carefully lifted up onto the contraption and wheeled hurriedly out of the room, everyone in attendance was aghast at the situation.

The colourful sight of balloons and welcome signs whizzed past his peripheral vision together with concerned faces as he was wheeled into the lift.

Becky was crying and stroking his hand as the lift descending quickly to the ground floor. Security were waiting for him as he came out and motioned to release the glass gates and emergency door to let him through to the waiting ambulance.

Harry quickly came to his senses. He knew he was heading back to hospital for more checks; he wasn’t about to spend another blasted week in that place however nice the nurses were to him.

“Stop this bloody stretcher at once, I’m getting off!”

The paramedics, despite years of dealing with irate patients, slowed down. Harry was a strong character and his voice tended to demand attention.

“Harry, what are you doing, you need to go with them,” cried Becky

“You’ve got to be joking, there’s nothing wrong with me,” and with that he pushed himself off the stretcher.

The paramedics couldn’t really do anything, they weren’t about to restrain him.

A small crowd who had gathered inside the building suddenly started a rumbling of cheers which grew louder. Harry was their hero and he seemed for all intents and purposes, to have arisen from the dead once more.

Becky threw her arms around him and squeezed the life out of him. He carefully untangled her grip and smiled, walking back into the building.

He strode past the crowds amassing the hallways to see what was going on and back into the conference room. One of the executives was still pouring over the figures to the elected audience and was just about to end the call when Harry interrupted the conversation.

“This is Harry Rowlandson, I would like to apologise for the commotion earlier. We had a rather loud meeting going on next door, juniors enjoying a successful sales drive; I had to spoil their party much to my relief.”

It was like the same old decisive Harry that everyone knew and loved, he was back in his element. Becky stood there, overcome with emotion; her hand was clasped over her mouth.

“Anyhow, I hope you were happy with our results and can see a bright future ahead for Rowlandson Banking. I would like to thank you all for attending, good day.”

Harry felt a great deal of relief to have gotten back into the room; he was clapped as soon as he had passed control over to the mediator. “That was a thumping headache, I’m going to have to stop mixing tablets with alcohol,” he joked through a painful half smile.

He was not beaten yet.