Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 34: Repetition Is The

Mother Of Learning!

"Any idea, plan, or purpose may be

placed in the mind through repetition

of thought."

-Napoleon Hill

"I tell a student that the most

important class you can take is

technique. A great chef is first a great

technician. If you are a jeweler, or a

surgeon or a cook, you have to know

the trade in your hand. You have to

learn the process. You learn it

through endless repetition until it

belongs to you." -Jacques Pepin

What's repetition? Repetition doing

sometahing over and over and over,

etc, or repeating something until a

certain time limit, or indefinitely.

Repetiition is the mother of all

learning, and really, success if you

repeatedly do the right thing all the

time. In life if you repeatedly smoke

pot or eat meat, you'll die. On the

opposite, if you eat fruit an drink

water and go to church, you'll

probably live a long, long time,

continuously. So the choices we make

and how we practice and through

repetition determines our health, our

status, and our happiness level. If

you, through repetition, read books

and go to school, you're likely to

learn at least something. If you sleep

most of the day, and watch

inappropriate crap, what will be your

fate? Not good. So let's be in the good

be practicing and repetitiously doing

the right things and learn and watch

and read the right kinds of things too.

Listening to the right kinds of things

helps too. You live where you think in

your mind, and it will manifest itself

eventually. So think right, repeatedly

all the time and you'll be okay!

In chess, repetition of the right move

sequences, strategies, and executions

can definitely put you in the hunt for

red october, my friend! Right

repetition can help put you over the

top for sure! I mean, study, practice

and play at the highest level...and

execute! Repeatedly do the right

moves over and over and over, etc,

and you'll be on top of things usually!

So repetition is key buddy!

Repetition can help put you over the

top in most cases. However it has to

be repetition of the right things for

you to win this ballgame, so do it!