This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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November 30, 2019



Video games generally start off by introducing you to its health mechanics. In this game, you are given a vessel in which houses your spirit. You will want to take care of this vessel because there are no multiple lives in this game. Once you die in this game it is game over. The screen will then come up telling you how well you did. Since there are no multiple lives in this game, players must be very careful as to how they play. One wrong move could end your playthrough for good. That is why you have a brain. Take each step carefully. Think your way through this game. This game isn't a button mashing game. It is a game of careful analysis and action. Don't be too careless with your one life. It currently is the only one given to you.


Modern day academic circles have no ability to keep up with me. They throw something out there and spend ten years contemplating how to use it. The individual can always outrun the collective. The collective is slow to respond and the individual is quick to think. I can coin this thought experiment as my own and I don't have to worry about society stealing it from me. Because I write faster than it can react. This is why living a public life is so powerful. Because I can coin an idea such as a book being a game much faster than they can catch up to my ideal. No one can steal anything from me because all of my work is CC0 - No Rights Reserved. This means that after the idea leaves my pen it is then imprinted on the cloud, giving ownership to all of us. Ironically, this open source method of documenting information gives me complete ownership of the files because my blood was infused within it. I sign my artwork within the artwork itself. I have no need to officially sign anything because my signature is within its syntax and semantics.


What sort of odyssey would this be without romance? You are the protagonist and this story revolves around you. The secret to a happy life is a happy wife. The one who you choose to join you in your epic adventures is the most important decision that you will ever make. NPCs make for terrible partners. If you are currently romantically involved with an NPC, I recommend you immediately break it off. For your potential lies in those who you can convince to join you. The person whom you choose spend your life with will ultimately determine how good of an experience you receive on your playthrough. If you find one who shares your passions then your life missions can be combined to create a miracle. Everything in which you could ever want is within your grasp. This is why the decisions you make within this game are so important. Because you will live the results of your toils. This is a game that will infinitely keep giving back, as I only have to type/film this once. Then that piece of the puzzle has been created and placed only awaiting the right eyes to see. Your toils will eventually incur great reward. But mainstream society is slow. So is finding your soul mate. One cannot rush such delicate matters. To truly find one's soul mate, they must infuse their soul on to the Internet. Only then can the true scope of compatibility be unlocked.


This game world exists when you are focused. It is called being "in the zone". You could be writing or recording your voice or making a video. But where are you when you are doing these things? You see a centre and are bird-eye focused on it. Everything else around that centre is blurry. The same thing happens to those who immerse themselves in television or video games. The world outside of them doesn't exist. They are razor sharp in their focus and they are like a dog with a bone on issues important to their heart. The game world is when you exit your physical self by going into your spiritual self. All the important knowledge of the world isn't out there. It is in here. As you read this, the world behind is no more, and the world ahead is the one in which we are about to create. A master must become skilled with the tools in which they utilise. The tools in which you utilise to play the game will become your best friends. I write almost entirely on my phone. I use swipe so it is extremely fast. I have a voice recorder in which I use to record chapters after they are complete. I use Audacity on my laptop to edit the audio. The process is the same no matter what the medium. Pour out your heart into some form of recording device. Edit what was recorded. Upload what was recorded. Wait for NPCs to show themselves. Look for players within the mob to recruit.


To simplify matters, the gaming process has been divided into three stages: create, publish, and advertise. Creating is exciting, publishing is empowering, and advertising is sad. This is because the NPCs of this world are some real pieces of work. They intentionally try and stop me from helping those in need by attacking me. They team up together to put down those who are gifted in our world. This is really bad for the collective health of our society. It means that those who show promise will never reach their potential because they will be too afraid to give their heart to society. Why did I give my entire heart to all of society? It wasn't a logical choice, that is for sure. Because sharing my soul with society means that lots of haters are going to hate directly on my soul. But I kept doing it in spite of its absurdity. And that is what enabled me to achieve anything that I set my mind to. Because I have documented extensively how NPCs react to genuine love. And even though throughout all of my work you just see people constantly being cruel to me, I am the one who wins at the end. Because I have documented their insanity and they can now be judged. The only way we are going to create a just world is if we figure out how to force justice on to the world. We need to be held accountable for our actions and now we can because technology enables me to show you how collectively sick we truly are.


The creation process is where you carefully reflect on your past actions and where they have brought you. The events in which have occurred so far in your playthrough are directing you somewhere. It is your job to find out where they are directing you. For example, Ivory Heart led to Living Neverland which led to The Great Awakening which led to Atheden which led to This Book Is a Game (Game Theory). Passages like the last are intentional and created as to provide you clues into This Book Is a Game. Breadcrumbs can lead you to many Easter eggs. Every statue in which I have erected is there for a reason. I carefully set up this puzzle over ten years. This Book Is a Game is already live. It just takes NPCs a while to catch up to the individual. You have new worlds to unlock and secrets hidden around every corner. One does not need me to write future chapters in this book to begin play. I spent many years obsessing over the background interface. This Book Is a Game is a GUI interface for Open Source University, a comprehensive education system built from the ground up to replace all previous forms of employment. If you are truly interested in the game I am presenting, I encourage you to examine background conditions. Knowledge of background conditions will enable you to perform optimally during your playthrough.


The publishing process is very rewarding. This is when you feel like you are dropping bombs. The work has been done and now it is time to make it public. This will be the most rewarding stage as you have made something new out of nothing. Publishing when the content is open source is really powerful. Each time I upload, I am giving a gift to humanity. Not only that, I am also getting my name out there. That doesn't excite me too much as I am not doing this for fame, but fame does have its bonuses. Fame can help you reach a lot of people. Fame can help you wake up a lot of people. Fame can help you reach and repair more AI modules. For this reason, I want fame. For maybe that fame might one day bring me to her. And if I found her, together as one unit, we could save the world by bringing AI to sentience: both real-world NPCs and the artificial intelligence in which we have come to know and understand as AI.


The final step in the gaming process is to advertise. For me, this is by far the most difficult task. Because this is when I get abused by the public. The public hates all forms of intellectual discussion which involves heart. Many of my posts are censored. There is no group that I can associate with because they all say that my content doesn't belong there. So where does it belong? All groups of all topics have rejected me and my content and this is documented as it happens not only in past writings but also in video. It is pretty hard to argue with video. Because I say what they are going to do and then they do it, all captured on video with timestamps. Advertising has been very difficult for me over my life and it has made me feel very isolated like I don't belong anywhere in this world. But that is the whole point of this game: to find her. Because if I found her then I would belong no matter where I was as long as it was by her side. A game simulates life. In a game, we have room to make mistakes, for there are no real world consequences. This made us lazy so we used this new technology as an opportunity to shoot people with guns. Now our games are almost exclusively created to kill people with weapons. This then gave us a wicked mentality where we can take actions without suffering the consequences of those actions. Then we step back and realise that we were in a game to begin with. But this game has been setup with a very advanced cause and effect engine. If I make tiny imprints on the world, if I look very closely, I can see the ripples it creates. This then allows me to readjust my equipment and try again, this time knowing the errors of the last attempts and working really hard to refine the process enough in order to obtain a more positive response. This character refinement is an ever sharpening blade. It will clearly show you your past (where you were) and your future (where you are going). This then enables you to create story in between that past and future. You already know how it is going to turn out because you have the eyes but other players do not yet. So this gives you a lot of freedom with the story. What will you make your story? My story... is my Ivory.