The Soup and Sauce Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Hot Sauces for Fish


Black Butter

(For Skate, grilled Mackerel)

1 gill vinegar
 4 ozs. butter
 Several small parsley leaves
 Small piece of bay leaf

Boil the vinegar with the bay leaf until it is considerably reduced.

Heat the butter in a pan until it becomes brown. Add the parsley leaves. Let them fry for a moment. Skim the butter.

Remove the bay leaf from the vinegar. Add a little salt and pepper. Pour the butter and parsley leaves into it. Mix and serve.

Dutch Sauce

Butter, size of an egg
 1 tea-spoon flour
 ¹⁄₂ pint milk or cream
 Juice of half a lemon
 2 yolks of eggs

Melt the butter in a sauce-pan. Stir in the flour and mix till perfectly smooth. Add the milk or cream. Boil for two or three minutes. Add lemon juice, and just before serving, stir in the two yolks. After which do not allow the sauce to boil.

Genoese Sauce

(For Fillet of Sole)

1 oz. butter
 2 table-spoons olive oil
 2 yolks of eggs
 1 table-spoon vinegar

Put the oil and butter into a sauce-pan on the fire and stir till the butter is melted. Beat the yolks slightly. Add the vinegar to them. Season. Directly the butter is melted add the yolks and vinegar, stirring continually over a bain marie until the sauce thickens. Half a tea-spoonful of mustard may be added.

Italian Sauce

(For Mackerel, etc.)

2 table-spoons olive oil
 1 oz. butter
 6 chopped mushrooms
 1 shallot, finely chopped
 1 tea-spoon chopped parsley
 1 clove
 1 wine-glass white wine
 10 drops Liebig’s extract of meat

Put the butter and oil into a sauce-pan. Add the mushrooms, shallot, parsley and the clove. Cook for a few minutes. Add the wine and Liebig. Simmer gently for forty minutes. Season. Pass through a sieve.

Maître d’Hotel

4 ozs. butter
 ¹⁄₂ pint milk
 1 tea-spoon flour
 1 dessert-spoon finely chopped parsley
 Juice of a lemon

Mix the flour and butter together till smooth. Melt in a sauce-pan. Add the boiling milk. Let all boil for three or four minutes, stirring constantly. Add the parsley and lemon juice.

Melted Butter

1 tea-spoon flour
 4 ozs. butter
 1 gill boiling milk or water

Mix the flour and butter thoroughly in a basin. When perfectly smooth put in a sauce-pan. Add to it the boiling milk or water. Let it boil for two or three minutes. Stir continually from left to right. Season.

To this sauce the raw yolk of an egg or a finely chopped hard boiled egg, shrimps, a little essence of anchovy, or a table spoon of grated cucumber may be added; when it becomes egg, shrimp, anchovy or cucumber sauce. To the cucumber sauce add a tea-spoonful of lemon juice.

Oyster Sauce

2 doz. oysters
 3 ozs. butter
 1 tea-spoon flour
 ¹⁄₂ pint cream
 1 coffee-spoon lemon juice

Prepare the oysters and stew them in their own juice and the butter until plump and tender. Mix the flour with the cream, until perfectly smooth. Bring to the boil and let it boil two or three minutes. Add it to the oysters, etc. Stir quickly together. Season with salt, a little cayenne and the lemon juice.

Sauce Hollandaise

4 table-spoons vinegar
 1 blade mace
 1 tea-spoon flour
 Yolks of 4 eggs
 3 ozs. butter

Season the vinegar, add to it the flour and mix perfectly smooth. Add the mace. Bring to the boil and boil for two or three minutes. Take off the fire, and take out the mace. Add the butter cut in small pieces, and the well-beaten yolks. Stir continually, in one direction, over a bain marie. Serve directly the butter is melted.