KetoGreen Smoothie Weight Loss Secrets by Dana Bogleister - HTML preview

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Recipe 7: Tropical Smoothie Dream




1/2 cup parsley
1/2 cup cucumber
1/2 banana sliced & frozen
1 stalks celery
1 cup pineapple chunks
1/2 cup peaches
1/2 tsp grated ginger
1 cup coconut water cucumber






Blend all the ingredients in blender till desired consistency is achieved, and serve chilled.


BONUS INFO! 5 Must Have Power Foods for Slimming Smoothies


If you are serious about losing weight, you will find some more awesome ideas here.


Isn't it wonderful to think that something tastes this good and is giving you a lot of health benefits?


Variety is key, and this certainly applies in the case of healthy smoothies for weight loss.


Just make sure you have a combination of textures and colors and plenty of fresh, raw and healthy snacks and you’ll be on your way!


Power foods for creating slimming smoothies can have a rich and creamy texture – so it is hard to believe the health benefits and how it can speed up your metabolism.


If you use frozen berries in your healthy smoothie, just blend your ingredients with a powerful blender, and you're good to go – you won’t even notice the weight loss being an added advantage!


Best Foods For Slimming Smoothies




Berries are the best sources of fiber. Not only do they


promote weight loss, but also helps with food processing.


Raspberries have a high content of fiber - approximately 8 grams per cup. It also contains ellagic acid, an anti-cancer property.


Blueberries contain 4 grams per cup and helps your memory.


Strawberries, which is a favorite fruit for most smoothie makers contains 4 grams of fiber.


Nuts - BOOM! I’ll bet this is something that you didn’t think of putting in your smoothie. Besides the earthy flavor, they are rich sources of unsaturated fats necessary for good heart health.


Also, according to a recent study, it shows that eating nuts can actually be calorie negative, and also add another two and a half years of living.


The best choice for smoothies are the walnuts as it contains the highest levels of alpha-linolenic acid. The ALA is a healthy omega-3 fatty acid that is vital to heart health.


They also have a high content of mono and polyunsaturated fats. These fats can reduce the levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol while stabilizing the "good" HDL cholesterol levels. Make sure to add walnuts to your smoothie.


Oranges - It is a fact that oranges are the best source of vitamin C. Therefore, one single orange or a huge glass of orange juice embraces a high daily dose.


It is already a pretty common knowledge that Vitamin C plays a huge role in fighting off infections, but they don't know why.


Vitamin C produces antibodies and white blood cells that fight off infections. As a powerful smoothie flavor, oranges have great citrus taste and has a natural sweetness.


Kiwi – Not my personal favorite but, kiwis contains high levels of Vitamin C. The black seeds also adds a bit of fashion and flair to the smoothie drink.


Adding these power foods to your smoothies encourage (along with proper focus elsewhere in life) significantly aids weight loss.


Since they are low in calories and are high in energy, they are great in providing great nutritional support.