Delicious Italian Dishes by Mrs. W. G. Water - HTML preview

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Italian Minestre

Minestra is a thick broth, very much like hotch-potch, only

thicker. In Italy it is often served at the beginning of dinner

instead of soup; it also makes an excellent lunch dish. Two or

three tablespoonsful of No. 35 will be found a great improvement to

any of these minestre.

No. 1. A Condiment for Seasoning Minestre, &c.

Ingredients: Onions, celery, carrots, butter, salt, stock,

tomatoes, mushrooms.

Cut up an onion, a stick of celery, and a carrot; fry them in

butter and salt; add a few bits of cooked ham and veal cut up, two

mushrooms, and the pulp of a tomato. Cook for a quarter of an

hour, and add a little stock occasionally to keep it moist. Pass

through a sieve, and use for seasoning minestre, macaroni, rice,

&c. It should be added when the dish is nearly cooked.

No. 2. Minestra alla Casalinga

Ingredients: Rice, butter, stock, vegetables.

All sorts of vegetables will serve for this dish. Blanch them in

boiling salted water, then drain and fry them in butter. Add

plenty of good stock, and put them on a slow fire. Boil four

ounces of rice in stock, and when it is well done add the stock

with the vegetables. Season with two or three spoonsful of No. 35,

and serve with grated cheese handed separately.

No. 3. Minestra of Rice and Turnips

Ingredients: Rice, turnips, butter, gravy, tomatoes.

Cut three or four young turnips into slices and put them on a dish,

strew a little salt over them, cover them with another dish, and

let them stand for about two hours until the water has run out of

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Delicious Italian dishes

them. Then drain the slices, put them in a frying-pan and fry them

slightly in butter. Add some good gravy and mashed-up tomatoes,

and after having cooked this for a few minutes pour it into good

boiling stock. Add three ounces of well-washed rice, and boil for


Minestra loses its flavour if it is boiled too long. In Lombardy,

however, rice, macaroni, &c., are rarely boiled enough for English


No. 4. Minestra alla Capucina

Ingredients: Rice, anchovies, butter, stock, and onions.

Scale an anchovy, pound it, and fry it in butter together with a

small onion cut across, and four ounces of boiled rice. Add a

little salt, and when the rice is a golden brown, take out the

onion and gradually add some good stock until the dish is of the

consistency of rice pudding.

No. 5. Minestra of Semolina

Ingredients: Stock, semolina, Parmesan.

Put as much stock as you require into a saucepan, and when it

begins to boil add semolina very gradually, and stir to keep it

from getting lumpy Cook it until the semolina is soft, and serve

with grated Parmesan handed separately. To one quart of soup use

three ounces of semolina.

No. 6. Minestrone alla Milanese

Ingredients: Rice or macaroni, ham, bacon, stock, all sorts of


Minestrone is a favourite dish in Lombardy when vegetables are

plentiful. Boil all sorts of vegetables in stock, and add bits of

bacon, ham, onions braized in butter, chopped parsley, a clove of

garlic with two cuts, and rice or macaroni. Put in those

vegetables first which require most cooking, and do not make the

broth too thin. Leave the garlic in for a quarter of an hour only.

No. 7. Minestra of Rice and Cabbage

Ingredients: Rice, cabbage, stock, ham, tomato sauce.

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Cut off the stalk and all the hard outside leaves of a cabbage,

wash it and cut it up, but not too small, then drain and cook it in

good stock and add two ounces of boiled rice. This minestre is

improved by adding a little chopped ham and a few spoonsful of

tomato sauce.

No. 8. Minestra of Rice and Celery

Ingredients: Celery, rice, stock.

Cut up a head of celery and remove all the green parts, then boil

it in good stock and add two ounces of rice, and boil till it is

well cooked.

No. 9. Anguilla alla Milanese (Eels).

Ingredients: Eels, butter, flour, stock, bay leaves, salt, pepper,

Chablis, a macedoine of vegetables.

Cut up a big eel and fry it in two ounces of butter, and when it is

a good colour add a tablespoonful of flour, about half a pint of

stock, a glass of Chablis, a bay leaf, pepper, and salt, and boil

till it is well cooked. In the meantime boil separately all sorts

of vegetables, such as carrots, cauliflower, celery, beans,

tomatoes, &c. Take out the pieces of eel, but keep them hot,

whilst you pass the liquor which forms the sauce through a sieve

and add the vegetables to this. Let them boil a little longer and

arrange them in a dish; place the pieces of eel on them and cover

with the sauce. It is most important that the eels should be

served very hot.

Any sort of fish will do as well for this dish.

No. 10. Filletti di Pesce alla Villeroy (Fillets of Fish)

Ingredients: Fish, flour, butter, Villeroy.

Any sort of fish will do, turbot, sole, trout, &c. Cut it into

fillets, flour them over and cook them in butter in a covered

stewpan; then make a Villeroy, dip the fillets into it and

fry them in clarified butter.

No. 11. Astachi all'Italiana (Lobster)

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Ingredients: Lobsters, Velute sauce, Marsala, butter, forcemeat of

fish, olives, anchovy butter, button mushrooms, truffles, lemon,

crayfish, Italian sauce.

Two boiled lobsters are necessary. Cut all the flesh of one of the

lobsters into fillets and put them into a saucepan with half a cup

of Velute sauce and half a glass of Marsala, and boil for a

few minutes. Put a crouton of fried bread on an oval dish and

cover it with a forcemeat of fish, and on this place the whole

lobster, cover it with buttered paper, and put it in a moderate

oven just long enough to cook the forcemeat. Then make some

quenelles of anchovy butter, olives, and button mushrooms, mix them

with Italian sauce, and garnish the dish with them, and

round the crouton arrange the fillets of lobster with a garnish of

slices of truffle. Add a dessert-spoonful of crayfish butter and a

good squeeze of lemon juice to the sauce, and serve.

No. 12. Baccala alla Giardiniera (Cod)

Ingredients: Cod or hake, carrots, turnips, butter, herbs.

Boil a piece of cod or hake and break it up into flakes, then cut

up two carrots and a turnip; boil them gently, and when they are

half boiled drain and put them into a stewpan with an ounce of

butter, half a teacup of boiling water, salt, and herbs. When they

are well cooked add the fish and serve. Fillets of lemon soles may

also be cooked this way.

No. 13. Triglie alla Marinara (Mullet)

Ingredients: Mullet, salt, pepper, onions, parsley, oil, water.

Cut a mullet into pieces and put it into a stewpan (with the lid

on), with salt, pepper, a cut-up onion, some chopped parsley, half

a wineglass of the finest olive oil and half a pint of water, and

in this cook the fish gently. Arrange the fillets on a dish, pour

a little of the broth over them, and add the onion and parsley.

Instead of mullet you can use cod, hake, whiting, lemon sole, &c.

No. 14. Mullet alla Tolosa

Ingredients: Mullet, butter, salt, onions, parsley, almonds,

anchovies, button mushrooms, tomatoes.

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Cut off the fins and gills of a mullet, put it in a fireproof dish

with two ounces of butter and salt. Cut up a small bit of onion, a

sprig of parsley, a few blanched almonds, one anchovy, and a few

button mushrooms, previously softened in hot water, and put them

over the fish and bake for twenty minutes Then add two

tablespoonsful of tomato sauce or puree, and when cooked serve. If

you like, use sole instead of mullet.

No. 15. Mullet alla Triestina

Ingredients: Mullet (or sole or turbot), butter, salt half a

lemon, Chablis.

Put the fish in a fireproof dish with one and a half ounces of

butter, salt, a squeeze of lemon juice, and half a glass of

Chablis. Put it on a very, slow fire and turn the fish when

necessary. When it is cooked serve in the dish.

No. 16. Whiting alla Genovese

Ingredients: Whiting, butter, pepper, salt, bay leaf claret,

parsley, onions, garlic capers, vinegar, Espagnole sauce,

mushrooms, anchovies.

Put one or two whiting into a stewpan with two ounces of butter,

salt, pepper, two bay leaves, and a glass of claret or Burgundy;

cook on a hot fire and turn the fish when necessary. Have ready

beforehand a remoulade sauce made in the following manner: Put in

a saucepan 1 1/2 ounces of butter, half a teaspoonful of chopped

parsley, half an onion, a clove of garlic (with one cut), four

capers, one anchovy, all chopped up except the garlic. Then add

three tablespoonsful of vinegar and reduce the sauce. Add two

glasses of Espagnole sauce and a little good stock; boil it

all up (take out the garlic and bay leaves) and pass through a

sieve, then pour it over the whiting. Boil it all again for a few

minutes, and before serving garnish with a few button mushrooms

cooked separately. The remoulade sauce will be much better if made

some hours beforehand.

No. 17. Merluzzo in Bianco (Cod)

Ingredients: Cod or whiting, salt, onions, parsley, cloves,

turnips, marjoram, chervil, milk.

Boil gently in a big cupful of salted water two onions, one turnip,

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a pinch of chopped parsley, chervil, and marjoram and four cloves.

After half an hour pass this through a sieve (but first take out

the cloves), and add an equal quantity of milk and a little cream,

and in this cook the fish and serve with the sauce over it.

No. 18. Merluzzo in Salamoia (Cod)

Ingredients: Cod, hake, whiting or red mullet, onions, parsley,

mint, marjoram, turnips, mushrooms, chervil, cloves, salt, milk,

cream, eggs.

Put a salt-spoonful of salt, two onions, a little parsley,

marjoram, mint, chervil, a turnip, a mushroom, and the heads of two

cloves into a stewpan and simmer in a cupful of milk for half an

hour, then let all the ingredients settle at the bottom, and pass

the broth through a hair sieve, and add to it an equal quantity of

milk or cream, and in it cook your fish on a slow fire. When the

fish is quite cooked, pour off the sauce, but leave a little on the

fish to keep it warm; reduce the rest in a bain-marie; stir all

the time, so that the milk may not curdle. Thicken the sauce with

the yolk of an egg, and when about to serve pour it over the fish.

No. 19. Baccala in Istufato (Haddock)

Ingredients: Haddock or lemon sole, carrots, anchovies, lemon,

pepper, butter, onions, flour, white wine, stock.

Stuff a haddock (or filleted lemon sole) with some slices of carrot

which have been masked with a paste made of pounded anchovies, very

little chopped lemon peel, salt and pepper. Then fry an onion with

two cuts across it in butter. Take out the onion as soon as it has

become a golden colour, flour the fish and put it in the butter,

and when it has been well fried on both sides pour a glass of

Marsala over it, and when it is all absorbed add a cup of fowl or

veal stock and let it simmer for half an hour, then skim and reduce

the sauce, pour it over the fish and serve.

No. 20. Naselli con Piselli (Whiting)

Ingredients: Whiting, onions, parsley, peas, tomatoes, butter,

Parmesan, Bechamel sauce.

Cut a big whiting into two or three pieces and fry them slightly in

butter, add a small bit of onion, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley

and fry for a few minutes more. Then add some peas which have been

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cooked in salted water, three tablespoonsful of Bechamel sauce,

and three of tomato puree, and cook all together on a moderate


No. 21. Ostriche alla Livornese (Oysters)

Ingredients: Oysters, parsley, shallot, anchovies, fennel pepper,

bread crumbs, cream, lemon.

Detach the oysters from their shells and put then into china shells

with their own liquor. Have ready a dessert-spoonful of parsley,

shallot, anchovy and very little fennel, add a tablespoonful of

bread crumbs and a little pepper, and mix the whole with a little

cream. Put some of this mixture on each oyster, and then bake them

in a moderate fire for a quarter of an hour. At the last minute

add a squeeze of lemon juice to each oyster and serve on a folded


No. 22. Ostriche alla Napolitana (Oysters)

Ingredients: Oysters, parsley, celery, thyme, pepper, garlic, oil,


Prepare the oysters as above, but rub each shell with a little

garlic. Put on each oyster a mixture made of chopped parsley, a

little thyme, pepper, and bread crumbs. Then pour a few drops of

oil on each shell, put them on the gridiron on an open fire, grill

for a few minutes, and add a little lemon juice before serving.

No. 23. Ostriche alla Veneziana (Oysters)

Ingredients: Oysters, butter, shallots, truffles, lemon juice,

forcemeat of fish.

Take several oysters out of their shells and cook them in butter, a

little chopped shallot, and their own liquor, add a little lemon

juice and then put in each of the deeper shells a layer of

forcemeat made of fish and chopped truffles, then an oyster or two,

and over this again another layer of the forcemeat, cover up with

the top shell and put them in a fish kettle and steam them. Then

remove the top shell and arrange the shells with the oysters on a

napkin and serve.

No. 24. Pesci diversi alla Casalinga (Fish)

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Delicious Italian dishes

Ingredients: Any sort of fish, celery, parsley, carrots, garlic,

onion, anchovies, almonds, capers, mushrooms, butter, salt, pepper,

flour, tomatoes.

Chop up a stick of celery, a sprig of parsley, a carrot, an onion.

Pound up an anchovy in brine (well cleaned, boned, and scaled),

four shredded almonds, three capers and two mushrooms. Put all

this into a saucepan with one ounce of butter, salt and pepper, and

fry for a few minutes, then add a few spoonsful of hot water and a

tablespoonful of flour and boil gently for ten minutes, put in the

fish and cook it until it is done. If you like, you may add a

little tomato sauce.

No. 25. Pesce alla Genovese (Sole or Turbot)

Ingredients: Fish (sole, mullet, or turbot), butter, salt, onion,

garlic, carrots, celery, parsley, nutmeg, pepper, spice, mushrooms,

tomatoes, flour, anchovies.

Fry an onion slightly in one and a half ounces of butter, add a

small cut-up carrot, half a stick of celery, a sprig of parsley,

and a salt anchovy (scaled), which will dissolve in the butter.

Into this put the fish cut up in pieces, a pinch of spice and

pepper, and let it simmer for a few minutes, then add two cut-up

mushrooms, a tomato mashed up, and a little flour. Mix all

together, and cook for twenty minutes.

No. 26. Sogliole in Zimino (Sole)

Ingredients: Sole, onion, beetroot, butter, celery, tomato sauce

or white wine.

Cut up a small onion and fry it slightly in one ounce of butter,

then add some slices of beetroot (well-washed and drained), and a

little celery cut up; to this add fillets of sole or haddock, salt

and pepper. Boil on a moderate on the fish kettle. When the

beetroot is nearly cooked add two tablespoonsful of tomato puree

and boil till all is well cooked. Instead of the tomato you may

use half a glass of Chablis.

No. 27. Sogliole al tegame (Sole)

Ingredients: Sole (or mullet), butter, anchovies, parsley, garlic,

capers, eggs.

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Put an ounce of butter and an anchovy in a saucepan together with a

sole or mullet. Fry lightly for a few minutes, then strew a little

pepper and chopped parsley over it, put in a clove of garlic with

one cut, and cook for half an hour, but turn the fish over when one

side is sufficiently done. A few minutes before taking it off the

fire add three capers and stir in the yolk of an egg at the last

minute. Do not leave the garlic in more than five minutes.

No. 28. Sogliole alla Livornese (Sole)

Ingredients: Sole, butter, garlic, pepper, salt, tomatoes, fennel.

Fillet a sole and put it in a saute-pan with one and a half ounces

of butter and a clove of garlic with one cut in it, then sprinkle

over it a little chopped fennel, salt and pepper, and let it cook

for a few minutes. Turn over the fillets w hen they are

sufficiently cooked on one side, take out the garlic and cover the

fish with a puree of tomatoes at the last.

No. 29. Sogliole alla Veneziana (Sole)

Ingredients: Sole, anchovies, butter, bacon, onion, stock,

Chablis, salt, nutmeg, parsley, Spanish olives, one bay leaf.

Fillet a sole and interlard each piece with a bit of anchovy. Tie

up the fillets and put them in a saute-pan with two ounces of

butter, a slice of bacon or ham, and a few small slices of onion.

Cover half over with good stock and a glass of Chablis, and add

salt, a pinch of nutmeg, a bunch of parsley, and a bay leaf. Cover

with buttered paper, and cook on a slow fire for about an hour.

Drain the fish, pass the liquor through a sieve, reduce it to the

consistency of a thick sauce, and pour it over the fish. Garnish

each fillet with a Spanish olive stuffed with anchovy.

No. 30. Sogliole alla Parmigiana (Sole).*

Ingredients: Sole, Parmesan, butter, cream, cayenne.

Fillet a sole and wipe each piece with a clean cloth, then place

them in a fireproof dish, and put a small piece of butter on each

fillet. Then make a good white sauce, and mix it with two

tablespoonsful of grated Parmesan and half a gill of cream. Cover

the fish well with the sauce, and bake in a moderate oven for

twenty minutes.

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*Lemon soles may be used in any of the above-named dishes.

No. 31. Salmone alla Genovese (Salmon)

Ingredients: Salmon, Genoese sauce, butter, lemon.

Boil a bit of salmon, drain it, take off the skin, and mask it with

a Genoese sauce, to which add a spoonful of the water in which the

salmon has been boiled, and at the last add a pat of fresh butter

and a squeeze of lemon juice.

No. 32. Salmone alla Perigo (Salmon)

Ingredients: Salmon, forcemeat of fish, truffles, butter, Madeira,

croutons of bread, crayfish tails, anchovy butter.

Cut a bit of salmon into well shaped fillets, and marinate them in

lemon juice and a bunch of herbs for two hours, wipe them, put a

layer of forcemeat of fish over each, and decorate them with slices

of truffle. When put them into a well-buttered saute-pan with half

a cup of stock and a glass of Madeira or Marsala, cover with

buttered paper, and put them into a moderate oven for twenty

minutes. Arrange the fillets in a circle on croutons of bread,

garnish the centre with crayfish tails and with truffles cut into

dice, a quarter of a pint of Velute sauce, and half a

teaspoonful of anchovy butter. Glaze the fillets and se