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3. Cook until liquid is almost gone, stirring to prevent sticking and burning (3 to 4 hours).

4. Add oil and cook more, stirring often, to roast the carrots well (about




5. Add the powdered milk and sugar and cook until all the liquid is gone

and the mass does not stick to the sides.

6. Add the nuts and raisins and turn o the heat.

7. Pour in a serving dish and serve warm or cold. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

12.9 Rasgoola



1 L

Homogenized Milk

2 tsp

White Vinegar

1 C




3 C



1. Bring the milk to a boil and add vinegar to the boiling milk to separate

the whey.

2. Throw away the liquid part by sifting the stu onto a muslin cloth.

3. Pour some cold water over the curd to cool and wash it. Discard the

water and hang the cloth for 15-20 minutes to let the excess water drip

o .

4. Put the curd in a food processor or blender and blend at high speed

to get a smooth consistency. You may add just a little (1 tsp or so)

water while blending, if the curd is too dry and will not blend. Be very

careful so as not to add any extra water.

5. Remove the paste and make small balls (1-2" in diameter).