"The child who has been taught to
make an accurate elevation, plan,
and section of a pint pot has had an
admirable training in accuracy of eye
and hand." -Thomas Huxley
What precision does is it is not
making mistakes. Accuracy is being
laser precise all the time, on time, in
time. Accuracy can put you over the
top in the game of life and in chess.
Accuracy is like a laser ballpoint pen
marking out an x on a 1 mm x 1mm
square down to the "T." It is the
constant precision of your executed
plan, over and over again. We need
accuracy because otherwise we'd be
estimating everything, and not
knowing everything. So be accurate,
it really helps!
Accuracy is important in life because
it gives us an exaction, a kind of
quantification in exact measured
format. What would happen if we
write a check to somebody for $1,000
when you only meant to write it for
$100. You'd be -$900 in the hole just
for misplacing or adding 1 zero! One
zero could mean the difference
between a thousand and ten
thousand, so make your game tight
like a laser beam. When doing a job
or playing chess, do your job, as
Rev.Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. said,
as if no one born, ever born, or will
be born, can do it better than you!
Imagine that! Whe playing chess,
treat each move like royalty - treat it
like it's your only move you got,
because remember - the next moment
is not for certain. So each move is
important, of course looking ahead,
reflecting back, and acting in the
present! So be accurate if you can!
Accuracy is key because it is
necessary for great workmanship,
thereby getting the job done how it's
supposed to be done, day in and day
out, without ceasing! So please try to
be as precise and accurate as