100s Vegetarian Recipes by Dr. Allinson - HTML preview

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The Perfect Bread and the Perfect Food is the best description of Allinson Wholemeal Bread, which combines the maximum of nutriment at a minimum cost. Other essentials of perfection are amply proved by the following facts:—

Palatability. Allinson Bread retains to the full the delicious flavour of fresh-gleaned wheat.


Nourishment. Containing the whole of the grain, it consistently affords that 100% of Brain, Bone and Muscle building qualities provided by unadulterated wheat.


—Which wheat is so scientifically cleaned and ground by a patented stone mill process that Allinson Bread is perfectly digestible under all conditions.

Economy. In view of recent advice tendered by the Government on food economy, the Fact that a 2 lb. (approx.) Allinson loaf contains as much real nutriment as a pound of beef (costing nearly three times as much) is a point of economy that none can afford to overlook.

Apart from the questions of economy and nourishment, Allinson Wholemeal Bread is undoubtedly the ideal diet when eaten with fresh fruit or salads.


In Addition, Allinson Bread is unique as the health-maintaining diet because it retains those essentials of the wheat expressly designed by Nature as a Natural and all sufficient corrective.


Free Sample 2 lb. Loaf.

Send 4d. stamps (to pay carriage) for free 2 lb. sample loaf and N.F. Biscuits, together with free illustrated booklet on "Bread and Health," name and address of nearest Allinson Baker, and particulars of monthly prize distribution of 23 cash prizes and 100 Bread Trenchers and Knives. For 1/2 a 3-1/2 lb. trial bag of Allinson Wholemeal will be sent in addition to above. Allinson Wholemeal Flour is packed in 3-1/2 lb., 7 lb., and 14 lb. bags, containing useful recipes for making all kinds of fancy cakes, pastries, and bread.

THE NATURAL CO., LTD. 210 Cambridge Road,
