industry. Corn has many uses outside
of eating it. It is used in paints,
ceramics, explosives, metal molds,
textiles, and construction materials.
Some farmers use their corn to feed
their livestock. Ethanol, a new type of
energy source, is made from corn as
well. Some companies are using
ethanol to power their vehicles. Corn
grows from a small yellow kernel,
which is found on the corn cob. There
are literally hundreds of kernels on
one single corn cob. After watering it
and giving it some sunshine, the seed
develops into a small green plant.
From the green plant shoots out
feathery tails that need to be
pollinated. Then, small corn cobs
start growing through the plant.
Then the corn husks and cob gets
bigger and form corn as we know it.
Sometimes the corn is not yellow, but
white in color. The taste of corn is
very sweet and tasty. The kernels that
you eat can be dried and used as seed
for planting. Corn has starch,
protein, vitamin A, vitamin C,
potassium, and iron. Go and pick up
some corn at the market todayM/$-4'
usually inexpensive.
Cranberries are a seriously tasty
fruit. They are red berries that grow
on vines. Lots of people eat cranberry
sauce on Thanksgiving. They also
have little seeds inside them that you
may use for planting. You can also
eat cranberries raw or mash them up
and make pies and cakes, or you can
blend them up and make a juice.
Cranberries taste sweet and tart most
of the time. The cranberry has fiber,
vi tamin C, and is an antioxidant. Go
and get these rascals at the store
Cucumbers are long, green
vegetables that grow on vines. They
contain many seeds in them.
Cucumbers belong to the same family
of vegetables as melons, pumpkins,
and squash. If you grow them, you
can grow them from seed. They start
off as seeds, and then when you water
them, they grow in to vines with
flowers on them. The flowers will
swell up at the base and start to form
little cucumbers. After nurturing it
some more, the little cucumbers grow
into big cucumbers. Then you cut off
the stem and throw them in your
cucumbers.Cucumbers are about
95% water, so if you cook them, most
will be water. You can use cucumbers
in salads especially. Some people like
pickles, which are cucumbers
marinated in vinegar and spices.
Cucumbers have vitamin C, folate,
potassium, and vitamin A. Go and
add these to your salads today.
Cumin is a type of herb that is
similar to parsley and dill and
carrots. I believe it's part of the
carrot family. Cumin is good to use in
spicy dishes like spiced rice and soups
and chilies. Cumin has a seed and
fruit, of which the fruit is used in
cooking, although more frequently
the seed is used in cooking in modern
day homes. So, anyway, go ahead and
get some cumin at the market today!
Currant ; the currant comes in three
varieties: black, white, and red. I
think they all have different tastes. I
they are good for you. They are soft,
round berries with tart flesh. You
can make pies, cakes, cookies, and all
sorts of stuff with currants. Lots of
vitamins too. Go get them today!
Custard Apple
Custard apple ; the custard apple
comes in three varieties: cherimoya,
soursop, and sugar apple. All three
are dandies! The soursop can be a
foot long and can weigh 10 pounds or
more. Like a watermelon! All of them
have lots of black seeds! Go get the
custard apples today!
Date ; the date is a brown fruit that
many people eat dried. Dates are
brown and elliptical in shape and
they are good for you! They have one
medium sized seed in the middle that
you can use for growing. Go get some
dates today!
Dill is a tall, green annual herb that is
related to the parsley plant. It is used
extensively to flavor pickles and sour
cream and potato chips. It has seeds
as well. The leaves of the dill plant
are called dill weed. I would
recommend that you use it in your
sauces and stir fry dishes. It would do
well in those types of dishes. Go out
and get it today!
Dragonfruit is a fuschia-like fruit
with green lea ves coming out of it.
The fruit itself is a little scary
looking, but it's good for you.
Dragonfruit has many vitamins and
minerals for you, so no worry - it's
going to help you out! They do grow
on trees and not vines, so that's one
more thing you may want to know
about dragonfruit. Go ahead and get
to the market and get dragonfruit
Durian ; the durian is an Asian fruit
originating in the Indonesian islands.
Durians are a greenish brown fruit
with spikes on them. Supposedly they
have a foul odor. But they are also
supposedly really good ; the fruit
nutrition in them durians. Go get it
Eggplants are an elliptical shaped
vegetable with a violet-black outside
skin and a white interior. You will
find black seeds in them that you can
use for planting. These vegetables are
members of the nightshade family,
which includes tomatoes, peppers,
and potatoes. Eggplants are filling,
but they have a bland flavor. Be sure
to add spices to eggplants while
significant source of nutrients in
Be sure to pick up some eggplant at
the market today.
Feijoa ; the Feijoa is a green fruit,
longitudinal in shape, and has yellow
flesh with white seeds in it. It looks
like a small watermelon. New
Zealand farms a lot of Feijoas, but
you can find them in other parts of
vitamins in them Feijoas, so go ahead
and try some today!
Fennel is a green and white vegetable
with a round base and long stems
shooting out from it. Fennel is
commonly mistaken for celery.
Doctors to help alleviate many
ailments have used fennel. Florence
fennel has fan shaped leaves and is
used in cooking. Supposedly, it has a
sweet, crisp taste that tastes similar to
licorice. Fennel is a member of the
parsley fam-fam. The vegetable is
high in fiber and low in calories.
Also, fennel has vitamin A, vitamin
C, iron, calcium, and other minerals.
You can chop up some fennel and
add it to your salads and soups today.
Fig - the fig is a fruit, and it is an oval
and elliptical shaped fruit that is very
good for you. They talked about figs
in the Bible, mostly in the Old
Testament, as the Isrealites were
fleeing Egypt into the promised land.
Figs have seeds in them , and the
flesh is yellow and red. Fig Newtons
are a popular snack in the United
States. Go get some Figs very soon!
Garlic is a white bulb-shaped
vegetable that grows in the ground.
The white cloves are seeds that you
use in your cooking. Garlic has been
used for years by healers to treat a lot
of different types of diseases. A lot of
research has been done to test
most results have been good. Most of
the garlic grown in the United States
is grown is California. You can steam
or cook garlic with herbs and spices
to make a really good aroma. Garlic
is a great little vegetable and you
ought to use it in your sauces and di
shes. Go and buy some at the store
Ginger is a light brown root
vegetable that has been used to flavor
foods since ancient times. The ginger
root comes from the ginger plant.
Long stems and leaves sprout from
the roots of the ginger plant. Ginger
is grown in Asia, West Indies, South
America, Africa, and other parts of
the world. Ginger root is great for
teas, drinks, and all sorts of dishes.
Ginger is also great for breads,
cookies, cakes, pies, and the like. It is
used sometimes for medicinal
purposes as well. Run to the store to
pick up some ginger.
Gooseberry ; the gooseberry is a type
of berry. It has many colors, some
red, some yellow, some green. They
are spherically shaped and they are
sweet and tart. Each berry has a seed
seed). They have plenty of vitamins
and minerals so go ahead and hop to
it ; Go out and buy some
gooseberries soon!
Grapefruit have a yellowish-orange
skin and a pink -red fruit interior. A
lot of people like grapefruit because it
tastes sweet and tangy, but it is al so
filling and inexpensive. Most
grapefruit measure about a half foot
in diameter. It consists of many fruity
segments combined with white
grapefruit seeds. The yellow outer
layer provides the protection from
the elements.The United States
produces close to 50% of all
grapefruits in the world. The farmers
harvest about 4.5 billion pounds of
the fruit annually. Florida is United
grapefruit, followed by California.
Grapefruit trees can grow up to 30
feet tall. The leaves are usually dark
green in color and the flowers are
white. The flowers eventually make
way to become small grapefruits.
Grapefruit belongs to the rue family.
It is a citrus fruit, too. Grapefruit has
vitamin C, potassium, folate, calcium,
and iron. It also has beta carotene,
which is good for eyes. Make sure to
put some grapefruit in your cart
Grapes are juicy little fruits that
grow on vines. Grapes come in green,
red, and purple varieties. They are
spherical and they taste great! Inside
are little white seeds that you can use
grow in clusters of 6 to 300 grapes,
too. About 60 million metric tons of
grapes are harvested every year.
Approximately 80% of all grapes
goes over to making wine. About
13% is sold as fresh grapes, which is
called table grapes. Grapes are
among the oldest fruit crops grown.
Some people crush grapes and store
them in vats to make wine. Or you
can let them dry up and become
About 90% of all grapes grown in the
United States is grown in California.
Outside the U.S., Europe is the
biggest producer of grapes. France,
Italy, and Spain are the big boys of
the grape industry in Europe. Grapes
can be grown from seed or grown
from cuttings of the vines and
planted. This proces s is called
propagation. With good care, a
grapevine may produce 15 pounds of
grapes every year for 100 years.
8%($-4'('.*$'*!'3&(#s! But oftentimes
people just eat the fruit raw. Grapes
have iron, potassium, vitamin C, and
bioflavonoids. Add some grapes to
your daily regimen.
Greens (Collard)
Collard greens are a type of plant
that is really good for your body.
They are green, leafy plants that we
use the leaves to eat. Greens are
known to many people as down home
cooking food. Collard greens can be
used in soups, stir fry, casserole, or
just on its own. They have all kinds of
vitamins and minerals in there so
make sure you head to the market
and get some greens today!
Guavas are a tropical fruit that
grows well in many tropical areas of
the world. They are oval shaped,
plump and green. The fruit inside is
usually deep pink or light reddish in
color. They also have many gritty
little seeds inside them. They grow on
evergreen trees that grow 5 to 30 feet
high. Guavas have plenty of vitamin
C, potassium, iron, and fiber. Most
guavas have about 60 calories per
You can eat th em raw or you can
throw them in a blender and call it a
day! Go ahead and buy these
delicacies today!
The hazelnut is a type of nut that we
all should know a little something
about - you eat them around
Christmastime. They have
orangish-brown shells and a small
brown nut. The nuts themselves are a
good source of good vitamins and
minerals. Also, hazelnuts are known
to be good for bone strength. So go
ahead and get to your market to get
those hazelnuts today buddy!
Hickory Nut
The hickory nut is a brown nut
encased inside of a brown-green
husk. The nut itself is the seed of the
hickory tree. You can use the nuts for
eating and also to grow more hickory
trees. The hickory nut is a good
source of vitamins and minerals.
They definitely are very good for
building strong teeth and bones. All
nuts are good for bones. So get some
hickory nuts at the market today
Jackfruit ; the jackfruit is a nice
fruit! Some of them jackfruits weigh
up to 80 pounds or more. They are
brownish green with numerous white
seeds in it. They grow them in Asia
and Australia and the West Indies.
The jackfruit is a serious fruit I tell
ya and they have lots of vitamins and
minerals that is good for you! So get
some jackfruit today please!
Jicama is a greenish skinned veggie
that has a white interior kind of
similar to the potato - it's like a green
potato. they're great for you!
Jujube is a type of exotic fruit that we
all need. has plenty of vitamins and