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Pumpkin roll Serves:1,1,1,1 Prep Time:30 minutes Effort:Average

3 eggs 2 packets sweetnlow 2/3 cup pumpkin
1/2 t. ginger 1T. cinnamon 1T. baking powder
1T. baking sodaFilling: 4 oz. cream cheese 2T. butter
2 packets sweetnlow 1t. vanilla 1T. heavy cream

How to Prepare:
Bake for 15 minutes at 350.
Beat eggs for 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and mix. Spread onto a well greased sided cookie sheet. The layer of batter will be very thin. Remove and let cool. Turn out on a couple of papertowels doubled. (I used an egg turner to loosen from the pan)Roll up in the papertowels. Lay aside.

Beat cream cheese and butter until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and beat until blended.

Unroll the log and spread on the filling. Roll back up without the papertowels. Refrigerate for at least a half an hour. Start at the end and cut into app. 1/2 " sections as much as you want at that particular time. Will look like a pinwheel.

Vary by adding adding pecans. (sprinkle over batter before baking).