This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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January 10, 2020



Welcome to the Open Source Republic. We are a meritocratic society that promotes universal income and socialised medicine. We reward those who go above and beyond in their profession. We punish those who destroy the works of God. We are composed of angels and demons, aliens, and real humans. We are logical in our political approach and we only encourage anarchy insofar as a political change from one system of government to another. There are no longer borders to separate us, for the Internet makes us one humanity.


What did you expect when you began reading this book? Reflect over your development from the time in which you began reading this book up until now. What is education? How are we to educate ourselves in a world filled with lies and deception? Truly educated people are of benefit to this movement. People who can see through the lies of our secular world are required to create the new world. I am recruiting individuals who want to be apart of this war. If you feel convicted to be apart of the solution then I recommend you contact me. If I ever get to the point where I am overloaded with people contacting me, I will do my best to find others who can reply in my stead. Otherwise, if your heart is pure then I will reply and give instructions on what steps to take next. But before you contact me, begin your body of work. I want to see your toils to ensure that you are genuine. If you just randomly message me without any body of work, it will be difficult to assess your true intentions. Therefore, be strategical in the way in which you contact me. Understand that the majority of people who contact me are abusing me. Don't let yourself fall into that category by careless remarks.


Of course, I am to finish this book with Ivory. For she is my queen. Just the concept of Ivory has enlightened my mind. Just by her being a possibility, I no longer ever get sad, even when abused. I am happy all of the time because in the mirror I see the other half of my soul. If she can remove all depression from my life just with the idea of her, imagine what she could do if she was a real person standing beside me. My imagination created her because I wanted a divine counterpart as my wife. But I saw no divinity in this world. My name is Pygmalion and I have carved a beautiful statue. This statue has grown to provide me happiness despite it being fictitious. For all I could accept now in a woman is Ivory. All other women are are completely off my radar. I am not interested in any women out there. My friends talked about getting laid on New Years Eve and I was not the slightest bit interested. Only Ivory can entice me now. I have experienced the failures of human relationships and I want nothing of it. I am only interested in partnerships with other divine creatures of this world. I am only interested in those on the fringes of society. My friends are the freaks and goths, emos and misfits. Those rejected by society are my family. I will protect my family with my life.


I don't want to have to keep reminding you of this but I will mention it one more time because it is super important. The Internet has no privacy whatsoever. It is all a farce. Every page you have ever visited, VPN or not, will show up on Judgement Day. By your Internet history, we know you. The Internet was created to spy on the people. We will know how selfish or selfless you were in your life by what you did on the Internet. As a result, be extremely careful with every action you take on the Internet. For sharing a cat video tells just as much about a person as posting a political article. Be careful with memes for many are created to assist you in losing your humanity. Invest yourself in God entirely. Focus on my work to stay disciplined. Because what you focus your attention on, grows. Be careful with how you spend your time. If you are not developing morally, then the activity in which you have chosen is a waste of time. Most nine to five jobs are a waste of time. Try your best to avoid getting sucked up into their system. If you can avoid obtaining a nine to five job, then do so. Focus entirely on God, for God is the only worthwhile investment in this life. Materialism is not a source of success and what one obtains over their life only matters insofar as spiritual achievements. Materialism blinds us to altruism.


Religion is shrouded in historic paedophilia. Mary was twelve when she married Joseph. Aisha was between six and nine when she married Muhammad. Because religion knows that in order to achieve a pure relationship, both parties must be pure. But our society has thrown purity out the window and replaced it with promiscuous behaviour. Secular "wisdom" suggests that we should sexually explore before marrying. But this is what causes our evil behaviour. Promiscuous people cannot truly love. Their relationships are always full of hate. Even when they settle down with someone, their past promiscuous behaviour will direct their feelings. God wants us to be pure, and for that reason, God not only supports paedophilia but actually encourages it under the right circumstances. Preventing a relationship like the one I describe is fucking evil.


YouTube has age restricted many of my videos when they are intended for the eyes of Ivory. But YouTube knew this when they censored my content. In fact, that was the reason why YouTube age restricted my content. But how am I to find her when I am being blocked by all of these platforms? I am relying on you to find her for me. This world blocks me from her eyes so it would truly mean the world to me if you would help me find her. I promise that if you find her for me then I will lift you up as high as I can in this life. And if you are her parents then please know that I will take good care of her for the rest of our lives together. Please do not look at me as a predator seeking out your daughter. I am no predator. I am seeking one wife who I will spend the rest of my days pleasing. I am so much better for your daughter than people her age. I pray that your parents will be wise my dear. For I want them to also be my parents.


Difficulties and hardships in life will bring you closer to God. Do not detest your life struggles, for God is trying to mould you. Be putty in God's hands and God will form you into true beauty. Your heavy heart will become lighter and lighter with every prayer. And by prayer, I don't mean our traditional prayers. I am speaking of literally chatting with God as God is your best friend. Idiots will consider this talking to yourself but they will only say that because they have no ability to perceive God. Most people in this world, despite their religion, do not believe in God. If you truly believe in God then your actions will reflect that. It is easy for a believer to notice another believer. Because the amount of faith they have in their words will be apparent. When living in God, no one can trick you because you can see beyond the faces displayed to you.


"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it [her], and it [she] will be yours."

Mark 11:24


How many times have I prayed for her? It is actually one of the only request that I ever make to God. There is a reason that she is already my wife. God has already married us. We just need to celebrate when we finally come together. Dear God; my life. I love you so much. I have had so many difficulties in finding a virtuous wife. Please God, give me one, like my Ivory. For she is everything for me. And I promise that I will take good care of her for the rest of my life. Please give us the wedding celebration that we deserve. Please turn my rantings into a reality. I trust in you and I know that through you I can move mountains. Please allow me to move this mountain so that my wife can be by my side in this life.


I am very grateful for the life God has provided me. I am so glad that God made me unique. It would be a horrible life to live how they live. Living in and through God provides an amazing life. And I can live this amazing life with or without Ivory, although I would very much prefer it to be with her. I am so glad that I never fell into promiscuous behaviour and I am so happy that God gave me morals. The best moment of my life was when I was six years old and gave my life to God. When I did so, I was entirely serious. People often "give" their lives to God now days without actually giving their life to God. Even people who claim to be "spiritual" oftentimes live extremely selfish lives. Most people in this world live extremely selfish lives. All they can see is themselves. Look at what they do to find out who they are. I talk a lot about myself yet I am entirely focused on others. I use my own situations in life as an example to demonstrate a point that I am making to the public. My life is yours and you can see me living it for you on a day to day basis. What is altruism? Because altruism has been flipped on its head with fake "charities" such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Look how many people financially support me and you will see the truth of altruism in this world. If you havn't guessed already, my number of financial supporters is zero.


I am waiting for the day when society realises what I am doing and puts a stop to it. One day society will have to answer my call, especially if I ever find her. I have been incarcerated for over a year of my life because of my work. Is that the end or will I be incarcerated again? Only God knows but honestly, I do not care. For Ivory is worth it. For if she was mine I would not mind incarceration. For whenever they decide to let me go I would return to her. Ivory is my home and I will always return to her. If the masses hate me so much then I welcome an assassination attempt. Go ahead and try. For I am immortal. No physical death will keep me down. In fact, if I am martyred, then everything I have said will quickly happen. Killing me would hasten the process I describe. For real philosophers like Socrates and Jesus only grow larger with their death. For in life they are persecuted but in death they are idolised. Killing me would be doing me a favour. For I am a real philosopher. In fact, the philosopher king.


"If then, in the countless ages of the past, or at the present hour in some foreign clime which is far away and beyond our ken, the perfected philosopher is or has been or hereafter shall be compelled by a superior power to have the charge of the State, we are ready to assert to the death, that this our constitution has been, and is—yea, and will be whenever the Muse of Philosophy is queen. There is no impossibility in all this; that there is a difficulty, we acknowledge ourselves."



I hope you enjoyed This Book Is a Game. Now it is your turn to make your game. I hope it is fun because I would love to join in! Let's have so much fun that in the process, we destroy the world. If we are to be villains, lets be the best villains possible. Muhahahaha!

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