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Needing Vs. Wanting

There is a big difference between “needing” something and “wanting” something. We may want the newest gadget because we think it will make our lives easier. However, we probably do not need it. Learning the difference between the two is an important concept that will help save money in the kitchen.

What do you need?

The items that you need will depend on the how often you cook and the type of cooking that you do. If you cook a lot of Asian foods, for example, then you will need a wok to help you prepare them as authentically as possible. However, a wok is an unnecessary item in a kitchen where Asian foods are only prepared occasionally. In this case, a regular frying pan or sauté pan can be used as a substitute.

Think seriously about the following questions:

img6.png How often do you cook?

img6.png What kind of cooking do you do?

img6.png What do you already have?

The answers will help you determine what you actually need and will help you save money.

What do you want?

When it comes to kitchen equipment, it is easy to mistake your “wants” for your “needs”. You do not necessarily need the latest cooking gadget. However, there is nothing wrong with splurging and buying something fun for the kitchen that may not be a necessity, such as a stove top espresso maker or an ice cream machine.

If your number one goal, however, is to save money, you should not give into these urges. You can still have a well equipped kitchen. There just will not be any unnecessary items.

However, you have to decide if buying the gadget will help you save money in the long run. For example, if you are going out for ice cream constantly, a home ice cream maker will help you save money because you will not be going out for ice cream as often.