Delicious Italian Dishes by Mrs. W. G. Water - HTML preview

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Decorate the top with bits of red tongue and truffles cut into

shapes or with a little chopped pistacchio nut.

No. 2. Timballo alla Lombarda

Ingredients: Macaroni, fowl or game, eggs, stock, Velute sauce,

tongue, butter, truffles.

Butter a smooth mould, then boil some macaroni, but take care that

it is in long pieces. When cold, take the longest bits and line

the bottom of the mould, making the macaroni go in circles; and

when you come to the end of one piece, join on the next as closely

as possible until the whole mould is lined; paint it over now and

then with white of egg beaten up; then mask the whole inside with a

thin layer of forcemeat of fowl, which should also be put on with

white of egg to make it adhere; then cut up the bits of macaroni

which remain, warm them up in some good fowl stock and Velute sauce

much reduced, a little melted butter, some bits of truffle cut into

dice, tongue, fowl, or game also cut up in pieces. When the mould

is full, put on another layer of forcemeat, steam for an hour, then

turn out and serve with a very good brown sauce.

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No. 3. Lingua alla Visconti (Tongue)

Ingredients: Tongue, glaze, bread, spinach, white grapes, port.

Soak a smoked tongue in fresh water for forty-eight hours, then

boil it till it is tender. Peel off the skin, cut the tongue in

rather thick slices, and glaze them. Prepare an oval border of

fried bread, cover it with spinach about two inches thick, and on

this arrange the slices of tongue. Fill in the centre of the dish

with white grapes cooked in port or muscat.

No. 4. Lingua di Manzo al Citriuoli (Tongue with Cucumber)

Ingredients: Ox tongue, salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley, bacon, veal,

carrots, onions, thyme, bay leaves, cloves, stock.

Gently boil an ox tongue until you can peel off the skin, then lard

it, season it with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and chopped parsley, and

boil it with some bits of bacon, ham, veal, a carrot, an onion, two

bay leaves, thyme and two cloves. Pour some good stock over it and

let it simmer gently until it is cooked. Put the tongue on a dish

and garnish it with slices of fried cucumber. Boil the cucumber

for five minutes before you fry it, to take away the bitter taste.

Serve the tongue with a sauce piquante, made with one dessertspoonful of New Century sauce to a quarter pint of good Espangole


No. 5. Lingue di Castrato alla Cuciniera (Sheep's Tongues)

Ingredients: Sheep's tongues, bacon, beef, onions, herbs, spice,

eggs, butter, flour.

Cook three or four sheep's tongues in good stock, and add some

slices of bacon, bits of beef, two onions, a bunch of herbs, and a

pinch of spice. Let them get cold, flour them and mask them with

egg beaten up and fry quickly in butter. Serve with Italian sauce

No. 6. Lingue di Vitello all'Italiana (Calves' Tongues)

Ingredients: Calves' tongues, salt, butter, stock, water, glaze,

potatoes, ham, truffles, sauce piquante.

Rub a good handful of salt into two or three calves' tongues and

leave them for twenty-four hours, then wash off all the salt and

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soak them in fresh water for two hours. Stew them gently till

tender, take them out, skin and braize them in butter and good

stock for half an hour. Let them get cold and cut them into slices

about half an inch thick; put the slices into a buttered saute-pan

and cover them with a good thick glaze; let them get quite hot and

then arrange them on a border of potatoes, and garnish each slice

with round shapes of cooked ham and truffle. Fill the centre with

any vegetables you like; fried cucumber is excellent, but if you

use it do not forget to boil it for five minutes before you fry it

to take away the bitter taste. Serve with a sauce piquante.

No. 7. Ateletti alla Sarda

Ingredients: Veal or fowl, ox palates, stock, tongue, truffles,

butter, mushrooms, sweetbread.

Soak two ox palates in salted water for four hours, then boil them

until the rough skin comes off, and cook them in good stock for six

hours, press them between two plates and let them get cold. Roll

some forcemeat of veal or fowl in flour, cut it into small pieces

about the size of a cork, boil them in salted water, let them get

cold and cut them into circular pieces. Cut the ox palates also

into circular pieces the same size as the bits of forcemeat, then

thinner circles of cooked tongue and truffles. String these pieces

alternately on small silver skewers. Reduce to half its quantity a

pint of Velute sauce, and add the cuttings of the truffles,

mushroom trimmings, bits of sweetbread, and a squeeze of lemon

juice. Let it get cold and then mask the atelets (or skewers with

the forcemeat, &c.) with it, and fry them quickly in butter. Fry a

large oval crouton of bread, scoop out the centre and fill it with

fried slices of cucumber and truffles boiled in a little Chablis.

Stick the skewers into the crouton and pour the sauce round it.

For a maigre dish use fillets of fish, truffles, mushrooms, and

Bechamel sauce. The cucumber should be boiled for five

minutes before it is fried.

No. 8. Ateletti alla Genovese

Ingredients: Veal, sweetbread, calf's brains, ox palates,

mushrooms, fonds d'artichauds, cocks' combs, eggs, Parmesan, bread


Cook two ox palates as in the last recipe, then take equal

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quantities of veal steak, sweetbread, calf's brains, equal

quantities of mushrooms, fonds d'artichauds, and cocks' combs. Fry

them all in butter except the palates, but be careful to put the

veal in first, as it requires longer cooking; the brains should go

in last. Then put all these ingredients on a cutting board and add

the palates (cooked separately); cut them all into pieces of equal

size, either round or square, but keep the ingredients separate,

and string them alternately on silver skewers, as in the last

recipe. Then pound up all the cuttings and add a little crumb of

bread soaked in stock, the yolks of three eggs, the whites of two

well beaten up, two dessert-spoonsful of grated Parmesan, salt to

taste, and chopped truffles. Mix all this well together and mask

the atelets with it; egg and bread crumb them and fry in butter.

When they are a good colour, serve with fried parsley.

No. 9. Testa di Vitello alla Sorrentina (Calf's Head)

Ingredients: Calf's head, veal, sweetbread, truffles, mushrooms,

pistacchio nuts, eggs, herbs, spice, stock, bacon, ham.

Boil a half calf's head well, and when it is half cold, bone it and

fill it with a stuffing of veal, the calf's brains, sweetbread,

truffles, mushrooms, pistacchio nuts, the yolks of two eggs, herbs,

and a little spice. Then stitch it up and braize it in good stock,

with some slices of bacon, ham, and a bunch of herbs. Serve with

brain sauce mixed with cream.

No. 10. Testa di Vitello con Salsa Napoletana (Calf's Head)

Ingredients: Calf's head, calf's liver, bacon, suet, truffles,

almonds, olives, calf's brains, capers, spice, coriander seeds,

herbs, ham, stock.

Boil half a calf's head, bone it and fill it with a stuffing made

of four ounces of calf's liver, well chopped up and pounded in a

mortar; two ounces of bacon, one ounce of suet, three truffles, six

almonds, three olives, six coriander seeds, six capers, the calf's

brains, a pinch of spice and a teaspoonful of chopped herbs. Roll

up the head, tie it up and put it into a stewpan with some bits of

bacon, ham, and very good stock, and stew it slowly. Serve with

Neapolitan sauce, or with tomato sauce piquante.

No. 11. Testa di Vitello alla Pompadour (Calf's Head)

Ingredients: Calf's head, calf's brains, cream, eggs, truffles,

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cinnamon, stock, butter, Parmesan.

Boil and bone half a calf's head and fill it with a stuffing made

of the calf's brains, a gill of cream, the yolks of two eggs, two

truffles cut up, a little chopped ham, and a tiny pinch of

cinnamon. Boil it in good stock, and when it is sufficiently

cooked take it out and mask it all over with a mixture of butter,

yolk of egg, and a tablespoonful of grated Parmesan, then brown it

in the oven and serve hot.

No. 12. Testa di Vitello alla Sanseverino (Calf's Head)

Ingredients: Calf's head, sweetbread, fowl's liver, anchovies,

herbs, capers, garlic, bacon, ham, Malmsey or Muscat.

Boil and bone half a calf's head, and fill it with a stuffing made

of half a pound of sweetbread, a fowl's liver, two anchovies, a

teaspoonful of chopped herbs, a few chopped capers, and the calf's

brains. Roll the head up, stitch it together and braize it in half

a tumbler of Malmsey or Australian Muscat (Burgoyne's), half a cup

of very good white stock, some bits of ham and bacon, and a clove

of garlic with two cuts. Cook it gently for four hours and serve

it with its own sauce. Do not leave the garlic in longer than ten


No. 13. Testa di Vitello in Frittata (Calf's Head)

Ingredients: Calf's head, eggs, Parmesan, ham, pepper, butter,


A good rechauffe' of calf's head may be made in the following

manner: After the head has been well boiled in good stock, cut it

into slices and mask these with a mixture of eggs well beaten up,

grated Parmesan, pepper, and chopped ham. Fry in butter, and

garnish with fried parsley and fried croutons. Serve with a sauce

made of a quarter of a pint of good Bechamel and a dessertspoonful of New Century sauce.

No. 14. Zampetti (Calves' Feet)

Ingredients: Calves' feet, butter, leeks or small onions,

parsley, salt, pepper, stock, tomatoes, eggs, cheese, cinnamon.

Blanch and bone two or more calves' feet and put them into

a stewpan with butter, leeks, or onions, chopped parsley, salt,

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pepper, and a little stock. Let them boil till the liquid is

somewhat reduced, then add good meat gravy and two tablespoonsful

of tomato puree, and just before taking the stewpan off the fire,

add the yolks of two eggs beaten up, a tablespoonful of grated

cheese, and a tiny pinch of cinnamon. Mix all well together and

serve very hot.

No. 15. Bodini Marinati

Ingredients: Veal forcemeat, truffles, sweetbread, mushrooms,

herbs, flour, pasta marinate, tongue, butter.

Make a mixture of truffles, tongue, sweetbread, mushrooms, and

herbs, all chopped up, and add it to a forcemeat of veal, the

proportions being two-thirds veal forcemeat and the other

ingredients one third. Mix this well and form it into little balls

about the size of a pigeon's egg, flour them and mask them all over

with pasta marinate. Fry them in butter over a slow fire,

so that the balls may be well cooked through, and when they are the

right colour dry them in a napkin and serve very hot.

These bodini may be made with various ingredients; they will be

most delicate with a forcemeat of fowl and bits of brain mixed with

herbs, truffle, cooked ham, or tongue. They are also excellent

made with fish (sole, mullet, turbot, &c.), either cooked or raw,

and marinated in lemon, salt, pepper, oil, nutmeg, and parsley.

No. 16. Animelle alla Parmegiana (Sweetbread)

Ingredients: Sweetbread, bread crumbs, Parmesan, butter.

Blanch as many sweetbreads as you require, and then roll them in

bread crumbs mixed with grated Parmesan, salt, and pepper; wrap

them up in buttered grease-proof paper and grill them. When they

are cooked, take off the paper, and serve with a good sauce in a


No. 17. Animelle in Cartoccio (Sweetbread)

Ingredients: Sweetbread, butter, herbs, salt, pepper, bread

crumbs, Parmesan, lemons, gravy, tomatoes.

Blanch a pound of sweetbread cuttings, mix it with two ounces of

melted butter, chopped herbs, salt, and pepper, and put it into

paper souffle cases. Then strew over each some bread crumbs mixed

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with grated Parmesan, put the cases in the oven, and when they are

browned serve either with good gravy and lemon juice or with tomato


No. 18. Animelle all'Italiana (Sweetbread)

Ingredients: Sweetbread, butter, onions, salt, herbs, eggs, glaze,

Risotto, truffles, quenelles of fowl, Espagnole sauce,

white sauce.

Blanch as many sweetbreads as you require, cut them into quarters

and saute them in butter with a small onion cut up, salt, and a

bunch of herbs. Then pour over them two cups of white sauce and

cook gently for twenty minutes; take out the sweetbreads and put

them in a stewpan. Reduce the sauce, and add to it a mixture made

of the yolks of four eggs, one and a half ounce of butter and a

teaspoonful of glaze; pass it through a sieve, pour it over the

sweetbreads, and keep them warm in a bain-marie. Have ready a good

Risotto all'Italiana, and put it into a border mould (but

first decorate the inside of the mould with slices of truffle), put

it in a moderate oven, and when it is warm turn it out on a dish.

Place the sweetbreads on the risotto and fill in the centre with

quenelles of fowl and Espagnole sauce.

No. 19. Animelle Lardellate (Sweetbread)

Ingredients: Sweetbreads, larding, bacon, stock, a macedoine of


Blanch two sweetbreads, lard them, and cook them very slowly in

good stock. Skim the stock and reduce it to a glaze to cover the

sweetbreads. Then cut them into three or four pieces and arrange

them round a dish, but see that the larding is well glazed over.

In the centre of the dish place a piece of bread in the shape of a

cup and fill this with a macedoine of vegetables.

No. 20. Frittura di Bottoni e di Animelle (Sweetbread and


Ingredients: Sweetbread, fresh button mushrooms, flour, bread

crumbs, salt, pepper, parsley, butter, lemons.

Peel some button mushrooms and cut them in halves. Boil a

sweetbread, and cut it into pieces about the same size as the

mushrooms, flour, egg, and bread crumb them, and fry in butter;

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then serve with a garnish of fried parsley. Hand cut lemons with

this dish.

No. 21. Cervello in Fili serbe (Calf's Brains)

Ingredients: Calf's brains, stock, butter, parsley, lemon.

Boil half a calf's brain in good stock for ten minutes then drain

and pour a little melted butter and the juice of half a lemon over

the brain; add some chopped parsley fried for one minute in butter,

and serve as hot as possible.

No. 22. Cervello alla Milanese (Calf's Brains)

Ingredients: Calf s brains, eggs, bread crumbs, butter.

Scald a calf's brain and let it get cold. Wipe it on a cloth, and

get it as dry as possible, then cut it into pieces about the size

of a walnut, egg and bread crumb them, fry in butter, and strew a

little salt over them.

No. 23. Cervello alla Villeroy (Calf's Brains)

Ingredients: Calf's brains, eggs, flour, mushrooms, Velute sauce.

Scald a calf's brain, and when cold cut it up and mask each piece

with a thick sauce made of well-reduced Velute, mixed with

chopped cooked mushrooms; flour them over and dip them into the

yolk of an egg, and fry as quickly as possible.

No. 24. Frittura of Liver and Brains

Ingredients: Calf's liver and brains (or lamb's fry),

butter, ham, flour, puff pastry.

Cut up half a pound of liver in small slices, flour and fry them in

butter or dripping, together with a calf's or sheep's

brain, previously scalded and also cut up. Serve with bits of

fried ham and little diamond-shaped pieces of puff pastry.

No. 25. Cervello in Frittata Montano (Calf's Brains)

Ingredients: Calf's brains, stock, cream, eggs, spice, Parmesan,


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Boil a calf's brain in good stock for ten minutes, let it get cold,

cut it up into little balls, and mask each piece with a mixture

made of half a gill of cream, the yolks of two eggs, a little

spice, a tablespoonful of grated Parmesan, and the whites of two

eggs well beaten up. Fry the balls in butter, and serve as hot as

possible. You may mask and cook the calf's brain without cutting

it up, if you prefer it so.

No. 26. Marinata di Cervello alla Villeroy (Calf's Brains)

Ingredients: Calf's brains, stock, Bechamel sauce, eggs, butter,

lemon, forcemeat of fowl, flour.

Boil a calf's or sheep's brain in good stock, wipe it well, and cut

it up. Reduce a pint of Bechamel, and add to it the yolks

of three eggs, an ounce of butter, and the juice of a lemon. When

it boils throw in the cut-up brain; let it cool, then take out the

brain and form it into little balls about the size of a small

walnut. Make a forcemeat of fowl, and add a dessert-spoonful of

flour to it, and spread it out very thin on a paste-board, and into

this wrap the balls of brain, each separately. Dip them into a

pasta marinate, and fry them a golden brown.

No. 27. Minuta alla Milanese (Lamb's Sweetbread)

Ingredients: Lamb's sweetbread, butter, onions, stock, Chablis,

salt, lemon, herbs, cocks' combs, fowls' livers.

Cut up equal quantities of lamb's sweetbreads, cocks' combs, fowls'

livers in pieces about the size of a filbert, flour and fry them

slightly in butter and a small bit of onion, add half a glass of

Chablis, a cup of good stock, and a bunch of herbs. Reduce the

sauce, and thicken it with a tablespoonful of butter and flour

fried together. Make a border of Risotto all'Italiana,

and put the sweetbread, &c., together with the sauce in the centre.

No. 28. Animelle al Sapor di Targone (Lamb's Fry)

Ingredients: Lamb's fry, ham, garlic, larding bacon, spice, herbs,

butter, flour, stock.

The lamb's fry should be nearly all sweetbread, and very little

liver. Lard each piece with bacon and ham, and roll it in chopped

herbs and a pinch of pounded spice. Then dip it in flour and

braize in good stock, to which add three ounces of butter, some

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bits of bacon, ham, a bay leaf, herbs, and a clove of garlic with

two cuts. Cook until the fry is well glazed over, and serve with

Tarragon sauce. Do not leave the garlic in longer than ten


No. 29. Fritto Misto alla Villeroy

Ingredients: Cocks' combs, calf's brains, sweetbread, stock,

truffles, mushrooms, Villeroy, eggs, bread crumbs.

Cook some big cocks' combs, bits of calf s brains, and sweetbread

in good stock, then drain them and marinate them slightly in lemon

juice and herbs. Prepare a Villeroy, and add to it

cuttings of sweetbread, brains, truffles, mushrooms, &c. When it

is cold, mask the cocks' combs and other ingredients with it, egg

and bread-crumb them, and fry them a golden brown.

No. 30. Fritto Misto alla Piemontese

Ingredients: Sweetbread, calf s brains, ox palate, flour, eggs,

Chablis, salt, herbs butter.

Make a thin paste with a tablespoonful of flour, the yolks of two

eggs, two Spoonsful of Chablis, and a little salt. Mix this up

well, and if it is too thick add a little water. Beat up the

whites of the two eggs into a snow. In the meantime blanch a

sweetbread, half a calf's brain, and a few bits of cooked ox

palate; boil them all up with a bunch of herbs; cut them into

pieces about the size of a walnut, and dip them into the