This keto salad has all the flavors and textures - it is filled with crispy lettuce, juicy cucumber, diced cheddar cheese, and a thick dressing on mayonnaise, with spicy notes of Dijon mustard!
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 3
Nutritional Values (Per Serve)
Kcal. per serve: 330
Fat: 26.3 g.
Protein: 16.8 g.
Carbs: 4.8 g.
- Prepare a dressing: mix sour cream, mayonnaise, and spices.
- Add a tablespoon of milk. If the sauce turns out too thick, add another one, and do not forget to consider it when calculating the calories.
- Season the salad with the sauce. About two tablespoons per serving.
Bon Appetit!