World of Warcraft WoTLK Epic Gold Making Guide by - HTML preview

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IX. Auctioning & the Auction House

By using the AH you can gain really nice amounts of money! This is my main gold making trick. I have made most of my gold by simply buying for low and selling high! I know this method seems boring or impossible to do. I thought that same too when I first learned about this auction addon. After playing with it, the gold started to rush in. Now I love it! This method needs some money to work; 20 silver is enough to get you started. I've found many people even selling high level epics for around 100-200g and then I have resold them for 400g profit. But, if you do this manually you will lose valuable time so that's why you need to download an addon called Auctioneer and with it, search auctions that will gain you profit.

You can find Auctioneer from this url:


Auctioneer tells the vendor price and auction price for every item, so if you have completed a quest and don't know which one will give more money when sold to npc this feature will help a lot!


-Sell all trade goods, greens, blues and purples in AH (With a buyout!) unless you have use for them. -Sell all useless grey and white items to vendors.

This method does not need hours. You can simply login into the game, visit the auction house, let it scan, and after that search for auctions that will gain you profit. Notice that you should scan the auction house around 8 times before start spending your gold there to get the real prices. It's recommended to scan 2-4 times a day to get the most gold.

Guide to Auctioneer

First you have to setup the addon. This is very easy step, because all you have to do is install the addon to your wow/interface/addons folder. Then choose the addons from the character list and check auctioneer if it isn't already checked. Now just get your butt over an AH and continue following this guide!


This is the area where you choose what categories to search.
Mark the wanted categories.
Suggested categories to search with auctioneer are weapons, armor, containers, consumables, trade goods, recipes, reagents, and miscellaneous. Don't bother checking the quiver and projectile sections.

00068.jpgWhen you have chosen the categories, click the Scan button and let it perform it's scan. This can take a long time depending on how many items there are for sale.


00069.jpgWhen the scan is done, some statistics are displayed.


00070.jpgNext click the Search Auctions button.



Now you can choose if you want to search for buyouts or bids, and you can also choose the minimum profit an item should give. You should also change the minimum quality to common or uncommon. Try different options to see how it turns out. Click search once done with settings.
A complete list of profitable items will turn up and you can begin the shopping! That’s howeasy itis!

Justfromonesearch I ended upprofiting 300 gold! It’s important tokeep in mindthatsome items take a long time to sell while others sell instantly. It is also important to keep your items in the auction house until they are sold. If the item has a high fee, you should probably sell it in the trade channel instead. If your items won't still sell, you should probably lower the price a little or perform scans more often. Repeat the scan and search at least once or twice a day to max your gold income!
If you gain only 200 gold a day, you will have 6k by the end of the month!!!

My daily income from AH is everytime around 150-260 gold. I play on a high population realm so there is always a lot of stuff in the AH! But that's not all. It takes only a few minutes to perform the AH trick. After that I can choose a good spot and go farming!

Using the Auctioneer to Start a New Character


Here is a step by step guide on how to get you going on a completely new realm for you!

1. Kill some nearby monsters until you have around 20-50 silver. Skinning and mining can help if you go learn them. They cost a little bit, but will make up for it, I promise!
2. Once you have a bunch of silvers, run to the nearest Auction House and start scanning. At this point you don't know the real prices so you should wait a few hours and scan again then. It's recommended to spend at least 2 days scanning. One or two scans in a day is enough.
3. When you have the real prices and you see something nice in the AH that you can afford and will gain you profit, buy it!
4. Run to the mailbox and back to the AH and put it up for sale!
5. Wait for it to sell.
6. If it didn't sell, put it up again. If you don't have the money for AH fee, go farm some silvers or sell it in the trade channel.
7. Sold now? Good! Now you have doubled your money! Run back to the auction house and perform the scan again. This time you can buy multiple things usually.
8. Repeat until you are filthy rich!

I have around 300 items in the Auction Houses at any given time and they are also in neutral auction houses as well.

Tip: Perform a scan before the realms go down for the weekly maintenance, people might want to sell something in a hurry, for cheap!
Tip 2: Be cautious when selling high level blues and epics. They are expensive and not many have the gold for them.
Tip 3: Take a close look at low level blue items! Twinks like these and will pay a LOT for them usually, since twinks are owned by rich, elite and bored veteran wow players.