A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Six

 Over The Falls And Beyond

 After about a minute of enjoying our amazing flight more, Mav said, “We’re coming up to some falls. Make sure you hold on tight when we go over.” Looking ahead about a couple hundred yards, I could see where the water disappeared over a ledge. There were cliffs beyond. Though the elevation of the terrain also looked lower past the falls. The houks also saw what was coming up and seemed to call out in a slightly excited manner. Mav had said that things were going to get a little interesting. Something told me that the ride was about to become especially interesting again. Which was confirmed by our Nal again levitating above our feet and holding them down to the backs of our houks. As we approached the falls, Sue said, “Something tells me this is going to be scary.” Mav said, “The drop off is going to be the worst of it. But it won’t be too bad.” I said, “You’re not telling a little lie again are you.” Because he was just about at the edge of the falls, Mav said quickly, “You’ll find out in a second.” His houk then plunged forward down over the waterfall.

 Mav yelled out a verbal exclamation in what I took to be Reall language. He said, “Wahaaa!” Mav’s houk also gave out a call. Til went over next and yelled out “Ieeyaaa!” Seemingly in response, Til’s houk also gave out a call. Zem soon followed and yelled out “Weheee!” Zem’s houk also called out. Bev went over next and called out, “Yooo hooo!” Her houk called out too. I went over next. As my houk started nosing downward, I called out, “Woohaaa!” I could feel my mid section rising from the negative G’s caused by my houks abrupt downward plunge. Tal kept my feet kept my feet from rising off my houk’s back. My houk also gave out a call. I could hear Sue yell out, “Aaaaa!” as her houk made the same maneuver. Sue’s houk also gave out a call. The sight of everybody plunging down in front of me was amazing. The falls were about five hundred feet high. About fifty feet of which was a cloud of mist from where the waterfall hit a pool below. From which flowed the river. About three quarters of a mile down the gorge caused by the river, it widened and the river seemed to flow more slowly.

 Almost like a cliche, just before the point where the river widened and slowed, there was a large tree and a couple other smaller ones that had somehow fallen over the gorge there. No doubt, we would be flying under them. But there would be no difficulty doing so because they were about three hundred feet above the water. Sue called out again, “Weee!” Then Sue said, “This is amazing!” Til said, “I knew you’d like it!” As Mav’s houk started to turn out of its dive, Bev added, “It’s fun every time!” Mav’s houk started flying out above the river at a high rate of speed, Til’s houk soon made the same maneuver. I could barely hear Til call out, “Wahaaa!” as it did so. The view was incredible to see the  houks flying out in a different direction from my horizontal perspective. Zem was the next to make the turn. He called out, “Woo Hoo!” as he did so. At about the same time, Mav nosed his houk upwards a bit. I suppose it was to slow down. Bev was the next to make the turn. She called out, “Wee hoo!” as she did so. A moment after Bev called out, Til’s houk also nosed up like Mav’s had. Though now Mav was again heading down toward the river at a shallow angle. My houk was next to make the turn. I called out, “Yah hoo!” as the G forces pressed me into the back of my houk. It was also a thrill to hear the wind ripping past the wings of my houk along with the splashing of the waterfall. I quickly glanced back and up at Sue. The two other houks were following hers downward above the fall of water. Sue had an expression on her face that anybody who had seen a rider on a roller coaster would recognize as she knew that she too was about to make the same turn. Even the two other houks following behind Sue’s seemed to be enjoying themselves. Looking back forward, Zem’s houk was starting to make its upward flight adjustment. As it did so, I could see Panny excitedly nestling below Zem’s upper body and head. Panny was holding onto fur with her little hands. No doubt with his little feet also. It looked very cute. As I flew out over the river, I could hear Sue yell out, “Ahhh!” in an excited manner. This was all so much fun! It was doubtless going to be one of the many topics Sue and I would happily talk about with each other from time to time for the rest of our lives. A story that surely will never get old. Bev’s houk started to make its upward turn as Zem’s flew down a little toward the river again. His houk took about the same path as Mav and Til’s had. Mav’s houk started to level out again above the river. He was just about to the point where the fallen trees were laying over the gorge. Apparently there were to be no more acrobatics. Because I could see San move from above Mav’s feet to above his head. Bev’s houk flew upward the same way the other’s had. I glanced back at Sue with a big grin on my face. Sue was grinning from ear to ear. Sue said, “This is so much fun!” I said, “I know! I hope we get to do it again sometime!” My houk started upwards. The G forces again pressed me down into my houk’s back. Though not as firmly as the turn out from the plunge had. While this was going on, answering the statement I made to Sue, Zem said, “I think that can be arranged.” Sue said, “Oh goodie!”

 The exuberance of Sue’s statement made everybody chuckle. My houk reached the top of its turn. It started to turn downward a bit. I could feel the negative G’s wanting to lift my body off my houk’s back. I was again glad that Tal was holding my feet down. While this was going on, Til said, “It’s always fun to have a first timer around.” As Sue’s houk started to make its upwards flight adjustment, Sue said, “I could probably do this a million times and feel about the same way!” While all this was happening, Bev said to Sue, “I know what you mean. I always do.” Looking forward, Til and her houk were passing under the area of the fallen trees about thirty feet above the river. Pam had also risen from above Til’s feet and resumed her normal position above her. As the rest of ours would no doubt do. The valley and river were going slightly off to the right. About a half mile past the fallen trees, it made a shallow turn back off to the left.

Where it turned, the bank was mostly cliff on the right side. My houk was still making a shallow descent toward the river too. Following behind the others.

 Of course, it wasn’t long before Sue also reached the top of her upward turn. Sue said, “Oh boy!” as she too experienced the negative G’s. Zem said to Sue, “You doing ok back there?” Sue said, “Just wonderful!” Bev said, “They are a bit more thrilling than the tasers, aren’t they.” Sue said, “The flight is definitely more fun. But the tasers were marvelous too.” I said, “It’s also a wonderful day for flying.” Zem said, “That’s why we chose to come to this particular location.” I said, “I’m guessing you have the ability to alter the weather anyway. Why don’t you just do that.” Zem said, “Why bother with the weather when you can just change location. Besides, as you remember, it rained some on planet Bev. I’m sure you enjoyed it as much as Bev and I.” I said, “With Mim and Pim to keep the rain off of us, it was nice.” Sue said, “The plants could have probably used the rain anyway.” I turned back at Sue with a big grin on my face. Sue’s houk was starting to fly level above the river as Sue grinned back at me. I said, “The rain would have been better for them than lava.”

 Remembering what I had said about lava before, Zem, Bev and Sue chuckled. Which I quickly joined in on. Til said, “What was that all about.” Bev said, “Zem brought up the weather to Sue and Erik back on planet Bev. Erik said he could have been walking through lava and think he was in heaven.” Mav said, “It sounds like you were enjoying yourselves.” Sue said, “Oh, we were!” I looked back at Sue with a big grin on my face. Sue was beaming a big grin back at me. I said, “I love you darling.” Sue said, “I love you too darling.” Then I turned back forward. Following the river, Mav’s houk started making a slow turn off to the left up ahead. As more of the area beyond came into his view, Mav said, “We have some Bartok up ahead.” Bev said, “Far out.” This caused us all to chuckle a bit. It was funny hearing Bev use such common term. Even if it was used a little less commonly on earth these days. Til’s houk was into its turn as Mav said, “It appears that they want us to land.” Sue said, “What are bartok.” Zem said, “On earth, they are known as Gigantopithecus. Or what you would call Bigfoot.”

 I turned to look at Sue for a moment. We both had open mouthed, surprised and delighted looks on our faces. Then I looked back forward as Sue and I beamed grins. Zem’s houk started making the turn, Sue said, “I can’t wait to see them! But as far as bigfoots go, I never really thought they existed.” Bev’s houk started to make the turn as Zem said, “You learn something new every day.” Sue said, “With you guys, that’s an understatement!” This caused us all to laugh a little. Which Sue quickly joined in on. My houk started to make the turn as Bev said, “I suppose it’s like UFO’s. It’s hard to believe unless you see one for yourselves.” Sue said, “Oh, I believe in UFO’s!” This made everybody laugh. I turned back to Sue for a moment so we could share each other’s laughter. Sue was so funny at times. I turned back around as my houk continued making a turn off toward the left. As it did so, more of the river valley beyond came into view. About five miles farther down, I could see a little hint of the large lake. About a half mile up, I could see a group of eight creatures kneeling down on a gravelly riverbank off to the right side of the river. All had their heads lowered to  the ground. About fifty feet nearer us on the left side of the river there was a wider portion of riverbank where there was more sand. At the farthest end of this wider area there stood a Bartok-bigfoot. Which I took to be their leader. It appeared to be a male, had to be at least ten foot tall and appeared to be massively muscled. The hair on its head was kind of long. It had shorter hair on the rest of its body. Though there was less on its face and chest. The creature had both arms raised above its head and it was holding a long wooden shaft of a weapon. It was about twelve foot long and on one end there was a shiny metal spear point like stainless steel. The spear point was about a foot long. On the other end, a sharp sword like point came out at a right angle that was about two foot long. It reminded me a little of the weapon my Pentas creature used back on the Pol-Wim. Except this was proportionally longer. And on the other side of the blade was attached a fairly broad ax head. It only came out about five inches. Probably so it wouldn’t get in the way if the creature decided to throw this weapon with the blade end up.

 I doubted very much if these creatures made such a weapon. It was probably something Mav and Til gave them for protection. As this scene came into Sue’s view also, Sue said, “Oh wow!” Mav said, “They won’t do anything. But at first, out of politeness, you shouldn’t grin at them. It doesn’t mean the same thing to their kind.” All of our houks started to fly in that direction. Soon, Mav’s houk started to go in for a landing. As it did so, the bartok with the weapon dropped down to its knees. Throwing its weapon to the ground in front of it, it also lowered its face to the ground. No doubt these creatures considered the Reall to be gods. Which for all practical purposes, they were as far as I was concerned. Mav’s houk started flapping its wings a little and effortlessly landed. First landing a bit more on its hind legs before bringing its front legs down too. It came to a stop about ten feet from the bartok. Mav sat up on his knees and sat back on his calves. He then smiled back at Til’s as her houk landed also. I thought about asking somebody something about these bartok. But right now, getting ready to land with my houk held more of my interest. Til sat up on her knees like Mav and smiled at him. Then Til looked over at the bartok across the river for a few moments as Zem’s houk landed.

 Bev’s houk started to go in for a landing next. Zem sat up on his knees like the others. He briefly smiled at Til and Mav. Panny also sat up on his haunches and looked around. Though the bartok were holding most of his interest. Then Zem turned to watch Bev land with a smile on his face. Til and Mav did the same as Bev’s houk landed. Bev also sat up and petted Lika as she turned to smile at me as I landed. This process basically repeated itself when Sue landed. Being an interesting sight, we all watched the other two houks land also. The pregnant female didn’t appear to have any problems doing so. Mav’s houk lowered its body to the ground. The rest of ours did too. Even though there was nobody riding them, the other male and pregnant female did too. As we all stood up, Sue said verbally in a slightly louder than normal voice, “What do they want.” Sue’s question caused a murmur of reverence to come from the bartok leader. I could also hear similar murmurings coming from the other bartok  across the river. As Mav walked to the back of his houk, with San following, he answered Sue verbally and said with the same kind of smile we were all wearing, “I would prefer to let the leader tell us.”

 Til, Zem and Bev also started walking to the backs of their houks. Panny accompanied Zem and Lika accompanied Bev. As Sue and I walked to the backs of our houks, I turned a little and said verbally to Bev, “I’m surprised to see that Mav and Til brought these kinds of creatures here. Why didn’t you bring them to planet Bev.” Mav jumped off the back of his houk and started walking back toward Til. Bev said, “Actually, we brought them from planet Bev.” Til jumped off the back of her houk and headed toward Mav. As Til did so, Bev said, “But when we decided to bring humans there, Mav and Til let us transplant them here.” Zem was walking toward Bev at this point. Panny and Lika scampered ahead and greeted each other with a little excitement. At the same time, Bev headed toward Zem. I jumped a little off the back side of my houk as Mav and Til gave each other a brief but loving kiss. As I walked toward Sue, Zem and Bev gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Sue also hopped a little of the back of her houk and walked toward me.

 Mav and Til stood facing us with an arm around each other’s lower backs. Zem and Bev did the same. When Sue and I came together, we gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Then we put an arm around each other’s lower backs and headed toward the others. Mav and Til took each other’s hand and headed toward the bartok leader. Zem and Bev followed them. Sue and I followed Zem and Bev. Mav and Til released each other when they got to the front of Mav’s houk. Til petted Mav’s houk’s head as Mav continued up to the bartok leader. The bartok leader briefly looked at Mav and quickly lowered its face to the ground again. Then bartok spoke to Mav in his bent over position. He said in a deep, baritone voice, “Gutta Mav! Deg Reall gutta!” Hearing this, Sue and I looked at each other with surprised looks as we walked. Mav stopped about six feet from the leader. The leader then raised its upper body and head as he put the palm of his hand to its chest and said in a deep voice, “Laga.” Mav gave him a nod. Then the bartok said something else in what I took to be their language. It briefly look at us as Zem and Bev stopped next to Til.

 Bev put her hand on Til’s shoulder. They briefly smiled at each other before returning their attention back to the bartok leader. Panny and Lika went a little closer to the leader and sat next to each other. The bartok leader then looked at the other group of bartok and pointed at them. Then the bartok said a few more words in what seemed to be a very basic language. He stopped pointing over at the other bartok and lowered its head again. Though not as low as before. Sue and I walked up to the others and briefly smiled at each other. Mav said something to the bartok in its own language. The bartok lifted up its upper body and turned toward the other bartok. Then the bartok called out in a big, deep voice some sort of command. The bartok across the river started to stand up as Sue said to Zem, “What do they want.” Zem said, “Apparently, one of them has a broken arm. They humbly request that Mav fix it.” Some of the other houks got up and started heading toward the river. Probably to get another drink. Til  took her hand off Mav’s houk’s head to allow it to join the others as. Mav said something to the bartok and looked over to the group of bartok.

 The other bartok were making their way across the river with their faces lowered in what must have been a show of reverence. The male near us raised its upper body and head again and said something else in its language. Along with the words, “Gutta Mav,” I took the rest to be an expression of thanks. Then it lowered its upper body and face a little. Looking at the group of bartok wading across the river, there were two other large males and one smaller one only about eight feet tall. Which was the height of the three adult females. There was a smaller female about five foot tall that was holding one arm with the other. One of the other females was holding a toddler in one arm. The two large males and one of the females were carrying weapons similar to the one the male near us had. The smaller male and the other two females carried similar weapons that were crudely fashioned. They used stone attached with leather strips. As they crossed the river, Sue said to Til, “That they exist is one thing. That they have a language is incredible.” Til gave Sue a slight smile and said, “Their language isn’t very sophisticated. But it gets the job done.”

 Mav had also turned to look at Sue with a slight smile on his face. As the bartok continued wading across the river, I took on a more somber look and said to Mav, “I hear these beings originated from Asia. Did tigers ever try to kill them?” Given the unpleasant nature of the question, everybody else took on more somber expressions. Mav said, “Young or injured ones sometimes. But these are powerful creatures. Even though they are naturally peaceful, they were more likely to attack and kill a tiger if they came across one. It isn’t like a Puma attacking a human. These creatures would most likely win even a bare handed a fight with a tiger. Unless they were successfully ambushed. Even then, they might rip a tigers jaw off or something before they died. Neither are they like a wild boar. These creatures hands are powerful weapons. So tigers avoided these creatures.”

 Sue said, “It’s interesting to see another bipedal humanoid species.” Mav turned his smile to Sue as she spoke. Then Mav said, “Interestingly enough, being bipedal and gaining the ability to throw overhand like a pitcher helped humans survive and evolve the way they did. Which these creatures can do also. Though they still evolved differently. But could you imagine a tiger or about anything else surviving having a soccer ball sized rock whipped at them? Or being whacked with a hefty club that was about eight inches in diameter?” I looked briefly at the big bartok male near us. Then I looked over at the bartok nearing us. Taking in the sight of their massive muscular arms and the equally muscular bodies they were attached to. I have heard how strong a Chimpanzee can be. The size of a chimps arms in comparison to its body was nothing like these bartok. I could only imagine how strong they must be. There was no doubt in my mind that, in a bare handed fight, one of these big bartok males could have easily defeated even the impressive tavor creature Panny played in the virtual reality game.

 I looked at Mav and said, “I see what you mean.” Zem looked over at me and  said, “It was humans ability to out think them along with your species aggressive nature that caused these creatures real problems.” Sue and I looked at each other with slightly shamed, saddened expressions. We both then lowered our faces a little in shame. The bartok started getting into shallower water on our side of the river and were nearing us. Zem, Bev, Mav and Til all noticed how Sue and I were feeling. A look of compassion came over all their faces as Zem put a hand on my shoulder. Sue and then I looked over at Zem with shame written on our faces. Zem said, “All creatures do what they feel they must to survive. You shouldn’t be bothered by how your species evolved. All you need to be concerned with is how it progresses.” This made Sue and I feel a little better as slight smiles came over our faces. Though there was still a little guilt written there. The group of bartok began to emerge from the river. The houks standing at the river bank were unconcerned. Probably because the bartok never bothered them.

 They came over to about ten feet behind their leader, tossed their weapons to the ground and quickly lowered themselves to the ground. I couldn’t help but notice that a couple of the females had very nice breasts. For Sasquatch. Mav briefly looked at the leader and said, “Hof Laga.” Then Mav looked at the other bartok and said, “Hof bartok.” The leader raised its upper body and looked at Mav with an expression of reverence on its face. The other bartok also raised their faces to look as Mav turned to us and pointed at Zem and said, “Zem.” Then he quickly pointed at Bev and added, “Bev.” Even though these bartok weren’t quite human, the look of surprise and awe on their faces was clear enough to see. They all threw themselves flat on the ground. Except for the injured small female. Who only bent over more. The leader, along with the other bartok, all began voicing various exclaimed words of reverence. These words consisted mainly of “Deg gutta Zem. Deg gutta Bev!” Sue and I smiled at Bev and Zem as Mav turned back to the bartok. Sue said, “They appear to have heard of you.” Bev and Zem and Til smiled at Sue. Bev said, “No doubt their elders passed on stories of us.”

 Mav bent over a little and firmly patted the bartok leader on the back of his shoulder. As he did so, he said, “Otal Laga.” Mav then looked at the others and said, “Otal. Otal.” All of the bartok again sat up on their knees. Though they remained bent over slightly. Mav looked at Bev and said with a smile, “Would you care to do the honors?” Bev’s smile widened a bit as she looked over at Til. Bev said, “They’re your bartok now. Why don’t you do the honors.” Smiling too, Til said to Bev, “Sure.” Til walked over to the small female who was holding her arm. Pam went with her, but didn’t follow too closely. Then Til knelt in front of the young, injured female bartok. Til took her by the shoulders and raised her upper body up. The young female looked at Til’s smiling face briefly as Til caressed her cheek. Though the young female seemed to be in a little pain, she smiled back at Til.

 These creatures had faces that were something of a cross between Gorilla and a human. They had slightly dark brown pupils and noses that somewhat resembled a nigger’s. Their lips were also more human like than gorilla.

Though not nearly as ridiculously massive as some nigger lips are in proportion to their faces. As Til caressed her cheek, the small bartok female closed her eyes and seemed to go into a trance. One or another of the bartok would glance over at Til with reverence before lowering their faces again. Til moved the young female’s hand from her injured arm and examined the injury. I could tell that her forearm was swollen. Til began to rub her hand over it. The swelling started to go down and her forearm appeared to straighten out a little. Seeing this brought a smile to Sue’s face and mine. I glanced over at Bev and Zem. They were smiling too. Til caressed the young female’s cheek again and her eyes opened. The young female felt her arm and a smile came across her face. She started making subdued but happy sounds. The other bartok looked over and alternated between looking at them and bowing. As they did so, they voiced what I took to be thanks. I could recognize the words, “Til” and “Mav” when they came up.

 Then I had an idea come to mind. I looked over to Panny and Lika and said, “Panny, Lika.” They both happily looked at me. I then pointed over to the now healed young female Til was attending to and pointed to her. I said “Go.” Bev, Zem, Mav and Sue all gave me big smiles as Panny and Lika, understanding what I was getting at, scampered over to her. Til gave me a brief smile too before returning her attention to the young female and the other bartok. The young female looked at Panny and Lika approach as happiness came across her face. Bev said, “That was sweet.” Panny and Lika jumped on the young female. The young female sort of giggled and started petting them as Zem said to me with a smile, “I think you’re about to make some new friends.” What Zem said made Sue and I grin. But Sue and I remembered that we shouldn’t grin. Sue and I looked at each other with slightly surprised looks as we covered our mouths with one of our hands. We then lowered our hands with wide smiles on our faces and hugged each other. Being careful not to show excitement, in case the bartok got excited too. Neither Sue nor I would want to give our Reall or Nal friends reason to subdue any excitement they displayed.

 While all this was going on, the young toddler that was with the one female wiggled itself free from its mother’s grasp. The mother said some words to it, but let it scamper off to join the young female, Panny and Lika. At the same time, some of the other bartok were shooting appreciative glances at us all. Til petted the toddler. It briefly shot Til a happy look before going back to enjoy Panny and Lika. While Sue and I hugged, Til stood up and went over to Mav. Til went up to Mav and put a hand on his far shoulder. While Til did this, Sue said in a subdued voice, “This is all so wonderful!” I said in the same way, “And incredible!” Bev said to Sue, “Let’s go check out the others.” Mav and Til smiled at us. Sue seemed to be trying to suppress a grin as she looked at Bev with a happy face and nodded her head quickly. As Sue did so, Sue said with her lips pursed together, “Um hum!” This made Bev, Zem, Mav and Til laugh a little. Sue and I suppressed our urge to join in on the laughter. Til said as she walked over to us, “It’s ok. They understand laughter.” Bev, Til and Sue made their way over to the others. Mim, Pam and Sas went with them.

 Bev said to Til and Sue as they headed toward the others, “I suppose we should make sure their teeth and everything else are ok.” Mav said, “I’ll help.” Then Mav smiled at Zem and said, “Would you and Erik take care of Laga?” Zem said, “Sure.” Mav headed for the other bartok as Zem and I, along with Pim and Tal, went over to Laga. Zem said, “Otal Laga” and gestured for the leader to stand up. Which it did. Mav gestured to the other bartok and said, “Otal bartok. Otal.” They stood up also. Sue held onto Til’s arm. Probably for reassurance. The size of these creatures was quite intimidating. As the others checked out the bartok, Til and Sue exchanged some comments about how impressive the bartok were. Zem said something to the leader. He lowered his face and opened his mouth. Then Zem looked around a bit as I looked at its teeth too. Laga didn’t have very large canines. But I sure wouldn’t want to be bitten by him. Zem slapped the leader firmly on the shoulder a few times and said, “Ub Laga.” The leader stood erect.

 Then Zem stepped forward, reached up and forcefully slapped the leader a few times on one of his its pectoral muscles. Zem then said in a raised, deeper voice, “Laga guah!” Laga stood even more erect and looked forward as he puffed himself up a little. Which showed off more of its powerful muscle structure. As Zem stepped back and smiled, I could see pride beaming from Laga’s face as he half growled in a deep booming voice, “Ak gutta Zem!” Being impressed by this mass of solid muscle, I said to Zem, “How much does he weigh.” Zem smiled at me and said, “In your weight measurements, probably close to eighteen hundred pounds.” While all this was going on, Mav, Til, Bev and Sue continued checking over the other bartok. Apparently, they did find a few bad teeth among the bartok. Which Mav and Bev fixed after placing a finger on the bad tooth for a few moments. At about the same time, they also either talked to each other or spoke simple words to the bartok. Responding to what Zem said, I said with a surprised look on my face, “Wow!” The young female and the younger one ran up to the leader. Making happy sounds as they did so. The leader looked at the young female with a happy face and examined her arm. She was petting Panny with her other arm as Panny had taken a position on her shoulder. Lika was around the toddler’s neck. It petted Lika with one hand and held on to the young female with its free arm. They all seemed to be very happy. The leader said something to the toddler, I suppose as gently as it could. Then the young one let go of the young female and petted Lika gently with both hands. It made a word and nodded as the young female also gave the youngster a quick glance. The leader petted Lika a little. Then the two youngsters ran back over to the others. The adults they ran too also greeted them excitedly. They examined both the young female’s arm and Panny and Lika. Who seemed to enjoy the attention. Sue was examining one of the adult male’s hands with wonder. The male seemed to show a little pride by the attention. As this was going on, Zem said something to the leader and pointed at the crude weapons that were laying on the ground. The leader turned to look at them also.

 Zem then said some more words and pointed to a spot on the ground near us.

The leader went and picked up the weapons and laid them on the ground where Zem indicated. The others looked at Zem and the leader. Mav, Til, Bev and Sue smiled at them. Zem gestured for the leader to come back over to him. The leader went to stand where it had been. Zem looked at Pim and apparently thought something to him. Pim came down and started to pass about a foot above the crude weapons. Underneath Pim, the weapons transformed into wooden and metal weapons like the others. Except these were newer and shinier. As Pim did so, the adult bartok all stepped back from us a little and threw themselves flat on the ground. Though the children did so while they gently held Panny and Lika. The adults all spoke words of reverence and worship like they had before. I looked at Zem and said, “I figured that you probably made these weapons for them.”

 As Bev, Til and then Sue stepped over to raise the bartok out of their state of worship with gentle reassurance, Zem said, “We couldn’t leave them to deal predators undefended. With these weapons, even the pat-meem don’t mess with the bartok.” I smiled at Zem and went over to pick one of the weapons up. The shafts were about five inches in diameter. These weapons were also quite heavy. They must have weighed about thirty five to forty pounds. I brought the one I was holding