Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 31: Be Precise

"Be precise. A lack of precision is

dangerous when the margin of error

is small."

-Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of

Some Serious Stuff (Defense)!

Precision is basically being on target

with your execution of your strategy.

In other words, it's doing the right

thing, the right way, as close to

perfectly as possible. In life, you have

to be as precise as possible, becuase a

mistake could cost you time, money,

aggravation, and possibly a job.

Being on target can help win you the

ballgame bacause it will put you in a

better position to not make a mistake.

You absolutely have to be accurate to

be able to succeed effectively.

In chess, accuracy is key because if

you miscalculate a move, or series of

moves, that could cost you future

moves, pieces, and possibly the game.

You see, if you have a gameplan , and

don't stick to the plan or miscalculate

your opponent's moves or your

moves, that'll usually cost you

severely. So the more on target with

your calculations and moves you are,

the better off you'll be, and the better

chances of you getting put into

position for the checkmate! So be

precise, and don't make mistakes if at

all possible! Precision is key!

Precision will keep you in the hunt,

put you on track to win the ballgame,

and has the characteristics of not

making mistakes...and being on

target. Use precision to your

advantage, pal!