Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 24: Mind The Small Stuff

"Compound interest is the 8th

wonder of the universe." -Albert

Einstein, (1876 - 1962)

Little things are key to winning the

ballgame. In baseball you can score 9

runs a game by playing small ball.

For instance, in each inning, the

lead-off batter walks 4 balls and gets

on 1st base. During the 2nd batter's

bat, the lead off man on 1st steals for

2nd and makes it. Then the 2nd

batter flies out or grounds out, and

the 2nd baseman advance to third.

Then, the 3rd batter sacrifice flies to

the outfield or ground out, sending

the runner on 3rd home. Score = +1.

There's 9 innings in a ball game, so if

you score that way 9 nine innings,

you got 9 runs, without ever getting a

single hit! Something to think about.

In chess, i stress that the pawns are

the most important pieces on the

board, because without them you'd

be in trouble. For instance let's say

you have 1 pawn and a king versus

their lone king, you can promote that

pawn and win the game just with one

extra pawn! U see it's important to

mind the little things. For instance,

let's say you take a 0 by itself - that's

just zero, nothing. Add six zero's to

that and it's still worth zero, = 00000.

But put a one behind all those six

zeros and you got a million -

1,000,000! So that's the power of

minding the small more

about small stuff in ezine articles if

you can!

Remember, small things are worth

something too. Don't neglect them my

friend. It could cost you the game if

you start neglecting the small stuf. So

pay attention to detail! The small

things, done right, will eventually win

you the big game, it's true!

Chapter 25: Give Your Best Effort!

"Good. Better. Best. Never let it rest.

Until your good is better, and your

better is best."

-Dr. Seuss, Great American author

(1911 - 1998)

"Go hard or go home." -Fiend, Great

black music artist (1983 - )

Come strong or don't come at all they

say. Don't get locked into doing

things half-heartedly, otherwise,

you'll get half-poor results. You see,

you gotta tackle a project going all-in,

otherwise, it won't come out right - i

can guarantee that! You know, would

you get a spouse with half a body,

like missing the legs and arms and

things like that? Probably not

because it's gonna be kinda tough to

maneuver in that bed! So do things

completely, and do them as well as it

can be done.

When playing chess, give each game,

each move, each play your undivided

attention and keep at it until you get

the checkmate! You see, your

opponent wants to try to get you

trapped, so you want to prevent that,

right? So you focus, go hard at it and

do your best. What would happen if

you get on a plane, but they only got

half a tank of fuel, and you're going

overseas? They'd probably run out of

fuel, and crash somewhere because of

a half-hearted fuel effort. So,

likewise, we don't want to crash by

being careless or lackadaisical, so

work hard, study hard, and play

hard and you'll be just about

guaranteed to succeed. Go hard to

the paint or bust, pal!

Remember, come hard or don't come

at all - that's the motto. Put it on your


Chapter 26: Discipline is important!

"Even some rabbits are disciplined

enough to wait for carrot season as

opposed to dirt!"

What's discipline? Well let's break

up the word down for you. "Disc" is

any round, flat, circular object with

respect to the horizontal plane or

even a storage medium for

information. "Ip" stands for

indispensable provider. And "line" is

just that, it's a long conduit used for

communication or other purposes. So

discipline is basically an object or

thing that is an indispensable

provider that is communicated. So in

other words, it's having hte ability to

hold the line when times get tough. So

basically you got use your

discernment to check whether

something is good or bad f or you.

In chess, discipline is key because if

you're not disciplined, you'll start

making rash moves, fall into traps,

and wind up losing. So being

disiplined in chess means taking your

time, following instructions, don't

give your opponent cannon fodder,

and going after the king, protecting

yourself, eliminating the threats, and

watching your time. If you do those

things, you've got a great shot at a

victory. So be disciplined, - don't be


Having sound discipline will keep you

from losiing in most cases so pick up

some knowledge on your job and

practice....then do it! Go for it!