World of Warcraft WoTLK Epic Gold Making Guide by - HTML preview

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VIII. Un’Goro Gold Making

There is a gorilla cave (63, 16) in Un'goro that is a good location to farm and gain a large amount of experience at level 50. Below are some items that you should be looking to farm.


Map of Un’Goro GorillaCaveLocation: (Click on picture for full zone map)



Skinning : If you are a skinner, then the gold you generate in this zone will double! The dinosaurs and gorillas are all skinnable. This makes for 70% of the mobs that you kill to be skinnable. The gorillas are a gold mine in xp and in leather. You can get Rugged Leather, Thick Leather, and Rugged Hide from them. These sell very easily in the auction house.

Colored Power Crystals: Each stack of 10 can bring in about 50 silver to 3 gold and these items are free to take. These are colored crystals placed around the crater that you simply open which means you hardly need to do any work at all!

Bloodpetal Sprouts : This is another item that is easy to obtain in Un'goro. These are sprouts placed around the map that you simply open as well. After collecting 15 you turn them in at Marshal's Point for a repeatable quest that gives you a crate that which is sellable for cash.

Un'goro Soil: There are mounds of dirt that you can find around the crater which are lootable. You can also get these off of various monsters. These sell for about 1g per stack.


Herbs:Herbs areoneofthebest ways to makegoldin Un’Goro. These items will drop from Tar Monsters in the area. I have looted many green items and major potions from these guys.