Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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part of the allium family which

includes leeks, garlic, and shallots.

Onion plants are biennials, meaning

you have to replace them every

couple years. When they are fully

mature, they consist of leaves, a bulb,


growing, there are flowers with seeds

in them that come out. Most onions

are white, red, or yellow. Yes, there

are even red onions out there! Onions

were known to help heal things in


Onions have vitamin C, beta

carotene, potassium, and other good

stuff. If you cut them, they will make



Oranges are spherical, orange fruits

that are super tasty! They are one of

the best tasting citrus fruits out there

folks. About 120 billion pounds of

oranges are produced every year ;

what an amazing figure! Brazil,

U.S.A., and China are the top orange

producing countries in the world. In

the USA, oranges are grown in

Florida and California. Florida

produces about 80% of the total crop

of oranges for the U.S. Oranges can

be grown from seed. The seed sprouts

roots, and the roots give way to a

stem. The stem turns into a tree

trunk, and the tree trunk has a bunch

of branches. The branches bring

forth white flowers. Oranges develop

from the base of the flowers. The

flowers die off and bring forth the

orange fruit. Orange trees may

produce fruit for up to 100 years if


how oranges grow. You can eat

oranges raw or you can throw them

in a blender and make a drink. Some

people use oranges in their cakes,

pies, pastries, and the like. Oranges

have lots of vitamin C, rutin,

hesperidin, and bioflavoniods. You

can blend them up and make a cake

or pie out of them. Go ahead and

clobber some oranges today!


Oregano is widely recognized to be

one of the best herbs for pasta sauces

and chilies. It belongs to the mint

family. Oregano has a very distinct

taste and it goes great in pasta sauces.

You can probably grow it from seed,

too. Go grab some today!


Papayas are super tasty and sweet

fruits that grow in tropical areas of

the world. They are usually round or

oval in shape, too. They are usually

green on the outside with a


symphony of black seeds inside the

fruit. If you grow papayas from seed,

supposedly it will begin to bear fruit

36 months after planting. The tree

reaches a height of up to 35 feet. A

typical papaya plant will yield a

gathering of up to 150 fruits. Papayas

are very high in vitamin C, beta

carotene, vitamin A, and potassium.

You can eat these fruits raw or throw

it in a blender with other fruits and

call it a day. Or you can even mash

them up and make a cake or pie out

of it. Hop to it and get some papayas



Parsley is a great tasting herb that

goes well with any vegetable dish that

you can make. It is green with curly

little leaves on the end, and a long,

light green stem. It is a biennial herb,

meaning you have to re-grow some

every two years. Parsley goes very

well in stir fry dishes. Parsley has

vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and

calcium. Cook it with tofu blocks to

make and extremely tasty dish. Go

and get some parsley today!


Parsnips are white or red vegetables

that are elliptical in shape. It is the

tornado shaped white root that you

can eat. Parsnips are definitely

related to the carrot. Parsnips are

part of the parsley family. They have

a sweet, nutty flavor that goes well

with soups and the like. Or you can

serve parsnips with collard greens or

potatoes. Parsnips have fiber,

potassium, vitamin C, and folate. Go

get them today!

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit ; the Passion fruit is a

very exotic fruit indeed. The passion

fruit is a purplish spherical shaped

fruit with tough, wrinkled skin. The

flesh is yellowish-orange. The seeds

are embedded within the flesh, which

you can use to grow your own fruit.

Go ahead and get these dandies



Peaches are super great tasty fruits

that have an orange and yellow skin

and orange fruity inside. Most have

brown seed pits in the middle. Peach

trees can grow up to 25 feet high. A

peach tree usually bears a good crop

about 3 to 4 years after it is planted.

Sometimes, peach trees can live up to

20 years. Peaches are part of the rose

family. You can eat them raw, make

a pie out of them, or t hrow them in a

blender and make a fruit drink out of

it. Peaches have antioxidants, vitamin

A, vitamin C, fiber, and random good

stuff. Go ahead and grab some today.


The peanut is a type of groundnut, a

nut that grows underground. They

are light brown in color encased in a

brown shell, What happens is that

the plant will drop little shoots into

the ground and peanuts grow on the

ends of the shoots. Then you harvest

them by pulling up the plants from

the roots and you end up with

peanuts! They have plenty of

vitamins and minerals in them

peanuts that's good for your general

health! So go ahead - hop, skip, run -

to the market and get some peanuts

today buddy!


Peas come in green pods with

spherical green seeds. Peas are

classified as legumes, and they

combine to make a complete protein

when you combine it wi th grains.

You should cook peas by steaming

them w ith herbs and spices. Peas

taste best when you put them in

vegetable soups. Growing peas is a

relatively easy thing to do. You just

take a seed from one of the pods, and

throw it in the ground. Water it, give

it some sunlight, and call it a day! No,


take about 60 days to harvest peas.

Peas have lots of protein, pectin,

vitamin C, vita min A, thiamine,

riboflavin, iron, and potassium. Peas

are just a hop, skip, and a jump away

; go ahead and get them.


Pecan ; the pecan is a nice little nut

that I never liked, but I will eat them

in the future. They are a honey

brown colored nut that grows on

trees. The pecan is very good for your

body! They help heal broken bones

like no other. Go out and get some

pecans today!


Peppers come in many different

shapes and colors, ranging from red


different variety called black pepper.

The pepper plant bears a small green

berry that turns to red as it ripens.

The berries are dried and they turn

to black as they dry. The dried

berries are ground up and shifted

into containers. Just cook them w ith

herbs and spices for it to taste good.

The other type of pepper is the Bell

pepper. It grows on a small little

plant called the pepper plant. The

pepper is usually cylindrical with a

caved in top. There are dozens of

little white seeds inside the pepper.

Peppers are part of the nightshade

family. Peppers have vitamin C,

vitamin A, vitami n B6, and folate.

Go ahead and get these today.


Persimmon ; the persimmon is an

orange fruit that is semi-spherical in

shape and supposedly is very tasty. I

am assuming it does have a seed

somewhere inside the fruit , but I am

just not sure where the seed is at.

Also, people use the persimmon for

woodmaking and jellies. Persimmon

has lots of nutrients. Go get some



Physalis ; the physalis is a type of

fruit that is round in shape with a

calyx, an encasing, and is usually

orangish in color. Supposedly the

physalis is known as groundcherries.

They have lots of vital nutrients in

them that can make you happy! Go

get some soon!


Pistachios are small elliptically

shaped nuts that have a white shell

and a small greenish-whitish-brown

nut in it. The seeds are the stuff you

eat - the pistachio nut. They grow

them out in the West Coast of the

USA a lot, especially California.

Pistachios have plenty of vitamins

and minerals in them for you. So go

ahead and get down to the market

and get some pistachio nuts soon!


Pineapples are grown in many

tropical areas of the world. They are

tasty yellow fruits with scaly skin on

the outside. The seeds are on the rim

of the yellow flesh, outside. The seeds

are black. The pineapples plant


weighs an average of 6 pounds.

Pineapples are very sweet fruits that

make them great additions to your

diet. You can blend them up to make

a drink or you can eat them raw ;

either way, it-..':&'!/0&7'F/0&(55.&4'

have vitamin C, thiamine, folate,

vitamin B6, iron, magnesium , and

fiber. Head to the store to get these



Plums are purple spherical fruits that

grow on trees in many parts of the

world. The trees grow up t o 18 feet

tall. About 6 million metric tons of

plu ms are produced each year.

China, Germany, and the U.S.

produce the bulk of the plums in the

world. The U.S. produces about 9

million tons each year. California

produces more plums than the other

states combined. Plums have a

smooth skin and a thick, juicy flesh.

You can eat them with the skin on or

off. They are sweet, juicy fruits that

you can eat at just about any time of

day. Plums have vitamin C,

riboflavin, and potassium. Go ahead

and clo bber some plums today.

Make sure you let it ripen on your

window sill, though.


Pomegranates are purplish red round

fruits that are very good for your

body. They have a lot of seeds in

them that you can eat or store for

next year's planting. Pomegranates

grow on trees all across the globe.

They have a nice flesh, and the seeds

you can eat. They have lots of

vitamins and minerals in them so

easy does it! So, go ahead, hop on

over to your local market and get so

me pomegranates today buddy!


Pommelo ; the pommelo is a fruit

that looks like a big pear, but with


has on its inside divisions like the

orange does. There are seeds inside of

each little division. The pommelo is

called that because it is so big but has

so little fruit that you just want to

pummel it ; beat it down! So anyway,

go and get some pommelo today!


Potatoes are elliptical brown or red

vegetables that come in colors

ranging from brown to red. They

grow underground, too. Potatoes are

baked, boiled, fried, or mashed.

Potatoes are grown in many parts of

the world, but in the United States,

they are mostly grown in Idaho.

Growers produce about 6 bi llion

bags of potatoes every year. China

grows the most potatoes out of all the

countries. The U.S. produces 400

million bags of potatoes annually.

Potatoes are annual vegetables,

meaning they have to be replanted

every year because the plant dies off

after the tubers mature. Potatoes are

unique because you can plant the

whole tuber as a seed. It produces

offshoots from the little eyes on the

potato. The offshoots bring forth new

potatoes on stems. There are also

sweet potatoes, too. They are

essentially the same as regular

potatoes except they are sweet and

have an orange interior. Potatoes are

inexpensive, nutritious, and filling.


taste, but it is noticeable. They have

fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron,

magnesium, potassium, and zinc. You

can boil them and mash them up or

you can eat them baked. Either way,

go get them today.


Pumpkins are very large spherical

orange vegetables that grow on vines.

Pumpkins are very heavy and have

lots of seeds within the fruit.

Pumpkins have a distinct taste. You

can eat them mashed up or use them

in a pie. Pumpkins are part of the

gourd family. Pumpkins are typically

eaten from September to December

in the United States. Just like most

other orange pigmented vegetables,

pumpkins have a lot of vitamin A.

They also have vitamin C, potassium,

and fiber. One thing about pumpkins

is that they have lots of seeds. Go and

get some pumpkin today!


Quinoa is a cereal grain crop that

looks like a type of light grain if you

look at it. They are green or red in

color and they are ultra good for

your body. Not too many people

know that quinoa exists but now you

do. I am sure that quinoa has all

kinds of vitamins and minerals in

there that's healthy for the ole

temple! Anyway, head down to the

market and get some quinoa today

my bud!


Radishes are spherical red vegetables

that grow underground. The reddish

root is the part that you eat. They are

closely related to cabbage, kale,

turnips, and cauliflower. As a matter

of fact they are part of the mustard

family. They make good additions to

soups and salads. Radishes have

vitamin C , iron, potassium, and

folate. Get some today.


Rambutan ; the rambutan is a

medium sized fruit that looks very


has feathers on it! There is a brown

seed in the middle of the whole thing.

You can use it to plant next year!

Anyway, the rambutan must be good

for you because folks like it! So go

and get some of that good ole

fashioned rambutan today buddy!