Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: Develop A Vision

"Where there is no vision, the people


-King Solomon, Book of Proverbs

29:18, Bible (926 BC - 849 BC)

"The eye is the lamp of the body,

gateway to the soul. If the eye is bad

pluck it out for you'd rather lose one

limb than for your whole body be

cast into hell"

-Jesus Christ, The Great I AM,

Matthew 6:22, Bible (0 AD - 33 AD)

"The blind can't lead the blind, or

they will both fall into a ditch."

-Jesus Christ, Most High, Matthew

15:14, Bible (0 AD - 33 AD)

"Write the vision, make it plain on

tablets so the herald may run with it.

-Habakkuk, Minor Prophet, Bible

200-400 years BC

"Just take the first step. You don't

have to see the whole staircase, just

take the first step."

-Rev.Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. US

Black Civil Rights Leader (1936 -


Well given these quotes from these

great men, i can tell you vision is

important. I mean if you lose both of

your eyes, it would be kind of hard to

drive a car! So, anyway, once you

figure out your wants and needs, its

time to visualize where you see

yourself going, 1, 2, 5, even 10 years

from now. You visualize yourself

doing something, meeting that need,

filling that void in your life where the

need is at. Remember, where there's

a bleed, there's a need

(R.McJohnsworthy). The most goal

oriented people in this world and the

most successful producers in the

universe have a vision. They see

what's going on; they see how things

are, were, and are going to be; they

see their path, their road that they

take - in short they know where they

are going. One of the beginnings of a

championship mindset is

visualization. Think about it: what if

it were dark all the time - no sunlight

or no light at all - bad! But when that

sun comes up, man you got it! Jesus

is the light of the world! And He

wants you to shine with Him!

So, again, formulate in your mind a

vision, a dream, of what you want to

be, where you want to go, and what

you want to do, and how to meet your

daily needs and wants. Gotta have a

vision, some insight on your life you

see. If you are going to win the goal

medal, you gotta go the extra mile.

Don't you know, gold does shine too!

Don't forget, usually if it's daytime,

there is a light at the end of the

tunnel. It's kind of hard to be the

best fighter pilot AND wear

Blu-Blockers sunglasses, too! So

don't develop tunnel vision that you

ignore solid advice - just develop

your sight, cuz victory is around the

corner. Hellen Keller said that "the

only thing worse than being blind is

having sight but no vision." So be

smart, if you got 2 eyes, formulate a

master vision of where you want to

be. Also, the old story goes that there

is a pot of gold at the end of every

rainbow, and a leprechaun waiting to

greet you. While you may not receive

a pot of gold if you find the end of a

rainbow, you still got dat man, Jesus


So remember, formulate your vision,

even write it down if you have to...but

one thing is for sure, some rabbits

still fight over carrots! The eye!