The Soup and Sauce Book by Elizabeth Douglas - HTML preview

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Hot Sauces for Roasts, Steaks, Cutlets, etc.


Brown Sauce or Cullis

3 lbs. lean veal
 1 lb. raw lean ham
 1 oz. butter
 6 mushrooms chopped
 1 carrot chopped
 1 onion chopped
 Rind of a lemon
 Small bouquet of herbs
 1 tea-spoon allspice
 1 quart brown stock
 ¹⁄₄ lb. brown roux

Slice the veal and ham. Add the vegetables, spice, lemon rind and herbs, and brown slightly in a sauce-pan with the butter. Add the stock and brown roux. Boil ten minutes. Stir continually. Put through a tammy.

Cucumber Sauce

1 cucumber
 2 table-spoons brown stock
 1 oz. butter
 1 table-spoon chopped parsley
 Juice of half a lemon
 ¹⁄₂ pint brown sauce

Peel and split the cucumber lengthwise in four pieces. Take out the seeds. Cut in small pieces. Put into salted water and boil gently for seven minutes. Take off and drain. Melt the butter and add to it the stock, cucumber and parsley. Cook gently for half-an-hour. Add the brown sauce and lemon juice.

Dutch Horse-radish Sauce

(For Roast Beef or Steak)

1 tea-cup horse-radish
 ¹⁄₂ pint water
 3 ozs. butter
 3 table-spoons flour
 1 gill cream
 4 yolks of eggs
 3 table-spoons elder vinegar

Scrape the horse-radish very finely, and boil it for ten minutes in water. Drain off the water. Cook the horse-radish with the butter and flour for four minutes. Add the water in which the horse-radish was boiled, stirring continually. Heat. Take off the fire. Add the hot cream and then the beaten yolks. Beat well together. Add pepper, salt and the vinegar.

Maître d’Hotel—I

2 ozs. butter
 1 table-spoon chopped parsley
 Juice of half a lemon

Melt the butter. Skim it. Add the parsley (and, if liked, a little finely chopped shallot), salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Maître d’Hotel—II

4 shallots
 1 tea-spoon chopped parsley
 1 tea-spoon chopped fennel
 1 dozen mushrooms
 2 ozs. butter
 ¹⁄₂ pint brown sauce or béchamel

Chop the shallots. Put them with the parsley, fennel and mushrooms in a sauce-pan in which the butter has been melted. Cook gently for five minutes. Add the brown sauce or béchamel. Boil ten minutes. Season and add a squeeze of lemon juice.

Mushroom Sauce

2 dozen small mushrooms
 1 oz. butter
 1 table-spoon flour
 1 pint good gravy
 ¹⁄₂ a lemon

Cook the mushrooms in the butter until brown and tender. Add the flour. Stir well in and brown. Pour the gravy over the mushrooms. Boil three minutes. Season and add a little lemon juice.

Onion Sauce

(For Roast Mutton)

4 onions
 ¹⁄₂ pint melted butter

Slice and chop the onions finely. Boil until tender. Drain and add to the hot melted butter. Season. If preferred, the onion can be first passed through a fine sieve and then added to the melted butter.

Sauce Béarnaise

5 yolks of eggs
 2 ozs. butter
 1 table-spoon chopped tarragon
 1 dessert-spoon vinegar

Put the yolks in a sauce-pan, in a bain marie, and stir into them one ounce of butter. As soon as the eggs begin to thicken, take off the fire. Add another ounce of butter, the tarragon and vinegar. This sauce should be of the consistency of a mayonnaise. Serve with roast meats.

Sauce for Chops or Steak

2 table-spoons red wine
 2 table-spoons ketchup
 1 tea-spoon butter
 1 tea-spoon vinegar

Stir altogether in a sauce-pan. Season and serve very hot.

Sauce Piquante au Citron

(For Calf’s Head)

2 table-spoons chopped onions
 1 oz. butter
 1 table-spoon flour
 1 gill white stock
 1 gill white wine
 1 lemon

Fry the onion in the butter, with the flour, until a rich yellow. Add to it the stock, which should be boiling, and the wine. Stir together. Add the juice of the lemon and a little of the grated rind. Simmer for quarter of an hour. Strain through a fine sieve.

Sauce Robert

(For Pork)

3 onions
 1 gill rich brown gravy
 1 tea-spoon made mustard
 1 tea-spoon vinegar
 2 ozs. butter
 1 table-spoon flour

Chop the onions. Fry them in the butter. Add the flour. Mix quite smooth. Add the gravy, salt and pepper. Simmer for half-an-hour. Skim. Add the mustard and vinegar. Serve with pork.

Sauce Vinaigrette

4 table-spoons vinegar
 1 bay leaf
 1 table-spoon brown sauce
 1 table-spoon chopped shallots
 2 table-spoons chopped gherkins
 1 table-spoon capers
 1 table-spoon chopped parsley
 1 oz. butter

Boil the vinegar for quarter of an hour with the bay leaf. Add the sauce. Simmer five minutes. Remove the bay leaf. Add the shallots (which should have been previously cooked in the butter and allowed to drain upon a sieve), capers, gherkins and parsley.

Tomato Sauce

6 tomatoes
 ¹⁄₂ an onion chopped
 1 clove
 1 slice of ham
 1 gill rich brown gravy
 1 table-spoon brown roux

Remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Stew them with the onion, ham and clove in an enamel sauce-pan until well cooked. Rub through a tammy. Return to the sauce-pan. Add the gravy and brown roux. Simmer for quarter of an hour.