This Book Is a Game by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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December 2, 2019



Equipment is something generally used in all games. We have seen both sides of the spectrum in video games, some games giving you unlimited inventory space while others give you seemingly less than in real life. Our possessions and how we make use of them is an integral part of This Book Is a Game. Unfortunately this game does not have never ending pockets, so I have had to make a lot of important decisions regarding what I keep on and near my person. We live in a world where we are burdened down by all in which we own. The truth is that what we own owns us. I have spent great efforts throughout my life to live with very few possessions. But just because I live out of a suitcase doesn't mean that I don't have nice things. Nor does it mean that I can't afford more. In fact, players are mobile creatures. And as a player you need to be ready to play. And that playing may restrict the amount of space that you have to carry things. Because the love of your life may just one day pop up from around the corner and if she does you need to be ready to act. But this is not the only reason to keep a tidy book bag. The truth is that the more stuff we have, the more it weighs on our psychology, as we are required to protect it. And this isn't even my final point as the organisational level of our equipment will reflect how organised we are in life. I constantly spend many hours going through all of my stuff and reorganising it, getting rid of what I don't want and putting what I do want in better places. Just consider this for a second. How organised am I? I have spent my life doing this. What I do own is awesome. And what I do own is awesomely organised. Doing this is a process. Doing this is an action. It is like in a game when I obtain new armour and sell the old. It is like getting your inventory perfect, and then saving the game to ensure everything is precisely the way you like it. It feels great to have little but what I do have, is quality. It feels great for it all to be in its place and easily accessible by me. Things in which are essential are divided from those which are not. This is how you "armour-up". This is how you shed the dead skin. This process is called ecdysis and is essential to our future human evolution.


You can choose whatever organisational method you please, however, I will share the techniques in which I have learned to utilise room. I have two tool bags, one for tools and a slightly larger one for anything important to me. The bags are further divided into smaller bags and sometimes even further into smaller bags. Everything is protected and has a home. I also have other less important bags that have things like my Switch game cases in it. It has taken me a long time to give everything an appropriate home where it was protected. But eventually all of God's creatures found a home where they were protected and loved. Packing a bag is a lot like playing Tetris. It uses the same parts of the brain that playing Tetris does. The goal is to maximise efficiency while minimising wasted space. The goal of this game world is to maximise efficiency by minimising wasted space. There are so many people in this world who are trash. It is time we expose the trash for its true smells. The rotting corpses of the zombies of this world will eventually decompose to allow the potential for a new creation. And from it shall rise a new kind of man, one who has it all, both bronze and brain. But do not forget the most important part of this statue in which I rapidly carve onto. That is the tear drop rolling down his cheek after experiencing what our society has truly become. For without heart, words are devoid of any meaning. Without interpretation (individual) the picture (collective) can never be understood.


You should not only be thinking of yourself when organising and collecting your gear. This is especially relevant if you record video in your gaming adventures. Your possessions should scream you. And remember the power of a camera. If your possessions are recorded then to a certain extent, you always have them. This is much more effective with filming things like something your grandmother made you instead of a phone, as a phone is rendered useless when it is recorded whereas a cross stitch that my mother made me can be carried with me always merely by recording it. Your possessions are not only what you carry but also what you film. This takes away from the need to keep too many sentimental items. And to be honest, it really depends on your gaming starting position as to how you will play it. I am merely one player that is trying to give you ideas as to what your playthrough might look like. Having your possessions carry your personality with them will help you be more relatable to your fans. It will also make your adventures more fun.


There are hidden treasures all throughout this game. The most valuable of them have no price tag on them. They are treasures of the spirit and infuse into your character. They oftentimes give you new and unique abilities in which carries over into your main game. Sometimes these jewels are as simple as a new character, maybe one that will change your game for the better for now and the rest of time. Maybe it is your new best friend or if you are lucky, your new life partner.


It is strategically advantageous to be light on your feet in this game. One must be prepared for anything to happen. I am a mobile person. If I find the right job opportunity, I am there. If I find the right woman in this game, I am there. This game heavily relies on one seeing clearly to flourish within it. This means that one must have their priorities aligned with their possibilities. Real opportunities in this life are the ones most people will never take because it upsets their business as usual. A real opportunity would likely take me away from the location in which I currently reside. As a result, I am a portable warrior.


Let's revisit the process of ecdysis as this will be vital to performing an enjoyable playthrough. You need to learn the terminology in order to become efficient with the process. This process is called revitalisation and will be necessary to recoup your strength in between missions. You need to first shed the dead skin (all the crap you no longer need) and then fortify yourself with everything you do need for the future. Keep it organised so accessing and utilising your gear is easy. Doing this is especially important before the boss fights. For if you lose the battle, your place was saved and you can still fight to win the war. Don't let failures discourage you. In truth the only failure is giving up. All else is an educational process. The definition of a purge is to rid someone or something of an unwanted quality, condition, or feeling. This process is how you clean yourself from the filth of the world and its disgusting NPCs. It is your shower and you will need to often use it to revitalise your spirit. This process involves reducing your worldly possessions to a minimum. After you get used to this type of lifestyle, there is never a reason to unpack. That is unless you find your twin flame player and manage to be able to afford to purchase a home together. Only then would I be comfortable unpacking my meticulously organised bags. Because when I find her, I have found home.