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low carb meatloaf Serves:9

CarbsPerServing:5 to 10 approximate Prep Time:10 min Effort:Easy
2 lbs hamb. 3 slices boiled ham lunch meat or ham 1 can mushroom 1 pkg onion soup and mushroom 1 can green beans mozzerela cheese parmessan cheese 1 egg

How to Prepare:
I take my hamb and put the one egg in and half an envelope of lipton onion, musroom soup. Add a little cream if need more moisture. but may not need to.. Add can of drained mushrooms to hamb mix. and you can put a tad of chopped onion in to if you want. spread half hamb in square casserole dish.. then put mozzerela cheese on top.. then place ham or ham slices on top of this. then spread green beans over top of that. Then put rest of hamb on top and top this with parmessan fresh cheese or you can use mozzerela.. Place in oven for 45 min to one hour at 350.
I tryed this new recipe out on a potluck and they ate it all.. ( and none were low carb eaters LOL)