Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Chapter 33: Practice At The Highest


If you decide to do this thing, to go

for it, to accomplish your goals, then

you have to practice at the highest

level, because as they say, you

practice how you play in the real

game! So if you slack off, half-effort,

or loafing during practice, how do

you think you'll play in the real

game? In life, if you don't give 100%

when no person is watching, you

probably won't turn on the juice all

the way when a bunch of folks are

watching. You see, training and

practice is key if you want to succeed

because it helps prepare you for the

real deal. Ali trained and practiced.

Jordan trained and practiced.

Michael Phelps trained and

practiced. Lebron James practiced

and trained - and they all are

champions. Will you practice at the

highest level? Will you? Don't you

want to win this ballgame? Well,

start practicing hard and playing and

working as hard as you possibly can

-- then take a rest or break. That's

how you do it!

In chess, you need to practice

opening, middle, and endgame

strategy, as well as etiquette and the

30 basic checkmates because if you

don't study and practice them, you'll

most certainly be in severe danger of

losing the ballgame! So i've provided

a checkmate manual and a basic

chess strategy guide for you at the

end of this ebook, so stay tuned!

Practice can help make you perfect if

you practice perfectly and perfect

your practice! Just Do It Nike!

Practicing hard can give you a big

advantage over the opponent because

that help prepare you for the real

deal. Also you won't be as surprised

because you already practiced that

particular defense, etc. So practice

and play as hard as you can, and let

God take care of the rest!