Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: Take Action

"Every action has an equal and

opposite reaction."

-Isaac Newton's 3rd Law of Motion,

17th Century

Action my friends, is key in this life.

If you plan on getting anywhere, you

have to take action. Somebody said,

"you can't lift a 4 ton bus by thinking

it up there."Thinking may help you

develop the equipment used to lift

that bus, but still it takes bulldogged

work and effort to lift that bus. You

have to take action if you're going to

be successful im telling you. So what

does that mean? It means checking

out books at the library, working on

that project that you've been

meaning to get your hands on, or

going back to school to finish what

you started a decade ago.

Action has the word "act" in it as

well as "ion." An act is a type of

organized movement. An ion is a

charged particle in physic and

chemistry. So organize yourself and

charge ahead and start doing what

you've planned and committed to

dong. Action will get you places.

Inaction will just place you...and

usually at the same place you've been

at, or worse. Take action and start

working toward the goal.

Go ahead, start doing what you've

said you'd really pays off in the

end friend!

Chapter 8: Make A Checklist!

"10, 8, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Happy

New Year!"

-Nearly universally accepted truth in


Happy New Year! 2021 is here

(2014)! The countdown begins...In

life we have a

countdown....countdown to dinner

time, a newborn baby, wedding day,

graduation, etc. You see, what these

all have in common is that there's

intermediate goals to reach before

you get the end goal. In football, each

team has to advance the ball at least

10 yards or 30 feet to keep possession

of the rock, unless you're less than 10

yards away from the end zone. The

key to that is that you gotta make the

10 yards before you get the

touchdown...that's called making 1st

down. We have to start making 1st

down in our lives. Apply yourself and

you'll start making first down.

A checklist is a list of items that you

have when you want to reach a goal.

In short it's an abbreviated, abridged

planning sheet. When you accomplish

one of those goals on that paper,

that's called "hitting the mark," or

achieving a benchmark. You see

having a checklist comes in handy

when you want to do something. Go

to the grocery store without a

checklist and you might wind up with

boxed peppers and frozen bologna

nuggets - that's nuts! So, make a

checklist as you go to accomplish

something, it can help you achieve

what you set out to do. Go ahead, just

do it bud!

A checklist can help eae the burden

of getting something accomplished
