100s Vegetarian Recipes by Dr. Allinson - HTML preview

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Wholemeal ..FLOUR..

Allinson Gold Medal Wholemeal Flour has been rightly termed the "Flour of Health." The importance of pure unadulterated flour for domestic cookery cannot be exaggerated, and of the purity and nutritive quality of Allinson there is no question.

It contains the full 100% nourishment of unadulterated wheat in a form so perfectly digestible that it is the ideal flour for all possible Baking purposes. Many people who wisely use Wholemeal Flour for baking bread fail to realize that it can be used with equal success when making puddings, cakes, and pastry, giving to each extra nourishment and retaining all the delicious flavour of fresh-gleaned wheat.

£20 Monthly Prize Scheme.

The Proprietors of Allinson Gold Medal Wholemeal Flour, realizing the immense value of genuine wholemeal as an economic and nourishing factor of our national diet, have arranged a series of monthly competitions for "Allinson" Housewives in order to stimulate a wider and more general use of Wholemeal Flour in the making of Pastry, Cakes, Puddings, and home-made Bread.

Each month ladies will be invited to compete in making one or other of the delicious recipes found in the Handy recipe book enclosed with each bag of Allinson Flour. There will be no entrance fee, and cash prizes to the value of £20 will be awarded in each competition for the best "dainties" sent in according to the decision of our cookery expert whose award must be accepted as final.

1st Prize will be £5 in Cash.
2nd " " £2 "
3 of 20/- will be £3 in Cash.
10 " 10/- " £5 "
20 of 5/- will be £5 in War Loan Vouchers.


Each cake must be made in strict accordance with the directions given as to the quantities of the ingredients. Allinson Wholemeal Flour alone must be used.

Pack the cake carefully and forward it, together with your name and address, in time to reach us by the time indicated on the particulars enclosed with each bag flour.

This competition will run until further notice.


Sold only in sealed bags 3-1/2 lbs., 7 lbs., 14 lbs. of all Health Food Stores, Grocers, Bakers, etc. Sole Proprietors:


THE NATURAL CO., LTD. 210 Cambridge Road,