Chapter 23: Special Teams, Sir!
Special teams is your go-to teams
when the going gets tough, or you
need to score some points or you need
to gain position. Special teams in
chess means doing things like pinning
the opponent, or skewering him, or
en passe, passing up a capture, or
even forking an opponent. A pin is
when you attack 2 or more chess
pieces at a time on the same rank,
file, or diagonal. It's crucial to pin
sometimes, especially if their queen
and king are pinned against each
other. You can gain material,
position, a move, and possibly the
game if do it right. A fork is when
you attack two or more pieces at he
same time, usually on diffreent ranks
and files, but close. A knight can fork
two or more pieces, and as a matter
or fact all the pieces can do the fork
move, even the king! An en passe
move is when you pass up an
opportunity to capture an opponent's
piece because it would be more
advantageous if you just moved
ahead instead of capture it. It's great
for the chess master.
So remember, special teams come
into effect when you've played
defense, offense, and you're ooking
for a breakthrough. It can definitely
put you in a better position if you
work it right. Special teams are
players that come together do special
things to accomplish a particular
goal. It can help put you over the top
my friend! Special teams really
are....special! P.S. ALso another
special teams play would be to draw
an otherwise lost game by perpetual
check, 3-fold repetition or other
methods. That's +1/2 instead of +0. A
world of a difference! Pawn
promotion is key too. Promoting a
pawn could mean the difference
between winning or losing.
Special teams is key in tough
situations, so do the best you can
while you got time!