Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: Make A Commitment

"I made a decision to completely cut

out drinking [alcohol] and anything

that might hamper me from getting

my mind and my body together. And

the floodgates of goodness have

opened up to me both spiritually and

financially." -Denzel Washington,

Academy Award Winner (1961 - )

So what's a commitment? A

commitment is a promise or an oath

or vow to do something you say or

feel you might do. So now that you

have decided to do something about

your life, it's time to make a

commitment. What is it that you are

going to do? Are you going to

volunteer, work, or play...or all

three? An example of making a

commitment is saying something like

"I'm going to work 8 hours a day for

4 days a week at the local vegetarian

restaurant. Of course, you may or

may not get paid, but in all actually

that's a good commitment. Or

another good commitment could be,

"I am going to be a better husband,

father, and neighbor." Here's

another one: "I am going to do my

best no matter where i'm at with who

i'm with with what i've got." That's a

good one.

One word of caution: it's one thing to

make a commitment, saying that

you'll do some -thing...but it's quite

another animal to actually DO what

you say you made a commitment to

do. Anyone can say they'll do

something, but what about doing it?

That's what separates the true from

the not so true. See, the importance of

commitment is key in this life my


Got a goal? Decide to do it. Make the

commitment, and then formulate a

plan, then take action!