Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 6: Formulate A Plan

"Rome wasn't built in one day. It

took years and years to build. Even

Washington, D.C. was mapped out!

There's no preacher in the history of

mankind ever born on a wooden

cross, with a mitre hat on his head."

-The Glazzinator, yours truly

Once you've decided to make the

commitment to reach your goal(s)

that you've visualized in your head

that originated from filling a need,

then it's time to formulate a plan on

how to get there. It's not enough to

say you'll do something or commit to

something, you have to follow

through...and that involves planning.

The best sports teams in history all

had a plan - a roadmap. You see, if

you just go through life willy nilly

and not caring about stuff, and not

planning things, and just do

everything spur-of-the-moment

spontaneously all the time, you won't

last very long. Even farmers have a

plan on how they'll sow their crops:

how many rows they'll make, how

much rain they need, how many

weeks to maturity, how much weeds

they have to pull, etc. The most

successful people in this world plan

things out. of course, to a

spontaneous person, it might seem

boring, but it's great and necessary.

Think about it, what if instead of

having the super bowl after the

playoffs in february, the NFL

announced they'll play the game

randomly at any point in the year,

even during spring training when no

teams are playing in the NFL????

That's bananas my friend!

So you see we, need order, a plan of

action if you will. We need a life plan!

What's your life plan? A good one is

planning to be an engineer. So a good

plan would be to enroll in an

engineering school or learn

independently at the library on your

own. That would be step 1. Step 2

would be to finish school or training

in the engineering realm, and then

practice or work under someone else

or on your own - experimenting and

such. Step 3 would be to actually

work at a job as an engineer,

and.....voila you are meeting your

needs and accomplishing your goal.

So remember, work towards a plan

for achieving your goal and then do it
