The Voices by Allen Cooke - HTML preview

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Suzy was seated outside in her favourite shady spot amongst the large wooden oversized half casks that served as tables in the quaint Flag and Lamb’s courtyard just off Chislehurst High Street. To all intents and purposes it looked like she was offloading her troubles to her good friend, Jessica, who was listening intently and offering moral support in-between sobs and sips of Pinot Grigio.

“Jess, he was an absolute monster. I cannot tell you how petrified I was when he launched at me after saying those horrible cruel words. It was like he was a man possessed.” Suzy focused her attention on the table and let out a few sniffles.

Jess handed her a handkerchief which she greatly accepted and blew her nose.

“I mean, how can you go from being so calm and collected as he always seems to be and end up like a crazed lunatic?” She looked up at Jess with a desperate searching look on her face.

“I don’t know Suzy, I really don’t. What did he do then?”

“I don’t know, I ran out of the house and got the hell away from there as fast as I could! He tried phoning me a few times, I wouldn’t answer the damn thing and eventually he left a message.”

“Another message like the one he gave you in the house?”

“No, No, not like that. He said he would seek the help of Dr Hancox and I believe he’s there as we speak.” Suzy was visibly distraught.

“Suzy, you need another swift drink. Leave your car here and I’ll drive you home, I can come in with you if you like. A little bit of moral support.” With that Jess stood up and walked back in to the Bar.

Suzy’s bag started to vibrate and she quickly picked up the phone to find an unknown sender had left a message. She clicked onto her inbox and opened it, the strange message simply read:

“Timing is everything ;-)”.

Suzy smiled to herself and a nosey couple over the far side were surprised to see a sudden change in her demeanor and equally taken aback when she resumed her agony as she spotted Jessica coming back out with two large full glasses.

“Thanks Jess, I appreciate your help. We’ll finish these up and head back to mine, will you wait while I assess the situation with Harry?”

Jess placed a comforting hand on hers, “Of course, anything for you dear.”

Suzy began a forced smile, one of those kind of smiles that battles through an internal struggle and comes out reassured that everything will be ok.

They quickly drank up and headed out of the courtyard past the bemused couple who were still staring. Suzy noticed the look and grasped quickly the reasons for their manner. She shot a disgusted look back at them and they couldn’t help but turn away.

Harry had taken a taxi and headed back to the house in the hope Suzy had returned early after a conversation with the Doctor. The black cab pulled into the gravel drive and he felt a sense of unease when all he could see was his own car parked up with a blue cover emblazoned with the marque.

He got out and walked rather heavily towards the door and let himself in. Where could she be? If only she was there he could explain his meeting with Dr Hancox and the reassurance he had been given that it could well be the painful reminiscences of a violent attack. Surely Nick had mentioned it to her and given her the same reasoning, his friend wouldn’t let him down.

Harry was about to pour another scotch into the glass he had left earlier but decided against it. It wouldn’t help his case. These symptoms would surely pass in time, he just needed more rest.

He noticed the flashing red light on his answering machine and pressed the receive button. At least this contraption worked fine. It was Becky reminding him that it was his first day back at work tomorrow; everyone would be pleased to see him return. He had elected to serve a couple of days a week over there in order to get up to speed on the Banks readjustment to the effects of the crunch.

He would ring her back and let her know it would be a half day on account of Dr Hancox’s tests in the morning. It shouldn’t take long, at least to Suzy it would show her he meant to take direct action to solve this mini crisis. He was used to smoothing over financial problems, everything to him was wrinkles and creases. He felt more like a plasterer than a Banker.

The unmistakable sound of a car was heard coming slowly up the driveway. Almost cautiously, he looked out the arch window in the hall and saw to his relief that it was Suzy and Jessica too, she was a regular visitor.

He had a sudden feeling of dread that her friend had arrived to oversee her safety whilst Suzy was busy packing her stuff. He unclipped the door latch and peered through like a timid mouse.

“Hello Harry,” said Suzy with an emotional wavering tone. Harry couldn’t make out her stance; he hoped it wasn’t what he thought.

“I know Jessica has arrived for moral support, I hope after speaking to Dr Hancox you will see that it was all a symptom of the accident,” he blurted out a little too quickly.

“I just want to come in Harry, we need to talk. Jessica will stay for a while longer.”

“Ok Ok. Whatever you want” He stepped away from the door and headed into the living room.

There was a slight pause and in followed Suzy and Jess. They sat opposite Harry on the leather Chesterfield. He took up position in his favourite high backed armchair. Jessica didn’t take her eyes off him once, he felt most uncomfortable. He knew he was being studied and scrutinised.

Suzy broke the silence, “Harry, it has taken a lot of courage to return home, I couldn’t have done it without my good friend Jessica.” She held Jess’s hand for comfort as she continued.

“You simply must understand that there has been a distinct change in you Harry, you haven’t been the same since the accident.”

“But Suzy I must explain …”

She cut Harry off in an instant, “Let me continue please!”

There was an awkward pause whilst Suzy composed herself.

“Dr Hancox rang me after your appointment and said you need to take some medical tests tomorrow. I feel it’s a positive move to fully diagnose your condition and commence with treatment. You know what happened to Helen.”

Harry stared back at her in disbelief. How could one incident suddenly confirm a person’s worst nightmares?

Harry felt enough was a enough. “Now look here Suzy, I don’t know what Nick told you but he reassured me that it was possible I was suffering from the stress of the attack last month. They were nothing more than mental episodes and they would pass; I had his word on it!”

“So what about the tests Harry, did you volunteer to take them?”

“Standard medical procedure. I have nothing to worry about and besides, what makes me angry is your overreaction to an isolated episode earlier today, I was just coming out of a nightmare for god’s sake!”

He didn’t mention the incident with Becky but it made him a little bit unsure of his conviction.

Suzy started crying again and Harry caught Jessica’s gaze. It made him feel like a cruel heartless monster but he had to put his case forward, there was no way he was going to be labeled a schizophrenic.

He took a moment to change his stance, sympathy was needed now.

“I’m sorry for upsetting you Suzy, it must have been a very traumatic day for you. I want to reassure you that I will go and see Dr Hancox tomorrow and take the tests, even for posterity. At least after they return negative we can have closure on this.”

Suzy started to smile again, “I do hope so Harry, for our sake, but I have decided to stay at Jessica’s until the weekend,” she gripped Jessica’s hand for comfort. “Take the tests tomorrow and then call me when the results arrive, you do understand don’t you Harry?”

Harry couldn’t do anything but agree. He would rather have her here with him, he missed her when he was away on business but if it meant a conclusion would be drawn from it then so be it, it was only a couple of days.

“Ok Suzy, I understand. I wish it was otherwise but I’m completely confident in a negative result. I know how I feel inside and that’s all that matters.”

He got up and thanked Jessica for bringing her back. Suzy headed upstairs to pack a small travel case and Harry decided to sit back in the study and rest in his favourite chair.

His mind wandered back to Helen. He knew the symptoms, he had spent a long time talking to his sister, trying to reassure her. She seemed to have little control over her personality changes, she didn’t spout words of hate, she was just in a very dark place.

He knew she was plagued by demons and she would lock herself away for hours. He could do no more than comfort her but he knew that what he felt inside was perfectly normal, schizophrenia was a condition that was completely overwhelming. He felt no such feelings of hatred or delusions, he was just Harry, a little bit weaker than normal but he was on the mend.

Suzy came in and kissed Harry quickly on the cheek. It wasn’t the usual caring one, something more reserved for friends he felt but he had to let it go.

“Goodbye Harry, see you in a couple of days, get some rest.”

And with that she was gone. Harry just stared ahead, he felt abandoned and alone now. As with a lot of things, a mental condition, or the perception of one, usually meant people gave you a wide berth or made sure there was a line that couldn’t be crossed. They treated you with one eye on the exit just in case.

“This is completely ridiculous. I’ll take the tests but I’m heading straight into work afterwards to get some normality,” he thought to himself.


The barely audible white noise of paper shuffling, printing and hushed tones was heard in the corporate office of Rowlandson Banking. Occasionally someone would break out into laughter and heads would turn to see where the excitement was but it was short lived.

Becky was hunched over her computer racking up 'bums on seats time’ which was important when you were so career minded. Your soul was sold and you didn’t even know it.

She was annoyed at the new working regime. Jack had piled on so much work over the last couple of weeks she thought the prospect of a lazy weekend was just a distant memory.

Jack was not like Harry who seemed to know that workload had a finite limit and he never strayed over it. She was looking forward to Harry coming back tomorrow, he would sort everything out again.

It seemed like Jack was hell bent on making his mark on the world before he had to step down from his position. It was almost like he thought he was the Prince Regent.

A call came through to her office, it was Jack again for the umpteenth time.

“Becky, I hope I have been able to give you enough work to keep you going.” She gave a snort at the sheer face of the man. He never did like her, she knew that, she was too loyal to the King.

“Look, I hate to pile on the pressure Becky, but I can’t make the securities conference next Thursday. I have a series of meetings pushed back to that day with the lawyers at Laidlaw and Bryant.”

“Can I not reschedule that to another time Jack? The conference is Harry’s favourite hunting ground for new deals? Who will go in your place?”


Becky was stunned at his answer, he hadn’t even made it out of convalescence yet and he was already planning his rigorous exercise out in the yard.

“Jack, he simply won’t go for that! it’s too early. He's only meant to work a couple of days a week for the next few months and that’s a three day event. He’ll be exhausted.”

“Nonsense Becky,” Jack snapped back. “He’s as fit as a fiddle, you know he’s bored at home and I’m hoping for a quick return of the big man to the helm, it will be good for him.”

Becky raised an eyebrow. Jack had done more to cement his position near the top of the tree than he had done since he joined. It seemed to Becky that Jack wanted only to relish more time as acting head whilst Harry was away on other business, he was getting a taste for it.

She eventually relented, it was a no brainer, she would prefer the big man went along instead. At least it would save her the long, creepy evenings spent with Jack trying to impress her with his drive and energy and whatever plans he may have made being so far away from home.

“Ok Jack, you’re right. It would do him some good to get out of the house and focus his efforts on something he enjoys. I’ll give him a ring to confirm.”

“Good, good, thanks Becky.” The voice was a little too false and slimy for comfort. She pressed the receiver quickly and began to dial Harry. It was already 7pm, she wanted to get home and unravel the busy day but it would be nice to speak to him.

She called his home number but the phone rang over to voicemail. Maybe he was asleep? She didn’t want to wake him up but she dialed his mobile just in case he had popped out. It could wait until he returned tomorrow but ever the busy bee she liked to make sure all of her tasks were completed for the day.

A familiar voice answered. “Hello Becky, what the devil are you doing in the office so late? Go home for God’s sake!”

“Sorry Harry, I had meant to leave earlier but the work has been piling up. I would like a quiet weekend for a change.”

“Has Jack been working you to death?”

“Yes and no, it will be good to see you back here tomorrow, I know where I am with you,” she said with a sigh.

“Don’t worry Becky, things will be right as rain again very soon. I’m not at home at the moment, I decided to visit Helen’s grave and to collect my thoughts.”

“What’s troubling you Harry?” She could sense all was not right, she had spent far too much time with him not to second guess the subtle signs.

“Suzy has moved out until Monday when I hope she will return. I came here to try and fathom out a few things, all is not right Becky.”

She was surprised to hear that. Suzy should be at home taking care of him, it didn’t sound good.

“My God Harry, what’s up?”

Harry sighed, “She mistakenly thinks I have the same condition as Helen.”

It was like a bolt out of the blue for Becky. He just came out and said it. She gave a long pause before responding.

“How can that be? All you’ve been doing is resting, what the hell is she talking about? I don’t understand?”

“I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. I need to see Dr Hancox for some tests in the morning, keep this between you and me. I know I can trust you, I’ll be around lunchtime.”

Becky was tired but equally intrigued by what he said. She couldn’t wait till then. Harry sounded completely troubled, she had to help him regardless.

“Nonsense Harry, I’m leaving work now and I want you to get over to my apartment. I’m going to cook you something nice and we can talk about it,” she demanded.

Harry couldn’t really say no, it was the choice between an empty house or the comfort of a friend. He wasn’t too far away, it sounded like a good idea.

“I’ll bring some wine, I could do with a drink. Thank you Becky, I’ll see you within the hour.”

“Ok Harry, speak soon.”

Becky started gathering her things and tidying up her desk when a voice behind her broke the silence.

“So what’s wrong with poor old Harry?” It gave her a startle; she turned round to see Jack standing at the doorway.

“How long have you been standing there Jack?” she said with a feeling of annoyance.

He walked in looking like the cat that’d got the cream; he was so slick it turned her stomach, positively arrogant but she couldn’t really tell her temporary boss it was rude not to knock; she wasn’t in a position to do so.

“Oh I’ve been here all the time, I heard your conversation? What’s up with Harry?” he asked with his signature creepy stare.

“Nothing, he’s fine, just a little domestic. I invited him round to talk about his plans for the coming week.” She wasn’t very good at lying, especially when she was put under a microscope.

“Such a busy, busy bee Becky.” He reached over and attempted to touch her arm. She instinctively pulled away to create some distance between them.

Becky knew that he fancied her but she couldn’t for a million years think of any intimacy with him. He was cold and calculating like a snake, he gave her the jitters. Harry was an entirely different creature, warm, caring, full of humour. None of the traits Jack possessed or ever would for that matter.

She gave him disgusted look and walked out of the room.

Her called after her, “Give him my regards and to all of the other personalities too.” It sounded like he was chuckling to himself.

Becky froze on the spot and turned around to face him, what the hell did he mean by that she thought.

“What do you mean 'Other Personalities' Jack?” She was feeling quite angry now. He had invaded her space in so many ways.

He was always too quick for her, “Oh, just the people at the conference next Thursday. I have a lot of friends there. You know I’m away till next week, I had to remind you in case I forgot. So much to do, so little time”

“Okay.” She was confused now but it made little difference to her. She was glad to be out of there this evening; he was taking up too much of her time.

She could feel his gaze on the back of her as she left, as if he was studying her form. Bring on normality tomorrow; it had been too long without Harry.


Becky had stopped by the organic food shop to pick up some supplies for tonight’s meal. Harry was worth more than the conjuring up of a few hasty provisions this evening. She would cook him a lovely chicken breast stuffed with brie and a side order of herbed potatoes and chopped salad drizzled with olive oil.

It wasn’t everyday that he paid her a visit and hearing how distressed he sounded, he needed a little care and attention. She wondered what was in store for her when he did arrive.

She knew all about Helen’s condition but had not witnessed any peculiar behavior when speaking to him although she recalled the time when he said he had tripped over the other day. She didn’t really believe him when he casually brushed it off but the last remark by Jack as she left made her wonder if he knew something she didn’t.

How could he know? It was unlikely that Harry had confided firstly in him before speaking to her. Besides it would show signs of weakness in front of Jack so that had to be ruled out.

What of the visit to Helen’s grave? He was known to visit regularly, he didn’t have many older relatives left. His parents had died a few years back which must have made Helen’s death even harder to bear. At least her parents hadn’t known that, it would be tough on a parent to lose a child before they left this world which of course was the natural order.

She told herself to stop reading too much into things. Jack’s remarks could have been lost in translation, she was so stressed right now at work and she found it hard to relax.

She gave it no more thought, she just wanted to see Harry and cheer him up. He would be having a horrendous time as it was getting over the attack.

Harry had arrived before Becky at her apartment door. It was a new development built in mind for city workers over at Limehouse Basin, the views were nice over the water. It was a little bit pretentious but the developers had managed to persuade the original boat owners to stay through lower rent. They didn’t want the marina to fill up with expensive unused motor yachts; it would only resemble a floating car park in the end.

He waited around for a little while, she would be home soon but noticed an old, clapped out Saab come slowly creeping past him. Not the sort of car you would find in a place like this but all the same, he viewed it with curiosity. The two males inside looked a bit shady and almost familiar to him as they peered back through the side window, they reversed around and then seemed to race off out of the development but stopped a little short of the exit.

He couldn’t for the life of him figure out who they were. Maybe it was nothing, maybe he was getting paranoid after all. City workers were no saints and drugs were easily procured in places like this, they could have been doing the rounds.

“Hello Harry,” came a familiar voice. It was Becky with a big smile on her face. He hadn’t seen a smile like that for a while now. He was used to staring at the walls of his house, the garden outside or the fleeting times spent with Suzy which had become more a rarity these days.

“How nice to see you again Becky?,” He beamed back a smile and raised his arms for an embrace. Becky was about to plant a tender kiss on his cheek when something flashed. It felt like a camera had just gone off and Harry looked quickly around. It was odd and it had seemed to come from the direction of the grey Saab.

“I don’t know what they are playing at but I’m going to investigate!” Harry angrily shouted. Becky looked at him quizzically as he was walking off to challenge the occupants, it was certainly strange behavior.

The camera flashed again. There was no doubt It had come from the vehicle and he was about to grab open the rusty door and pull out the passenger when the car screeched off around the corner.

“What the?” was all he could say. Things were getting stranger by the minute, he shrugged before turning back towards Becky.

“I don’t know what went on there, that was most strange. Are you some sort of mini-celebrity Becky?, There’s a lot of them about nowadays” he smiled.

“Must be Harry, We do get some funny characters around here sometimes.” She took a pause of breath and sighed. “Anyhow, come in, let’s eat and you can tell me all about it, you look awful.”

“Thanks Becky, you always had a way with words.”

“Jesus Christ that was close you Muppet. I’m sure he recognised us!” said AJ.

Hobbs looked over at his younger accomplice. “Shut it, that was funny, He never would have cottoned on it was us, different motor mate. Besides, this flash dazzled him, they don’t make cameras like these Zeniths anymore!”

“Yeah, you’re right. Nice flash, it’s so big, it probably charges on a car battery.”

“Lovely, 25 years on and it still works perfectly, not like your new fangled crap.”

AJ rolled his eyes, there was no point arguing the toss with this man.

The Saab carried on its journey down towards Poplar. The light was fading and they had one more errand to make before they hit the bars in Hoxton Square. They still had the pay from the meet although some had gone on gear but Hobbs was determined to make an impression with the ladies tonight.


Harry followed Becky up the fresh carpeted stairs to her apartment. He had been here before as a guest to her flat warming party. She hadn’t expected him to arrive back then but it had made the evening quite a lively one.

Suzy had declined the invitation and insisted that he didn’t stay too long, jokingly remarking that he was getting too old to hang out with younger, prettier girls anymore and to make sure he didn’t overstay his welcome.

Becky fumbled around in her bag for the keys but couldn’t find them. She thought it strange, people had a habit of always following the same routines every day, keys, purses and other everyday items had their place. “I’m sure I dropped them in here when I left this morning, how bizarre?” She quickly checked her coat pocket and found to her surprise they were sitting in there.

“Odd! Well at least I found them, I didn’t fancy eating raw chicken outside in the landing tonight.”

Harry smiled and followed her in. It was a nice flat, quite tastefully decorated; the hallway was painted cream with a couple of framed prints depicting stripes, quite modern pieces which Harry never quite got the idea of.

The kitchen was a gray colour which complimented the black cupboard doors and glittery tiles. Becky had a fondness for purples and reds and it was apparent to Harry at least that she had gothic tendencies; the original designer’s neutral colours were being beaten back slowly.

Becky noticed that all was not quite right with the apartment. “I could have sworn I turned off the kitchen light before I left this morning, I never forget.” She quickly moved to the bedroom where her jewellery was kept.

“Are you okay Becky? Anything up?” He shouted.

“No, nothing, I’ll be out in a minute, grab yourself a chair,” she called back.

Harry started to uncork the wine, he had decided on a nice Australian Chardonnay. It wasn’t the most expensive one or even his favourite but his days of decadence moving up the ranks had ended. Wine was all well and good but the company was more important.

Becky returned to the kitchen with a perplexed look on her face. “I must be going mad, I could have sworn I had put my photo albums away. I was having a tidy up last night and they were back out again, even my drawers aren’t quite level!”

“Has anything been taken?” Harry asked in a concerned tone.

“No, forget it Harry. I’ve been so stressed of late I must be going bonkers. It would be the least successful break-in if it had happened.” She laughed it off and went back to preparing the dinner.

“Thank you for inviting me round, I’ll make sure I’m not a complete bore this evening. I don’t want to burden you too much with my problems. Tonight’s for socializing and enjoying good company.”

Becky got down to chopping onions, she smiled back at him, “It’s quite alright Harry, I enjoy having you visit. It’s a rarity.”

“I only wish I could come more often but Suzy has you in her sights. I think she might be jealous of your looks.”

Becky laughed, she liked that compliment but she wasn’t going to show it. “Ha, Suzy is so beautiful; you are a very lucky man to have her.”

“I know, she is wonderful, we do make the perfect couple.” He thought it was appropriate to backtrack a little.

The last remark made her slam the knife down a little too hard on the chopping board but she quickly composed herself and changed the subject.

“So, Harry, I can’t wait for the dinner to cook but before it does you can tell me what has been happening to you these last couple of days.”

He took a long gulp of wine while he thought about the best way to approach the subject without her thinking he was an escaped lunatic.

“Your right, probably best I tell you now. I don’t want to ruin your dinner. Take a sip of your wine, its good.”

She consented and he began to tell her the events of the last few days; the static from the electrical equipment, the nightmare he had woken up to, the voices and his shouting at Suzy, the way he really felt.

He told her of the meeting with Dr Hancox and his reassurance everything was fine and the over reaction of Suzy to the events when she did eventually return.

Becky listened in wonder. She didn’t feel uncomfortable around him while he spoke, she had spent far too much time with him but she did think back to Jack’s remark.

“Harry, I do believe you, it does sound as if you are suffering some sort kind of trauma, much like those poor soldiers on the front line. I really cannot understand Suzy’s reaction to all of this, surely she can see it for what it is. Dr Hancox must have reassured her about that?”

Harry felt like a huge burden had been lifted off his shoulders but he was still troubled by the very first incident. He wondered if it was a good time to tell her about voices he had heard on the phone call to her yesterday.

He shrugged the idea off, maybe it could wait, one lunatic episode is more than enough. He decided instead to tell her about the reasoning behind visiting his sister’s grave.

“I went to see Helen today. I felt the need to tell her that I wasn’t suffering like she had done, I know the symptoms, and on the two occasions I have never felt anything like she felt.”

Becky froze, he had only told her about the episode with Suzy.

He suddenly realised his mistake, it had just come out, he had to be truthful.

“Look Becky, about our phone conversation when I said I had taken a fall, well it wasn’t quite like that. I had stumbled back after hearing the voices for the first time.”

Becky paused a little before responding, “I won’t say that your scaring me Harry but I need you to tell me everything.” She continued to work on the food preparation, it was probably easier that way.

Harry pleaded to her, “Becky, look at me please.”

She found it hard to turn around, she had wanted the complete truth and it was most unlike Harry to withhold anything.

Her gaze met his but instead of expecting to see a pair of tormented eyes peering back at her she saw bewilderment and for the first time, Harry looked scared.

He had grabbed her attention; he needed to say what he had to say when his eyes would carry the meaning a lot further than mere words.

Harry continued, “Helen was plagued by demons, real or imagined, she was tormented beyond belief. I had seen the possession of her and met a good many characters within her who were trying to come out and I know, I really know, that what she was feeling is in no way close to what I have