Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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Carrot Cake w/chocolate glaze

3 cups flour

3 cups water

1 cup carrots, shredded

1/2 cup peanuts

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1 cup melted cocoa nibs

1 tbp vanilla

In a bowl, combine flour and water

and mix. Add carrot shreds, peanuts,

and vanilla. Makes a batter. Pour

batter into a greased baking cake pan

and bake at 375 F for 15 minutes.

When done, pour melted cocoa over

top and sprinkle peanuts over top.

Can also add maple syrup too if you

like. Serves 1 large cake. Enjoy!

c. = cups; tbsp.=tablespoon;


Chocolate Pineapple Upsidedown


3 c. flour

3 c. water

1 pineapple,sliced

6 cherries, de-pitted

1 cup melted cocoa nibs

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup maple syrup

In a bowl, mix flour and water

together. Mix. Makes a batter. Add

melted cocoa to the batter and mix

well. Add vegetable oil and mix well.

Grease a baking cake pan and place 6

pineapple slices on the bottom,

covering the bottom. put a cherry in

the middle of each pineapple slice.

Pour the chocolate batter over the

pineapple slices, until empty. Bake

the cocoa-pineapple batter for 15

minutes at 375 F until well done.

When finished, take out of oven and

pour maple syrup over top. Sprinkle

coconut shreds over top and serve.

Makes 1 large cake. Enjoy!

Verry-Berry Cake

3 c. flour

3 c. water

1/4 cup strawberries

1/4 cup blueberries

1/2 cup blackberries

4 tsp. vanilla juice

1/4 cup vegetable oil

In a mixing bowl, combine flour,

water together and mix. Makes basic

batter. Add strawberries,

blueberries, blackberries. Mix well.

Pour batter into a greased baking

dish and bake at 375 for 15 minutes,

until done. When done, pour a mix of

vegetable oil and vanilla juice over

the cake and serve. Makes one cake.


Banana Nutty Buddy Cake

w/chocolate glaze

3 c. flour

3 c. water

2 ripe bananas, sliced

1/2 c. peanuts, unsalted

1/2 c. melted cocoa

1 tbsp. vanilla

1/4 c. vegetable oil

In a bowl, combine flour and water

and banana slices. Mix. Add peanuts

and vegetable oil. Mix well. Pour

batter into a greases baking pan and

bake 375 F for 15 minutes until well

done. Take out of oven. Combine

vanilla and melted cocoa and pour

over cake, drizzling. Sprinkle peanuts

over top. Serves 1 cake. Enjoy!

Johnny McHootsworth's White Cake

3 c. flour

3 3/4 c. water

1 turnip, sliced

1 clove garlic, minced

1 white onion, minced,

1 c. white beans, mashed

10 slices of apples, peeled

2 bananas, sliced and peeled

1/4 cup vegetable oil

Combine flour and water in bowl and

mix. Makes batter. Add turnip,

garlic, onion, beans, apples, and

bananas. Add oil and mix well. Add

more water if necessary. Makes a

white batter. Pour batter into a

greased baking pan and bake for 15

minutes at 375 F until done. Makes 1

cake. Serve and enjoy!

Basic Strawberry Shortcake

3 c. flour

3 c. water

1 c. strawberries, sliced

1/2 c. coconut milk

1 tbsp. vanilla

1/4 c. pistachios, shelled unsalted

1/4 c. vegetable oil

In a mixing bowl, combine flour and

water to make a batter. Add

strawberries and pistachios. Mix.

Add vegetable oil and mix well.

Makes batter. Pour batter into a

greased baking pan and bake at 375

F for 15 minutes until done. Whip the

coconut milk and vegetable oil until a

whipped cream forms. Spread the

coconut whipped cream over top of

cake. Sprinkle with nuts if you wish.

Serves 1 cake. Enjoy!

Peanut Butter Cake w/nut Topping

3 c. flour

3 c. water

1 c. peanut butter

1/5 c. vegetable oil

1/2 c. peanuts

In a bowl combine flour and water to

make a batter. Add the peanuts and

mix. Add vegetable oil and mix well.

Pour batter into a greased baking

pan and bake at 375 F for 15 minutes

until done. When done, spread

peanut butter on the top and sides of

cake. Sprinkle peanuts on top and

enjoy. Serves 1 cake! Enjoy!

Tri-Fecta Layered Rainbow Cake

Layer 1:

2 c. flour

2 c. water

1 c. bananas, mashed

1/5 c. vegetable oil

Layer 2:

2 c. flour

2 c. water

1 c. blueberries

1/5 c. vegetable oil

Layer 3, Top:

2 c. flour

2 c. water

1 pineapple, sliced in to small mini


1 c. melted cocoa nibs

1 tbsp. vanilla

1/2 c. peanuts


1 c. peanut butter

1/2 c. cashews

To make the cake, combine flour and

water in 3 separate bowls. In bowl #1,

mix bananas into batter along with

vegetable oil and mix well. Makes a

banana batter. Set aside. In bowl #2,

mix blueberries into the batter and

mix well. Makes a blueberry batter.

Set aside. In bowl #3, mix pineapple

slices, vanilla, and melted chocolate

into batter along with peanuts and

oil. Mix thoroughly. Makes a

chocolate fruit batter. Grease 3

baking cake pans and pour batter in

each of their corresponding batter

pans. Batter #1 gets poured into pan

#1..and so on. Bake the 3 cakes for 20

minutes at 375 F until the cakes are

well baked through. After finished

baking, spread peanut butter on top

and sides all the way around of each

cake. Put layer #1 on bottom. Layer

#2 in middle. Layer #3 goes on top.

Spread peanut butter over top and

sprinkle cashews over top and serve.

Makes 1 large Tri-fecta Cake!!


Delicious Pies

Pecan Pie

1 basic pizza dough

2 cups mashed corn kernels, cooked

1/2 cup pecans

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

1 tbsp vanilla juice

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup peanuts

In a bowl, mix together the pecans,

mashed corn, sugar beet syrup,

vanilla, and oil. Mix well and

combine.Makes filling. Place the

dough onto a greased pie pan. Add in

the pecan filing and flatten the top.

Drizzle a little oil and water over the

top and sprinkle peanuts over the

top. Bake in an oven for 20 minutes

until done at 375 F.Serves 1 large

pecan pie. Enjoy!

Peach Pie w/chocolate glaze

1 basic pizza dougn

2 cups mashed corn kernels, cooked

1 cup peaches

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

1 tbsp vanilla juice

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup melted cocoa

In a bowl, mix together the peaches,

mashed corn, sugar beet syrup,

vanilla, and oil. Mix well and

combine.Makes a filling. Place the

dough onto a greased pie pan. Add in

the peach filing and flatten the top.

Drizzle a little oil and water over the

top and sprinkle chocolate over the

top. Bake in an oven for 20 minutes

until done at 375 F. Serves 1 large

peach pie. Enjoy!

Mississippi Mud Pie

1 basic pizza dougn

2 cups soybeans, cooked and mashed

1 cup melted cocoa

1 cup coconut juice

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

1 tbsp vanilla juice

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup peanuts

In a bowl, mix together the cocoa,

mashed soybeans, sugar beet syrup,

vanilla, and oil. Mix well and

combine. Makes a chocolate filling.

Place the dough onto a greased pie

pan. Add in the chocolate filling on

the bottom On 2nd layer. put

peanuts and coconut shreds in there.

3rd layer= whip the coconut juice

until it becomes a whipped cream.

Drizzle a little chocolate over the top

and sprinkle peanuts over the top.

Bake in an oven for 20 minutes until

done at 375 F. Serves 1 large

mississippi mud pie. Enjoy!

Key Lemon Pie

1 basic pizza dougn

1 cup of lemon juice, fresh squeezed

2 cups mashed soybeans, cooked

1/2 cup pistachios

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup peanuts

1/2 cup coconut creme topping

In a bowl, mix together the soybeans,

lemon juice, sugar beet syrup,

pistachios, and oil. Mix well and

combine.Makes filling. Place the

dough onto a greased pie pan. Add in

the lemon filing and flatten the top.

Bake at 375 F for 20 minutes until

done. Add coconut creme on top.

Drizzle a little oil and water over the

top and sprinkle peanuts over the

top. Serves 1 large lemon pie. Enjoy!

Glaze's Sweet Potato Pie

1 basic pizza dougn

2 cups mashed sweet potatoes, cooked

1 tbsp vanilla juice

1/2 cup melted cocoa

1 tsp. each of cinnamon, nutmeg,

ginger, cloves

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup peanuts

In a bowl, mix together the sweet

potato, spices, vanilla, and oil. Mix

well and combine. Makes filling.

Place the dough onto a greased pie

pan. Add in the sweet potato filling

and flatten the top. Bake in an oven

for 20 minutes until done at 375 F.

When done. drizzle melted cocoa

over top. Sprinkle peanuts over top,

too. Serves 1 large sweet potato pie.


Pumpkin Pie

1 basic pizza dough

1 c. mashed and cooked pumpkin

2 tsp. each: cinnamon, nutmeg,

ginger, cloves

1 tbsp. vanilla

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

In a bowl, combine mashed pumpkin,

spices, and vanilla. Mix well. Add in

the sugar beet syrup. Mix. Pour the

pie filling into a pizza dough,

stretched to the edge. Bake at 375 F

for 20 minutes, until done. Makes 1

pumpkin pie. Enjoy!

Young Buck's Greata Cherry Pie

1 pizza dough

2 cups cherries, pitted

1 cup cooked soybeans, mashed

1/2 cup peanuts

1 red apple sliced

1/4 cup water

Combine cherries, mashed soybeans,

apples, and peanuts in a bowl. Mix

well. Add 1/4 cup water until a batter

is formed. Pour batter over a pie shell

made from dough. Bake the pie for

20 minutes at 375 F. Makes 1 pie.


Good Buddy Apple Pie

1 basic dough

2 cups cooked, mashed corn

3 apples, sliced, skins on

1/2 cup water

1 tbsp. each: cinnamon, nutmeg,

ginger, cloves

1/5 cup vegetable oil

1/2 cup walnuts

In a mixing bowl. combine mashed

corn, apples, water, and spices. Mix

well until becomes a nice batter. Add

walnuts and oil. Mix. Pour batter into

pie shell (dough) and bake at 375 F

for 20 minutes, until done. Makes 1

large apple pie. Enjoy!!

Banana Strawberry Pie

1 pie dough crust

3 bananas, (1 sliced, 2 mashed)

1 cup sliced strawberries

1/2 cup peanuts

1/5 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup melted cocoa

In a mixing bowl, mix bananas,

strawberries, and peanuts together.

Add in the banana slices. Mix well.

Add in oil. Mix. In a greased dish,

pour batter onto a pie crust shell and

bake for 20 minutes at 375 F until

done. When done drizzle cocoa over

top of pie. Makes 1 pie. Enjoy!!!!

Blueberry Pie

1 basic pie shell (dough)

2 cups of blueberries

1 banana, mashed

1 tsp. each of: cinnamon, nutmeg,

ginger, cloves

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/5 cup water

In a bowl, combine blueberries,

banana, spices, and water and mix

well. Add in the oil and mix well.

Makes batter. Pour batter into

greased pie shell and bake for 20

minutes at 375 F until done. When

finished, spread peanut butter over

top. Serves 1 large pie. Enjoy!

Great Tasting Puddings

Vintage Chocolate Pudding

2 cups melted cocoa nibs

2 cups mashed and cooked soybeans

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar beet syrup

In a bowl, combine melted cocoa,

soybeans, water, and sugar. Mix well

until soft, smooth, and rich. Makes

7-9 servings of chocolate pudding.

Banana Pudding

2 cups mashed bananas

2 cups mashed and cooked soybeans

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar beet syrup

In a bowl, combine mashed bananas,

soybeans, water, and sugar. Mix well

until soft, smooth, and rich. Makes

7-9 servings of banana pudding.

Vanilla Pudding

1 cup vanilla beans, mashed

2 cups mashed and cooked soybeans

1 cup water

1/2 cup sugar beet syrup

In a bowl, combine vanilla, soybeans,

water, and sugar. Mix well until soft,

smooth, and rich. Makes 7-9 servings

of vanilla pudding.