Veggie Super Value Package by MARIO RAMON EASTIN - HTML preview

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syrup over the salad and add salt and

pepper. Mix the salad well. Put in

refridgerator until well chilled.

Makes 8 servings of salad. Enjoy!!

Abdulle' Josenth's Fruit Salad

2 large red apples

1 cup sliced canteloupe

1 cup sliced watermelon, skinned

1 cup peaches, sliced

1 cup plums sliced

1/2 cup peanuts, unsalted

1/2 cup maple syrup

In a large bowl, mix apples,

canteloupe, melon, peaches, plums,

peanuts, and syrup. Mix well. Mix

the salad well. Drizzle maple syrup

over the top of the salad and serve.

Serves 10 medium salads. Enjoy!!!

Bobby's Brown Rice Supa Salad!

2 cups brown rice, cooked

2 tomatoes, diced

1 onion, diced

1 clove garlic, diced

1 cup lettuce, chopped

1/4 cup sunflower seeds

1/10 cup of sesame seeds

1.4 cup olive oil

1 tbsp. each: salt and pepper

In a large bowl, mix rice, onion,

garlic, lettuce, and both kinds of

seeds. Mix well. Drizzle olive oil over

top and place into fridge. Serves 8-10

servings of salad. Enjoy!


Plain Cuisine Plus Some!

Regulario's Brown Rice

1 cup brown rice

2 1/2 cups water

1/2 onion,minced

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp. salt and pepper

In a pot combine water, rice, onion,

garlic, and salt and pepper. Cook for

35 minutes on medium heat until

done. Serves 5 bowls of rice. Enjoy!

Herby Kirby's Mashed Potatoes

4 potatoes, diced

1 onion, diced

1 clove garlic, diced

1 tbsp. each of 6 herbs

1 hot pepper, diced

4 cups water

1/4 cup olive oil

1 tbsp. salt and pepper

In a medium pot, combine potatoes,

onion, garlic, herbs, pepper and

water. Boil the potatoes and all the

other ingredients for 25 minutes until

well cooked and tender. Place into a

bowl and mash the potatoes with a

potato masher. Add oil, salt and

pepper. Mix and mash well. Makes

10 servings of mashed potatoes.


Indian Minted Spicy Bean Jamboree

1 cup black beans

1 cup pinto beans

1 cup black eyed beans

2 tbsp. each: rosemary, thyme, sage,

basil, dill, oregano, parsley, mint

1/10 cup vanilla beans

1/4 cup soybeans

1 onion, minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

12 cups of water

1 tbsp. each: paprika, cardamom,

turmeric, black pepper

1 tsp salt and pepper

In a pot, combine beans, herbs,

onion, garlic and water. Cook in a

pot for 1 hour 15 minutes until well

cooked and tender. Add spices and

salt and pepper and mix well. Stir.

Transfer to a serving bowl and serve.

Makes 25 servings of spicy beans.


Guacamole n Corny Beans

2 avocados, pitted and mashed

1/2 onion, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

1 cup corn kernels, cooked

1 cup green beans, cooked

1 tsp salt and pepper

In a large bowl, mix avocados, onion,

garlic, corn kernels, green beans, salt

and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Makes

8 servings of the guacamole mix.


Dave's Loaded Spicy Baked Potato

1 potato, baked for 50 minutes at 375


1/4 cup olive oil

1 tbsp. each of 4 herbs

1 hot pepper, minced

1/6 onion, minced

1 clove garlic minced

1 tsp. each of cardamom and


1 tsp. each of salt and pepper

1 tbsp. water

Take your baked potato, slice it down

lengthwise open. Drizzle olive oil over

top, and add garlic, pepper, onion,

curry and turmeric, water, salt and

pepper. Mix the toppings together

and spread over middle of baked

potato and enjoy. Serves 1 loaded

baked potato. Enjoy!


Sauces + Dressings

Spicy Mustard Sauce

1 cup mustard seeds, cooked and


1 onion, diced and cooked

1 clove garlic, diced and cooked

2 jalapeno peppers, diced and cooked

1 lemon, fresh squeezed and juiced

2 tsp salt and pepper

In a blender, combine mustard seed

mash, onion, garlic, peppers, lemon

juice, salt and pepper, and blend for

3 minutes. When smooth, take out

and put into a serving dish. Serves 1

large bowl of hot mustard sauce.


Jazzy Ketchup Sauce

3 tomatoes, diced

1 onion, diced and cooked

1 clove garlic, diced and cooked

1/2 cup soybeans, cooked

1 tsp salt and pepper

In a blender, blend the tomatoes,

onion, garlic, beans, and blend well.

Take out and put into bowl, and add

salt and pepper. Mix well. Serves 6

servings of ketchup. Enjoy!

Mikey J's BBQ Sauce

2 cups ketchup

1 tbsp. each of thyme, sage, oregano,

basil, dill, parsley, rosemary, cooked

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1 lemon, squeezed and juiced

3 jalapeno peppers, cooked

1/4 cup corn oil

1 tsp. paprika

1/5 cup water

In a blender, blend ketchup, herbs,

lemon juice, peppers, oil, and add in

water and paprika. Blend well until

smooth. Add in corn oil. Mix well.

Place into a serving bowl. Serves 12

servings of BBQ sauce. Enjoy!

O' Holy Mayonnaise

2 cups soybeans, cooked and mashed

1/2 onion, minced and cooked

1 clove garlic, minced and cooked

1/5 cup olive oil

1/5 cup water

1 tsp salt and pepper

Blend soybeans, onion, garlic, olive

oil, and water for 3 minutes until

smooth. Add in the salt and pepper

and mix well. Transfer to a bowl.

Serves 8-10 servings of mayonnaise.


Japanese Soy Sauce

1 cup soybeans, cooked and mashed

1/4 cup black beans, cooked and


4 tsp. salt and pepper

1/8 cup lemon juice, fresh squeezed

2 cup water

In a blender, blend beans, lemon

juice, and water until well blended.

Add in the salt and pepper and mix

well. Place into a serving bowl and

serve. Makes about 40oz of soy sauce.



Sauces + Dressings

Sweet n sour sauce

1 cup soybeans

2 lemons, juiced

1/2 cup maple syrup

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1/2 cup water

In a mixing bowl, mix soybeans,

lemon juice, maple syrup, salt and

pepper. Mix thoroughly and enjoy.

Makes 1 1/2 cups of sweet n sour

sauce. Enjoy!

Toyota's Hot Hot Sauce!

1 cup diced onions

2 cups water

1/4 cup garlic, minced

8 hot peppers, diced and cooked

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1 tbsp. grated ginger

In a blender, blend onions, garlic,

water, peppers, salt and pepper, and

ginger. Blend until well smoothed.

Add a little oil if you want. Makes at

least 3 cups of hot sauce.

"Honey" Mustard

3 cups homemade mustard

1/2 cup maples syrup

1 tsp. salt and pepper

In a bowl, mix the mustard, maple

syrup, and salt and pepper. Mix well.

Makes honey mustard. Makes 3 1/2

cups honey mustard. Enjoy!

Omekka's Easy Herbed Garlic Sauce

2 cups water

1/4 cup minced, cooked garlic

1/8 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp. fresh rosemary, thyme,

oregano, parsley, sage, basil, dill

1 tbsp. salt and pepper

In a blender, blend the garlic, herbs,

and water with vegetable oil. Blend

until smooth. Add in salt and pepper.

Makes 2 1/2 cups of garlic sauce.


West Africa Curry Sauce

1 cup soybeans, cooked and mashed

4 cups water

1/4 cup cardamom

1/8 cup turmeric

1/5 cup vegetable oil

1/8 cup homemade mustard

1 tbsp salt and peper

In a blender, blend soybeans, water,

cardamom, turmeric, oil, mustard,

salt and pepper. Blend until smooth.

Should make 6 cups of curry sauce.


Italian Dressing

1 cup water

1 tbsp. each: 7 herbs

1 clove garlic, minced and cooked

1/4 onion, minced and cooked

1/8 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp salt and pepper

In a blender, blend all the ingredients

together until well liquified. Makes 1

1/4 cup of italian dressing. Enjoy!

Teriyaki Sauce

2 cups homemade soy sauce

1/8 cup maple syrup

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1/4 onion, minced and cooked

1 clove garlic, minced and cooked

1/4 cup water

In a blender, blend the soy sauce,

maple syrup, onion, garlic, water,

and salt and pepper. Blend until well

liquified. Makes about 3 cups of

teriyaki sauce. Enjoy!

Glaze's Ranch Dressing

1 cup white beans

3 cups water

1 clove garlic, minced and cooked

1/3 onion, minced and cooked

1 tbsp. each 7 herbs

1/8 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp. salt and pepper

In a blender, blend all the ingredients

together until well pureed. Serves 4

1/2 cups of ranch dressing. Enjoy!

Spicy French Dressing

1 cup homemade ranch dressing

2 tomatoes, minced

1 tbsp. each 7 herbs

4 hot peppers, cooked and minced

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1/8 cup vegetable oil

Blend all the ingredients in a blender

until well pureed. Add water if

necessary. Makes 3 cups of french

dressing. Enjoy!

Basic Salt n Pepper Onion Drizzle


1 cup water

4 tsp. salt and pepper

1/4 onion, minced and cooked

1/8 cup vegetable oil

1/8 cup soybeans, cooked and mashed

Blend all the ingredients in a blender

until well liquified. Makes 1 1/2 cups

of salt n pepper sauce. Enjoy!



Basic Onion Herbed French Fries

8 potatoes, sliced longitudinally, skin


1 onion, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

2 tbsp: each: 7 herbs, minced

8 cups of vegetable oil, for frying

1 tbsp salt and pepper

In a large pot, boil vegetalble oil with

herbs, onion, garlic, in it. Place the

potato sliced in the boiling herb oil,

and fry for 5 minutes one side, 1 1/2

minutes other side. Makes 80 french

fries. Add salt and pepper on at the

end. Serve on a platter. Enjoy!

Glaze's Heavenly Onion Rings

2 1/2 cups wheat flour

2 cups water

3 large onions, sliced into rings

1 clove garlic, minced and cooked

1 tbsp. each of 7 herbs

1 tsp of salt and pepper

8 cups vegetable oil

First make the batter. So mix flour

and water together with salt and

pepper and herbs. Mix well. In a

separate bowl, put dry wheat flour in

it. Makes a dry rub. Drag raw onion

rings through water first, then into

the dry rub. Then drag the rings

through the wet batter. Then dunk

'em back through the dry batter.

Then, when the onion rings have

been coated with batters, fry them in

the pot of oil for 5 minutes on one

side, 2 on the other. Makes 40 onion

rings or more. Enjoy! Sprinkle sat

and pepper if needed. Serve with

horseradish sauce! Enjoy!

Glaze's Hoppin' Horseradish Sauce

3 radishes, diced and cooked

1/10 cup of ginger root, minced and


1 onion, diced and cooked

1 cup homemade soy sauce

1 tsp. each 7 herbs

1 tsp. salt and pepper

1/8 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup water

In a blender, blend all the ingredients

together until well pureed. Mix well.

Put into bottles or a serving bowl.

Makes 4-6 cups of horseradish sauce.


Indian Naan Onion Flatbread

3 1/2 cups wheat flour

1 cup water

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp.salt and pepper

Combine flour and water together in

a bowl. MIx and knead well. Add

more water if necessary. Add oil and

knead. Add in the salt and pepper.

Knead well. When a ball is formed,

flatten into a disc. Cut the disc into a

large rectangle. Divide into smaller

pieces if you want to. Bake the bread

in the oven at 375 for 10 minutes one

side, and 5 more on the other side,

until browned. Make sure you grease

the baking sheet. Enjoy! Makes 1-4

servings of flatbread. Serve with

cucumber sauce. Enjoy!

Kenyan Cucumber Sauce

2 cups ranch dressing

1 tsp slat ad pepper

1 cucumber, sliced and diced

1/8 cup olive oil

1/ 2 cup water

Combine all ingredients in a blender

and blend until well pureed. Serve in

a serving dish. Makes 2 3/4 cups of

cucumber sauce. Enjoy!



Whipped Cream

1 cup coconut milk

1/8 cup sugar beet syrup

1 tsp. salt

1/10 cup water