Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 49 - Reminiscing

Chapter 50 - Power=Work x Time

Chapter 1: Wants=>Needs!

"Start By Doing What's Necessary,

then by doing what's possible...

and suddenly you'll be doing what

was thought to be impossible."

-Saint Francis d'Assisi

(1188-1233 A.D.), Super saint in the

12th-13th century

"Do the right thing, the right way,

the best way you can, when you can,

and do it that way, on time, all the


-Bobby Knight, Indiana University

Head Basketball Coach (1947- )

"The man who wants to lead an

orchestra usually has his back to the


-Max Lucado, Reverend and

best-selling author at church (1962-


"When what we really really want

is equal to what we really, really,

honestly need, that's an equivalence

truth tautology and if that want is

fulfilled it brings an equilibrium, or a

state of satisfaction or even nirvana

to the person."

-The Omekkaglazzinator,

Shakespeare poetry award winner

2005 (1990- )

"Where there's a bleed, there's a

need. So pick up an ebook and gone

and read."

-Roberto McJohnsworthy, Street's

disciple, Oberlin, Ohio (1970- ) +

Mr. Donut

Motivation 101....needs and wants are

central to life. It's a fact, everyone

needs or wants something but the

question is: what do you want out of

life? Do you want love, a healthy

marriage, education, knowledge,

power, respect, or even humility and

honor? Those are all good things to

hope for and want. But what do we

really need? We need God, Jesus

Christ, Holy Ghost, church, Bible,

food, clothing, shelter, spouse, love,

water, knowledge, honor, respect,

technology, an automobile, shoes,

socks, coats, hats, fun, laughter,

games, music, and parties...we need

all of that. So now, it's time to

separate wants versus needs. Do you

really need that extra bag of

potatoes? What about that giant 50

inch TV some got that's on sale for

$400. Or what about that ipad,

iphone, and all this istuff that only i

use? Really? Technology is great but

we need the needs over the wants

anyday. When your wants and

desires line up and are equivalent to

your needs, that's when you may be

on the brink of achieving a state of

nirvana, or contentment. You see,

information is traveling at an

increasingly faster rate with each

passing year. In the future, they'll

probably put computer chips in

people to monitor them or even to

buy groceries! But the thing is, some

laws will always be in effect like the

10 Commandments and the Code of

Hammurabi and penal laws. Wants

and needs should always equal up to

each other - maximum productivity.

So, with that being said....what

motivates you? It's tough to say it but

my 7 biggest motivations are in

hierarchal order: 0. God in 3-1. 1.

Marriage; 2. Knowledge; 3. Food; 4.

Motorcycles; 5. Computers; 6. Games

; 7. History. I think that everyone

should have these 7 concepts and

activities in their lives. You should

have an idea of what makes you tick.

You know what makes a clock tick?

It's movement - measured movement

over a measured distance called time.

So with that being said, you should be

able to formulate in your mind your

motives. What moves you, they say?

Figure that out and then you can

start talking about moving towards

the end result of that motivation -

success! The thing you though about

doing is actually done - that's success

in your mind. Of course whether the

right thing was done or the wrong

thing was done, that's up to God to

judge, but success in any area of life

is a matter of thinking, visualizing,

speaking, and acting (or doing) the

right thing, repeatedly. A thought

causes an image in your mind to

form, which could cause speech to

happen, and then the action actually

happens once you put the thought to

your motor skills, nervous system,

bones, muscles, etc to cause your

body to move in a certain direction -

the end result.

So basically figure out your needs

and wants, and if they are equal, then

visualize those wants or needs and

start working towards it. Needs!