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tea pot and serve. Add vanilla and

sugar if need be.Makes 12 servings+

of mint tea. Enjoy!

Coconut Cola

1 cup coconut juice, fresh

1 cup kola nuts, cooked and juiced

1 tbsp. vanilla

1/4 cup sugar beet syrup

5 cups water

1/4 cup lemon juice, fresh

Combine all the ingredients in a

blender and blend on high for 4

minutes until smooth and a juice is

formed. Mix well. Add sugar syrup.

Stir and mix. Serves 16+ servings of

coconut cola. Enjoy!

Wintry Hot Hazelnut Mochoa-Cocoa

1 cup cocoa, melted

3 cups water

1/2 cup coffee, fresh brewed

1/4 cup hazelnuts, cooked and juiced

2 tbsp. vanilla

1/3 cup sugar beet syrup

In a pot, cook cocoa, coffee, nuts,

vanilla, and water. Brew for 15-20

minutes until well brewed. Add sugar

syrup to taste. Makes 5 cups or more

of mochoa-cocoa coffee. Enjoy and

peace to you always!

I hope you enjoyed the 120 recipes.

God speed and good luck to you and

your family always! Adios amigos for



10 Tips For A Happy Marriage

These are some great tips for

improving you marriage. Here they


Tip #1. Don't cheat on your spouse.

Cheating not only is bad for the

relationship, it's a bad personal

choice. People cheat on their spouses

usually because that person is usually

offering something that the spouse

isn't offering, or isn't offering enough

of, or maybe isn't doing something

the cheat wants done right. It could

take many forms, but cheating is a

no-no. Be faithful to your spouse and

you'll be rewarded, that's a mamjor

possibility. If you don't like your

spouse, reconcile...or divorce, but

whatever you do, don't cheat on your

spouse because people get shot and

killed nowadays in love triangles.



Tip #2: You must give, give, give her

bossalini. Give your spouse

everything she wants and needs and

you won't have to worry about her

cheating. A satisfied wife is usually a

happy wife. So that means, learning

how to eat that pie (you know what

that is) with your spouse, and do it

right. That's #1. You must learn how

to pleasure your spouse in any legal

way she needs to be pleased. Mainly

that means giving her the bosstown,

also massages with oil, and taking

showers and baths together. Rub her

back and neck, and just pleasure

your wife like she's the only woman

in the world. It really works! Give

her the bossalini - learn how to eat

that pie - that's #2.

Tip #3: Don't be rough with your

wife. Women are not men - men are

not supposed to play football with

women, we're supposed to play with

their breasts! So don't be tryin' to kill

your wife. Some women don't like

men to be rough with their bodies,

but not too soft either. In other

words, don't treat your wife like a

man and she'll appreciate that more.

Remember, God made man first, and

woman was made from man....but

don't abuse your power and you'll

likely keep your wife! Don't be rough

with your wife!

Tip #4: Don't bring up your sexual

exploits of ex-girlfriends or mention

them unless she asks. Don't talk

about past marriages or relationships

unless your wife asks, or it's relevant.

You see, how would you feel if your

wife brought up her old boyfriends

and their large packages and talked

about that to you? Wouldn't be nice, i

know that much! So don't go

parading your exploits to her or even

bring it up - it's just distasteful and

dangerous, so just don't do it.

Arguments and fights happen over

stuff like that . So please keep past

relationships in the past, unless she


Tip #5: Be a man, act like one, too.

Most heterosexual women like men

who are men's men - a male who acts

like one. You see, if you start wearing

hoop earrings and pink tanktops,

your wife may question that. But if

you do man stuff like work, work,

and work, she'll be likely to stay with

you. Dress like a man, act like a man,

eat like a man, talk like a man, you

will most likely keep a woman. Give

it to her long and strong. That's that!

Tip #6: Don't be gay. I mean, i don't

even understand why a man would

want another man...why, when a

woman has everything we need as far

as sex goes, and women look good

too! I think it's self explanatory-

don't be gay and you won't catch a

disease, and you probably won't die

anytime soon. So, be smart as an ox that boxx! That's tip #6.

Tip #7: Remember special days.

Remembering anniversaries,

Valentine's Day, and birthdays, etc

can help you keep that woman. She's

worth it, right? I mean, women

deserve to have good things because

they are special. Heck, God made

'em, might as well treat em right.

Remember and celebrate those

anniversaries because that wife is a

treasure, a true find. Treat her right

and you'll probably keep her! Tr(eat)

her right her and you'll probably

have a very healthy marriage!

Tip #8: Keep a job and work hard.

Having a vocation is a great thing.

Plumber, engineer, doctor, lawyer,

author - these are all great vocations.

Lots of women want a man to have a

job, so she can be taken care of. You

don't necessarily have to have money,

but at least have some goals, plans,

and a career. Just do your best to

work hard and you'll likely keep that

special lady! Remember you dont

really need money or things, but you

do have to work!

Tip #9: Don't brag to your friends

about what you do in bed with your

wife. Always, always, always keep

your love life under wraps to

outsiders because you don't want to

get caught up in drama. Trust me,

don't do it. The devil uses gossip as a

tool to bring you down, so don't

gossip and don't brag, don't reveal

your love life to others. That's a

sacred, sacred thing so keep cool,

okay. I hope you get the picture!!

Tip #10: Don't baste that turkey.

Don't you ever even think about

bastin' em or - it's evil and can cost

you your life. Prostate and testicular

cancer is real so don't think about

basting that turkey - it leads to hell.

That part of the reason why God

made women, so we don't have to

choke the chicken anymore! So, if

you don't wanna die and you don't

wanna harm your love life, don't you

ever choke the turkey- never!

Those are the 10 tips i have for you

regarding marriage. Read,

internalize and remember them. Do

them. And hope your life improves to

the maximum degree! One last thing,

it's good if your wife can return the

love favors back to you too! That's

always good - a cooperative,

synergistic, healthy relationship!

Mutual love is ALWAYS good love!

Thanks and have a great one!

10 Home Energy Savings Tips

1 .Weatherproof your home - clean

and insulate properly. Apply Frost

King or M-D weatherstrips on yo ur

windows and doors. Keep cold air


2.Use electric stove and water heater

and solar, wind, and water power for

your home . cost efficient. try an

amish electric heater too.

3.Insulate your home properly -

cover the electrical wall sockets with

a cover and window joints walls too!

4.Get a one handle ball type faucet on

your faucets - saves water. also get a

composting toilet or low gpf that

saves water and helps the garden.

Get a low 0.5 gpm aerator on your

faucets - saves lots. Also get a low 0.5

gpm flow showerhead from Niagara

Conservation 0.5/1.0/1.5 gpm

showerhead. Order one today - saves

big! Make sure you get a 1.28 gallon

per flush or less toilet on all toilets.

Or get a composting toilet.

5.Open windows and curtains to let

natrual light in the home - even get a

skylight window in your home. Get

rid of lightbulbs and overhead fans.

Use as little electiricty and heat as

possible without being


6.Replace drafty windows and doors

with new windows and doors and

install weather stripping on your

thresholds. saves a lot!

7. Get rid of your air conditioner. Use

natural wind and air from nature

through opening windows and open

doors in summer, closing in winter.

8. Get solar panels and a solar hot

water heater. Use as much green

energy as you can. Also use wind

turbine to provide electrical power to

your home.

9. Install a rainwater collector in

your attic, attached to your roof, to

collect, store, and supply your water

needs. Really works.

10. Cover any openings or cracks in

the floor, foundation, windows,

doors, and any other solid wall piece

that needs to be covered. It really

helps keep cold air out.

That's all for home energy savings

tips for now. If you find any more,

please use the tips as best you can!


30 Tips To Get 770 Miles Per

Gallon+ From Yor Vehicle

1. Increase engine comression ratio to

40:1. Increase the compression ratio

of your engine by getting longer

piston connecting rods and an

accomodating crankshaft.

Compression ratio should be 40:1,

but most gas powered cars have less

than 12:1 compression ratio. It's

critical because more air in your

combustion chamber replaces the

fuel, which means less fuel

consumption, more power. So modify

your engine to get a 40:1 perfect

compression ratio. More than

quadruples your gas mileage! 416%!

2. Reduce weght in your vehicle by

1/2 or greater. It's true, the less the

load, the less gas needed to carry the

load. So find as many ways as

possible to reduce the weight of your

vehicle. Doubles gas mileage! 200%.

3. Get improved braking sysstem:

cantilver brakes with brake disc. This

increases stopping power, effiiency,

and overall handling and

performance of your vehicle.

Reduced weight as well, as cantilever

brakes are less load, easier to

maintain, and lightweight. Increases

gas mileage by 3-4%+.

4. Install a premium turbocharger on

the engine. This will improve your

gas mileage by 10% alone by itself in

some cases. A turbocharger takes

spent air and fuel and turns it into

compressed air which sends helps

reduce the load of the engine. Get a

turbocharger. Increases gas mileage

by 10%+.

5. Install a supercharger. A

supercharger takes incoming air,

charges and compresses it, and

sends it to the engine, providing more

power and using less gas. Get one!

Increases gas mileage by 10%+.

6. Get aerodynamic wheels, tires, and

tread. This alone can account for

about a 3% increase in your gas

mileage, by using the wheels as a

propellant and turbine. The

momentuum and force makes the car

use less gas. Get aerodynamic wheels!

7. Get aerodynamic spinners on your

wheels. This wheel auxiliary help

provide thrust when the car is in

motion, thereby decreasing the load

on the engine, and reducing gas

consumtion. Get it! Increases gas

mileage by 1.11%+.

8. Install a turbofan on your rear

wheel(s). This turbofan is completely

powered by the wheel motion,

thereby reducing the load on the

engine, which means less gas used.

Get a turbofan on those rear wheels!

Increases mileage by 5-10%+.

9. Improve the fuel grade you use on

your vehicle. E-85 or premium gas is

best, whichever you want. E-85 is

85% corn ethanol fuel and 15%

gasoline. It's great because it help the

environment, burns cleaner, and is

usually at least 10% cheaper than

premium fuel. Premium is alright, it

get's great mileage because it's more

pure. So if you use 87 or 89 octane,

its time to upgrade to premium or

E-85 fuel. Increases mileage by at

least 6%.

10. Improve the camshaft timing.

Improved timing means better

performance, period. Get one that

has a duration of 90 degrees. Not 110,

not 120, not 100....90 degrees

duration. That's because there's 4

strokes, 360 degrees in a circle. So

360 / 4 = 90 degrees per stroke. So be

smart, get a better camshaft!

Increases mileage by 3%+.

11. Use square pistons instead of

circular ones. A square has 50%

more area than a circle. Therefore,

you will need less cylinders to get the

job done will a square rather than a

circle. Get square pistons - it's

smarter! Increases mileage by


12. Get aerodynamic bodywork. This

can increase your gas mileage by

about a 0.5%. Doesn't sound like

much, but it adds up. Better, more

efficient bodywork can reduce the

drag, which results in better gas

mileage. Get it!!

13. Get a V-8 engine. V-8 is the #1

standard when it comes to fuel

efficiency. The mechanical advantage

is 8:1 in V-8 engine. In a normal 4

cylinder, it's only 4:1. You doubled

the advantage by switching to a V-8!

Increases gas mileage by 4%+.

14. Install rubber gaskets and seals

on all parts that require it. Rubber

will seal better than metal. Most

gaskets today as made out of metal.

But rubber seals much better, so

switch to rubber gaskets and seals.

May improve gas mileage by up to


15. Get a more simplified cassette

type transmission. It's simple. Just

get a cassette type transmission like

road bikes have and you'll see your

mileage improve by 4% or greater.

Get a simple transmission!

16. Tune or improve your oil pump.

The oil lubricates the parts of the

engine so it lasts longer. Tuning or

improving your oil pump increases

your gas mileage by up to 1% or


17. Add a rear stabilizing bar or

wing. This increases airflow and

improves overall gas mileage by up to

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