Paleo Quick & Easy Recipes: Brunches, Lunches & Dinners by Layanne Taylor - HTML preview

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   With the hustle and bustle of today’s economy, it is often hard to keep up with healthy eating habits. The refined grains, sugars and processed foods that are stocked on the grocery store shelves only make the problem worse. Eating unhealthy has become much more convenient.  Unfortunately, all of these foods will eventually begin to deteriorate the immune system and can even lead to cancer. By switching to the Paleo diet, you can bring your whole system back to a balanced state, boosting your metabolism as well as your immune system!


    So, one might ask, what is this “Paleo diet”? The diet is based on the same foods our ancestors would have prepared up until 10,000 years ago. The theory is that our bodies are much more accustomed to eating a diet of natural foods that do not include agricultural or processed options. Paleo foods include meat cavemen would have hunted, or the fruits, vegetables and spices found in the wilderness. This is why it is often referred to as “the cave man diet” or “the hunter gatherer diet”.


            The main foods consumed on the Paleo diet include meat, fish, seafood, poultry, fruits, vegetables and nuts. In our modern day world, we must forage through the grocery stores to find foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. It can actually be quite difficult as we must look out for preservatives, hormones, additives, chemicals, refined sugars, refined flours and many more odd ingredients we can’t even pronounce. These recipes keep it simple with ingredients that are easy to find and combine to make delicious, nutritious dishes.


   It has been proven that by simply following the guidelines of the diet, we can reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and acne, just to name a few. Here are twenty-one simple yet delicious recipes for brunch, lunch and dinner time to start you on your way to better health. Or if you have already been using the diet for some time, they will be a great addition to your collection. Enjoy!