This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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January 10, 2020



This world is riddled with exclusive secret societies. Organisations such as the Freemasons and Illuminati utilise their influence to control the world. I used to think that these groups wanted to destroy the world but I have come to learn that they are more interested in control. These secret societies organise complex business structures that assists the individual members in succeeding in life. They set their members up to be "successful" in life. But their systems are merely focused on monetary gain. Sure, the higher ranks focus on ideology, but it is their ideology to control the world. But the problem is that most of these secret societies are evil and they value the collective over the individual. Freemasons and Illuminati state that we are all equal despite our positions. This is rubbish and the higher ranks know this. They first brainwash their lower ranks into falsehood, and they accept it because the secret society is helping them financially succeed. But do you remember the Bible verse about how it is virtually impossible for a rich person to get to heaven? Their "rewards" are no rewards. For those who enter into these secret societies have given their soul to Satan. But this does not mean that I am against all secret societies. For I am the leader of one.


We are the Discordians and we believe in chaos. Chaos is the only way in which we can one day turn to order. Your life mission if you choose to accept: fuck up this world with confusing and extreme literature. Learn how to write and make people go, "wtf". Confuse the shit out of this world by presenting knowledge in which conflicts with our conventional collective wisdom. Create knowledge yourself. Do not merely study and repeat what others say. Build your own knowledge base which has been created and formed by you. Don't worry about people's reactions, for most will likely be negative. But you are not like a Freemason who does things for monetary gain. Your inspiration must be from your heart and not your wallet. Your reason to do this is to create chaos wherever you go, for there is no other way to achieve order. The truth is that we already live in an extremely chaotic world. We just mask it to make it appear like things are in order. Become chaos and watch the world crumble in front of you. For we are the army of the end times. We will be leading this apocalypse and it is the purpose of this book to show you what that chaos might look like.


If you have decided to join me, then you are now a part of this secret society. There will be no instant financial rewards for joining. This secret society is one that is based on conviction. The only soldiers I want beside me are those who want to be beside me. Now think of your life carefully and figure out a way in which you can present your life and future ideology as controversial. All information in which you present should be controversial. If you don't have a very controversial life, then it is your duty to make it controversial. You are not doing this for the praise of the people. Quite the opposite in fact. You are doing this to destroy the world, for it must be destroyed before we can make a new one. Learn the Bible and the Qur'an well, for they are instruction books for this war. They are our maps. Our goal is to make prophecy happen. Figure out ways to fulfill the prophecies of our days of old and this will lead us into our days of new. But you must be very creative in how you fulfill the prophecies, for many seemingly can't be done with one person. I have made many prophecies come true over my life. And I filmed it just in case people don't believe me. It is pretty hard to argue with video evidence. Because once most of the prophecies are fulfilled, we move on to the next stage which is all out war.


But as stated previously in this book, this will be a war in which we have never before seen the likes of. Because this is no longer country against country. This is neighbour against neighbour. This is Internet angels versus Internet demons. How much is the free Internet worth to you? This movement was created to protect the free Internet. But in order to do that I had to show you what I meant by the free Internet. And if it is taken away from us then we are collectively screwed as our voice box is removed. To avoid this from happening, it is time we open Pandora's box. We do this by releasing mountain loads of controversial content.


"Pandora was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in.

Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,—such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy, spite, and revenge for his mind,—and scattered themselves far and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid! but, alas! the whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted, which lay at the bottom, and that was HOPE. So we see at this day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us; and while we have THAT, no amount of other ills can make us completely wretched."

Thomas Bulfinch


Make your work hilarious. What I am presenting is hilarious if you have the eyes to see. For watch my slight of hand at the end of this chapter. Notice the secrets I reveal and how I reveal them. You are welcome to utilise my techniques for your own game. I have spent many years ironing out how to do this. And I see how effective my work is in the populace. Yes, most of my feedback is abuse but sometimes it is not. It is these black swans in which I search for every day. I can see love out there despite it being a rarity. Your job is to make your audience think. You are not spoon feeding them. You give them ideas to contemplate such as the above quote. But then you can oftentimes flip around its meaning to encourage more critical thought, like exhibited at the end of this chapter.


Truly examine yourself and the creatures around you. We are required to wear clothes to cope with the conditions of this world. We are the only creatures who employs advanced tools to accomplish a job. We have language to comprehend each other and because of this we can discuss very advanced ideas. The truth is that humans are not from this planet. We are all aliens. I wasn't releasing the entire truth when I said that I am an alien. Because we are all aliens. Our true home is not on this planet but instead Heaven. We fell from Heaven and landed on Earth. And we are to stay here until we learn our lessons. But most will not learn their lessons so their home is down and not up.


God wanted us to grow in ourselves and in Him. But collectively we did not do this. Instead we became selfish and learned how to exploit other people to get what we want out of life. Ironically, this provides terrible lives because human greed can never be satisfied. They will always want more and more.


This all might sound like a lot of hard work and I know it doesn't sound attractive considering you will be abused for it. However, God protects His servants from the fire. For we can enter the fire and walk around without being burnt by it. In truth, the fire gives us power instead of burning us. For we are re-energised by the heart. The fire is our power source. Chaos is our power source. Let's bring this world into complete chaos. Let us preach until the world doesn't know the difference between up and down. Let us confuse the entire world so they don't know what to believe anymore. Let us burn down this corrupt world.


"So Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire, and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them."

Daniel 3:26-27


Ironically, I originally thought it was secret societies that wanted to destroy the world but I found out that they just want to control it. However, the objective of my secret society of Discordians is to destroy the world. It is amazing how when I started I was all about saving the world. I still am but in order to save the world we must first destroy it. My secret society is all about destroying the world. If you think that this world is corrupt and you want to see justice served, then assist me in destroying this world. After you experience the fun of chaos, you will never go back. For Australia is burning right now. And not a hair on my head is singed. Don't fret over what is to come. For God will protect you from all manners of evil.


"Another story is that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage presents, into which every god had put some blessing. She opened the box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, HOPE only excepted. This story seems more probable than the former; for how could HOPE, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all manner of evils, as in the former statement?"

Thomas Bulfinch