A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven

 A Forlix Ride

 We all stepped onto the blanket and sat down next to our partners in the middle of one of the large red hearts. Pim and Mim went over and settled onto the smaller red heart between Zem and Bev and Sue and I. Tal and Sas settled into the smaller heart between Mav and Til and Zem and Bev. San and Pam took the smaller heart between Mav and Til and Sue and I. At the same time as we all put an arm around our partners, Panny went to set nearer the center of the blanket. Lika followed him. No doubt Panny had seen the other Nal levitating a covered tray below it and figured that there would be something tasty for them on it too. Sue said, “I don’t think that I’ve ever sat on a more comfortable forlix.” This made us all laugh. Which Sue quickly joined in on. Of course, Sue had never sat on a forlix before. After the laughter, the Nal with the covered tray below it came down near Mav and Til. At the same time, Til said, “Mav didn’t choose to bring them here because they were comfortable to sit on.” As Til spoke, the cover over the tray disappeared fairly quickly. There were glasses of beverage for everybody on it. Even two small ones for Panny and Lika. Their small glasses were filled with a light green, fizzy liquid.

 As Mav and Til took their drinks, Mav added, “That was just a pleasant coincidence.” We all laughed some more as the Nal levitated the tray over to Zem and Bev. All of us of course knew that there was nothing out of the ordinary in the way of comfort in setting on a forlix. Zem and Bev took their drinks and the tray levitated over to Sue and I. Sue and I took our drinks too. The Nal then sat the tray in the center of the blanket near Panny and Lika. They grabbed their drinks with both hands. Panny and Lika didn’t waste any time taking a drink. At the same time as the tray sat down, Mav smiled lovingly at Til. This made Til smile lovingly at Mav also. Mav said, “Would you like a sip of my love darling?” Zem, Bev, Sue and I smiled sentimentally at them as Til said, “Of course my love.” While this was going on, the Nal that sat the tray down rose up and moved toward the front of Grabby. As Mav went to give Til a sip of his drink, Zem lovingly said to Bev, “Would you like a sip of my love darling?” They looked at each other lovingly as Bev said, “The more, the merrier darling.” At the same time as Zem asked his question, Sue and I looked at each other  lovingly. I said, “Would you like a sip of my love honey bunch?” Sue said, “Of course darling.”

 After us guys had given our loving partners a drink, we all gave our partners a brief but loving kiss. Then our girls gave their guys a sip of their love. After doing so, as we still held our glasses, us couples began to kiss our partners lovingly. As always, kissing Sue was heavenly. No doubt Mav and Til were enjoying each other’s kiss just as much. As no doubt Zem and Bev probably were. Though with the mental connection the Reall were capable of, they may have been enjoying the kiss of their partners even more. After about a minute, when we had all decided that our partners had been well kissed, we began to part and look at our partners lovingly. Sue and I were the first to turn to the others. We smiled at them with sentimental, contented looks on our faces. Mav and Til were the next to turn and smile at the rest of us in the same way. Then Zem and Bev turned to smile at everybody in the same way. I glanced at our Nal with a smile. As I looked at each Nal couple, I said, “It’s too bad you guys couldn’t join us for a toast.”

 Zem, Bev, Mav and Til and Sue grinned. Which I did also. Pim said, “You should know by now that there’s hardly anything we can’t do.” A glass shaped a little more like a bowl materialized in the air about a foot above the tray. It appeared to be filled with simi drink and ice. Our Nal friends rose up and went over to a few inches above the levitating glass. I directed my glass a little toward Mav and Til, then to the Nal. I said, “To our new friends.” Sue directed her glass a little toward Mav and Til too. Then to the Nal. Then Mav and Til gestured their glasses toward Sue and I and said, “To our new friends.” Then Mav and Til gestured them to Zem and Bev. They then gestured them to the Nal. Til then said, “And to our old ones.” Zem and Bev gestured their glasses to Sue and I. Bev said, “To our new friends.” Then they gestured their glasses to Mav and Til. Then to the Nal as Zem said, “And to our old ones.” We all had big, appreciative smiles on our faces as we brought our glasses forward and clinked them against the rim of the Nal’s glass.

 As we brought our glasses back, each of the Nal extruded a straw about a foot long. It came out at about a thirty degree angle from just below their horizontal center. The last four inches of which angled down more sharply to dip into the glass. We all then took a drink. I could see the drink in the Nal’s glass lower a bit. After we lowered our glasses, Mav smiled lovingly at Til and said, “It doesn’t taste as good without your love darling.” Til looked at Mav with an even more loving look and said, “Oh darling!” While this was going on, our Nal retracted their straws. Their glass also fairly quickly faded out of existence. As couples, our Nal circled around each other’s surfaces at differing angles as they headed back over to their spots. After Til said what she did, she and Mav started kissing again. This also brought about more kissing between Zem and Bev. As it did between Sue and I. Our Nal didn’t land when they got back to their heart patterns on the blanket. They continued to circle around each other’s surfaces at differing angles about a foot above them. We kissed our partners for about a minute.

 After Sue and I parted our kiss, we smiled at each other lovingly. Then we turned to the others. Zem and Bev were smiling at each other lovingly. Mav and Til were still kissing. This made Sue and I smile a bit more widely. Sue and I smiled at each other again as Zem lovingly said to Bev, “I’m not wearing your lips out, am I darling?” This caused Bev, Sue and I to laugh a little. Zem just grinned at Bev. Having heard what Zem said, Mav and Til also parted their kiss. As they turned their grins toward Zem and Bev, Bev said, “You could never do that darling.” Then they gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After they parted, Sue said to Zem, “I would think that if that were possible, it would have happened millions of years ago.” Everybody was smiling at Sue by the time she finished speaking. Zem said, “It isn’t really possible to do.” We all turned our smiles to Zem as he spoke. Zem continued on, saying, “At least for any lasting duration. But it’s fun to try.” We all chuckled a little. Which Zem quickly joined in on. Then I turned my grin to Sue and said in a half kidding around manner, “After that last kiss, I think my lips need a little cooling off.” We all took a drink from our drinks.

 When we were through taking a drink, we all gave our partners a brief but loving kiss. Then we all turned to smile at each other. Sue briefly looked around with a big smile on her face. Then Sue turned her smile to Zem and Bev. I smiled at them too as Sue said with a more sentimental look to her face, “Being with you guys has been beyond a real life dream.” This made sentimental smiles come over Zem and Bev’s faces as they leaned the sides of their heads together. Sue then looked at Mav and Til and said, “And now you two wonderful people.” This caused grins to come over Mav and Til’s faces as they also leaned the sides of their heads together. Then Sue smiled at Pim and Mim and said, “And that goes for both of you of course.” Then Sue smiled at San and Pam and said, “And that goes for you two also.” Sue then smiled at Tal and Sas and added, “As well as you two of course.” What Sue said caused our Nal to circle around their partner’s surfaces a little more quickly. Then Sue smiled again at Mav and Til and said, “Your planet and hospitality have been so wonderful. Just as with Bev and Zem, I know there is nothing we can do to repay you. I hope our thanks is enough.”

 Mav and Til’s grins turned to appreciative, sentimental smiles as Mav said, “Of course it is. We can so rarely interfere with the lives of less evolved, though still quite intelligent beings such as yourselves. It makes us happy that you’re happy.” We all exchanged smiles for a couple moments. Though Sue and I’s were a bit more appreciative. Then I said, “Everybody take a good drink. Because I have something to say that is probably going to make you want to dispense with your drinks.” Everybody grinned. Zem said, “This should be good.” We all took a drink. After we lowered our glasses, I looked at Tal and said, “Would you dispose of these please.” Sue and I’s glasses disappeared like in a take alcove. I said to Tal, “Thank you.” Sue and I took hold of each other’s forearms and briefly smiled lovingly at each other. Zem, Bev, Mav and Til made their glasses disappear too. They all then took hold of their partner’s forearms and briefly smiled at each other with a hint of anticipation on their  faces. Then they turned their smiles to Sue and I. I then smiled at Mav and said, “I have a question to ask.” Sue smiled at me too as I added, “But I’m afraid it is going to have an adverse yet wonderful effect on you and Zem. And if I know them, Pim, San and Tal too.”

 I smiled around at everybody as Mav said with a kind, appreciative tone to his voice, “I can’t wait to hear it.” Then I said, “Sue is so very beautiful.” Sue let go of my forearm at this point and held me in both arms as she looked at me with a look of solemn love. I continued on and said, “From minute to minute, it’s hard for me to believe that my dearest is real.” Sue’s look became more emotional as she laid her head on my shoulder and said, “Oh darling!” Tears started to well up in my eyes. Which caused everybody to look at me with highly sentimental looks. Then I continued on, saying, “It may just be a trait of your species, but Bev,” I smiled at Bev as I said her name. Then I smiled at Til and said, “and Til. You’re both so very sweet and beautiful too.” Both Bev and Til had a bit of appreciative emotion come over their faces as Bev said, “Thank you!” Til quickly added, “You’re so sweet!” I glanced at them briefly. Then at Zem and Mav. Who were smiling at me with highly appreciative, sentimental looks on their faces. A more serious, slightly questioning look came over my face as I said, “As guys like me, (I briefly glanced at our Nal, Zem, and then back to Mav as I added) do you think we deserve to have the love of such wonderful beings?”

 Everybody had emotional looks come over their faces. All of our Nal couples quickly extruded a number of tendrils over their partner’s surfaces and began to glow with their chosen color. They also quickly began to take off in pairs. Each heading in a different direction as the intensity of their glowing increased. Sue buried her face between my shoulder and the base of my neck as her tears started to flow. Mav said with an emotional voice, “I could never deserve my darling Til!” Then Mav turned his emotional, loving expression to Til. Til tearfully embraced Mav and said, “That’s not true darling!” Mav also tearfully embraced Til back. At the same time, Zem and Bev looked at each other with tearful, emotional love. Zem said to Bev, “You know I could never feel good enough for you my life!” Bev embraced Zem firmly and said, “Dearest love! My dearest love! I don’t deserve you!” Also at the same time, Sue tearfully said to me, “What can I do to convince you darling! You’re my soul!” While we tightly embraced our partners, we all made a couple more fairly brief, but highly emotional exchanges with our partners as to the love we felt.

 If Zem and Mav were feeling as I did, which I had no doubt they were, the loving emotion we were feeling toward their partners had to be almost terrible in its ferocity too. Knowing the telepathic emotional connection the Reall were capable of, it was a wonder that they could take it. Their mental toughness had to be astonishing. Mav said telepathically, with an emotion filled thought, “I’m sorry! But we’ll see you back at the house!” He and Til then fairly quickly faded out of existence. Sue and I still held each other in an emotion filled, tearful embrace. Zem said with a little urgency to his emotional thought, “We have to go too!” Sue and I parted enough to look over in their direction. We did so just in time to see them quickly fade away in a tearful embrace. A Nal that was in  front of Grabby quickly moved toward us. A thought came from Bev that was filled with loving emotion. (For Zem no doubt) Bev said, “The Nal will give you some privacy.” It formed into a black opaque screen about ten feet high and fifteen feet long. This screen blocked the line of sight between us and the house. Though the house was still quite a distance away.

 Bev then quickly added, “That is as long as you don’t mind the various creatures seeing you discuss things.” Apparently, Panny and Lika weren’t amongst the creatures that might observe Sue and I “discussing” things. Because they too disappeared. I assumed it was Bev’s doing. Sue and I lovingly looked at each other’s tear moistened faces. Then we began to kiss each other passionately. With a little uncomfortable firmness. Both of us gave off moans of love as we caressed each other fervently. After about thirty seconds or so, our passionate kiss became more comfortable. Our tongues also caressed each other’s more. I began to caress and knead one of Sue’s breasts. Sue began to caress and knead my genitals through my pants. Though I was fully aroused by this time. All this caused us to give off moans of passion. Sue stopped caressing me and began to unbutton my shirt. This caused us to give off little extra moans of passion while we kissed. At the same time, I caressed my hands off of Sue and unbuttoned my cuffs. Sue then started to pull my shirttail out of my pants. Then Sue slid my shirt off me. I parted my kiss from Sue.

 We looked at each other with loving, emotional passion as I pulled up on Sue’s top. Sue raised her arms and I pulled her top off. Letting it fall to the side, we kissed passionately again as I undid the clasp on Sue’s bra. At the same time, Sue undid my pants. Here and there, we both continued to give off slight moans of passion while we kissed. I started to take off Sue’s bra. Sue stopped undoing my pants as I did so. After getting it off, I fully caressed Sue’s magnificent breasts. After caressing Sue’s breasts a little, I started to undue Sue’s pants too. Once I had them undone, we parted our kiss and looked at each other passionately. Sue said with loving passion in her voice, “I love you so much husband darling.” I said with an equally loving, passionate voice, “I love you so much too wife darling.” We kissed each other passionately again as I laid Sue down. After a couple moments, I parted my kiss from Sue and sat up. Both of us had loving passion splashed across our faces as I took off Sue’s slippers and socks. Then I pulled down Sue’s pants and panties. Sue raised up her hips as I pulled them over her wonderfully rounded bottom.

 As I did so, I said with a passion filled voice as Sue’s wonderful muff became visible, “Oh darling!” A bit more of a look of ecstacy accompanied my passionate expression. Sue said with a passion filled voice, “Oh my love!” Once I had Sue’s pants off, Sue sat up and we again kissed each other passionately. As I caressed one of Sue’s breasts, Sue laid me on my back. After a couple moments, we parted our kiss and looked at each other passionately. Sue then sat up fairly quickly and took of my shoes and socks. Then Sue began to pull down my pants and underwear. I also raised my hips a little to help Sue do so. A bit of ecstasy accompanied Sue’s passionate look  when, being released from being hung up on my underwear, my firm appendage flung out of my underwear like a switchblade. After setting my pants and underwear off to the side, Sue knelt between my legs. I parted my legs a little as Sue did so. Sue caressed her hands up my legs. Then Sue began to gently caress my genitals. No doubt in reference to what I asked Zem and Mav about deserving our girls, Sue said with a passion filled face and voice, “You certainly deserve this darling.”

 Sue then began to fellate me. A look of ecstacy came over my face as I gave off a moan of ecstacy. Sue also gave off an encumbered moan of ecstacy. After my moan, I said, “Oh darling!” As usual, Sue started off this action slowly and with much relish. I was in seventh heaven. After all the practice Sue and I had, Sue’s caresses of my genitals with the skill of an expert. This of course added to my pleasure. Even after Sue began to speed up her actions, Sue’s caresses of my testicles were extra gentle and loving. Through the whole process, every now and then, I would make various impassioned comments of love or endearment. Along with the usual moans of ecstacy every now and then. Sue would often give off little encumbered moans of ecstacy in response. I knew that my dear sweet love was really enjoying herself. Which pleased me to no end. Though it was difficult to judge time, after about three minutes, I could tell that Sue wouldn’t be waiting too much longer to bring me to the climax that I knew she enjoyed so much. Sue began to slow down her actions and moan a lot more. The signs were unmistakable. Sue was cuming.

 It filled me with such love to know what Sue was doing and my loving responses had that kind of effect on my dear sweet love. It was better that this happened to Sue rather than it happening to me when I orally pleasured Sue. At least Sue was capable of multiple orgasms. It also pleased me that Sue’s muff would be nice and moist when it came time for me to orally pleasure Sue. Another effect Sue’s ecstacy had on me was that it speeded up the countdown to my orgasm. As we had decided to do when we gave each other oral pleasure, to enhance each other’s enjoyment, we would tell each other when we were about to climax. Which I did this time too. Again, it was information that I could tell Sue enjoyed knowing. A couple moments later, I exploded with pleasure. I gave off some much heightened moans of ecstacy as my loins pulsed with ecstacy. Sue also gave off little, encumbered moans of pleasure. I knew that this was a part that Sue particularly enjoyed. In my throws of ecstacy, I said fairly quickly, “Oh my darling! Oh my love!” Then I moaned with ecstacy some more. Sue did too in an encumbered fashion as she began to slow down her actions.

 Sue continued to enjoy herself for a couple of minutes. Then Sue swallowed me down for a third time as far as she could. Though after this last time, Sue slowly slid her lips off me. Sue’s lips again made that cute little vibrating sound when the air pressure equalized past her lips. Then Sue began to kiss her way up my body. I lovingly caressed more of Sue as she came within reach more. As Sue made her way up to me on her hands and knees, I said with a passion filled voice, “I love you so much darling.” Sue gave me a brief but loving kiss. Then Sue said with a passion filled voice, “I’m not through with you yet darling.”

Sue moved a little farther up. I began to caress Sue’s breasts. Sue said, “Love my titties darling.” My dear sweet love knew how much I enjoyed her breasts. I said with a voice just dripping with loving, passionate adoration, “Oh darling! You make me so happy!” I began to suck on one of Sue’s wonderful nipples and caress her amazingly large, firm breasts. There just wasn’t anything about Sue that wasn’t pure heaven. Sue had a pleasured, loving look on her face as I thoroughly enjoyed my dear sweet love’s breasts.

 I caressed them against the sides of my face and kissed them here and there. After a couple minutes of this, I stopped most of what I was doing. As I just caressed Sue’s breasts, I said with an emotion filled voice, “Darling.” Sue backed off a little and saw my emotional state with tears welling up in my eyes. Sue also took on an emotional look as I placed a hand on Sue’s chest. The other day, I had kissed the palm of Sue’s hand and closed her fingers over it. What Sue had in her hand represented my love. I asked Sue to promise me that it would always be safe with her. Which Sue assured me it would be. After some love, Sue placed her fist on her chest and opened her fingers. Pressing the love I had placed into the palm Sue’s hand into her chest. This is where I now had my hand. Tears started to well up in Sue’s eyes. I said, “Are you keeping my love safe my wife?” An even more tearful look of emotion came over Sue’s face. Sue shoved her hands between my back and the blanket. We embraced each other fully and firmly as Sue said tearfully, “Oh yes my husband!... It will always be safe with me!” I said tearfully, “Oh my life!”

 Sue and I fully embraced each other as we cried tears of joy. After a couple minutes of this, I took one of the hands I had been caressing Sue with and gently caressed the hair on one side of Sue’s head back a little. Then I started giving Sue’s ear some loving kisses. Though Sue’s earing was a bit of a bother. I said, “Darling. Could you take your earring out for me?” Sue sat up as we looked at each other with glazed over looks of love. Sue said, “Sure darling.” Then Sue took her earrings out. After setting them aside, I caressed Sue’s hair back on one side of her head and said with a highly loving voice, “Give me some ear darling.” Still with a glazed over look of love in my eyes, I so enjoyed seeing Sue’s adorable ear coming toward me. Then I lightly closed my eyes as I went to town on it. Licking it and kneading it with my lips. As I did so, Sue gave off a moan of pleasure and squirmed a little with pleasure on me. Sue of course had her eyes lightly closed with loving, pleasured look on her face too. Sue said with a soft, pleasured, highly loving voice, “Oh darling.”

 After about a minute, I rolled Sue onto her back as Sue started giving me a loving kiss around my ear. This caused my pleasured expression to become a little more so. As Sue ran her tongue around the inner part of my ear, I said with a highly loving voice, “You’re such a dream darling.” I let Sue enjoy my ear for a little longer. Then I started kissing around Sue’s ear again. As I did so, Sue said in a highly loving voice, “You’re such a dream too darling.” I kissed Sue’s ear a little more. Then I started kissing my way down Sue’s neck. We both of course still had our eyes lightly closed with loving, pleasured looks on our faces. As I worked my way farther down, we both opened our eyes a little with passionate looks on our faces. I looked with pleasure at the topography of Sue’s wonderful body as I kissed my way farther down. Knowing where I was headed, Sue said with a soft, passionate voice, “Oh my love!” When I got to Sue’s mons pubis, I nuzzled the side of my nose and cheek into it. Unfortunately, Sue’s pubic hair wasn’t as moist as I would have liked it to have been. But oh how I loved the feel of it.

 Soon after, a moan of ecstacy came from Sue as I started to perform cunnilingus on her. As usual, it was wonderful beyond description. Though Sue and I had discussed before certain aspects of how to make the oral pleasure we gave to each other more pleasurable for each other, I never did tell Sue exactly what my special technique was. Though I decided to make it something really special this time. The way that Sue would squirm at certain points also filled me with indescribable love. As did Sue’s varied moans of ecstacy. Every now and then, Sue would make a brief but impassioned statement of love or endearment. Which of course only added to my enjoyment. Needless to say, there were a couple times that Sue told me I was about to receive what I considered to be a wonderful orgasmic, liquid treat. Sue cried out in ecstacy as I enthusiastically consumed what Sue had to give me. This caused a brief but highly enjoyable disruption to the technique I was doing. About two minutes after the last one, I received another highly enjoyable orgasmic treat.

 After things settled down from this one, I decided to end this oral lovemaking session. I nuzzled my cheek into Sue’s wonderful mons pubis. Sue caressed her fingers through my hair and said with a breathy, loving, passionate voice, “Oh my darling love!” I said with a passionate voice, “My darling!” I rubbed the side of my nose a little into Sue’s pubic hair and breathed deeply. But Sue was simply too clean and scented for me to catch any hint of her natural bodily scent. After a few moments, I started to kiss my way back up toward Sue. As usual, the more of me that became available, the more of me Sue would caress. Along the way, I paused briefly to give Sue’s breasts more love. When I got back up to Sue, we kissed each other passionately. Lovingly caressing each other as we did so. After about forty seconds of so, I slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We slowly opened our eyes and took in the sight of each other’s loving expressions. I gently caressed Sue’s cheek. Sue slowly and lightly closed her eyes and lovingly caressed the palm of my hand back with her cheek.

 A few moments later, Sue slowly turned her face back to me and slowly opened her beautiful, loving eyes. Sue then gently caressed my cheek. I caressed my hand from Sue’s cheek and slowly closed my eyes. Then I caressed the palm of Sue’s hand back with my cheek. After a few moments, I slowly turned my face back toward Sue and slowly opened my loving eyes. As we looked deeply into each others loving eyes, Sue caressed me more around my head. I said with a gentle, loving voice, “How did I do darling.” Sue smiled at me lovingly. I smiled lovingly back at Sue as she said, “You were just wonderful darling.” We again embraced each other and kissed each other with all of the loving tenderness we could muster. After about a minute, I again slowly parted my kiss from Sue. We looked again into each other’s loving eyes. I said with a gentle, loving voice, I’ve been keeping a secret from you darling.” Sue gave me a loving smile. Which I returned. Sue said with a gentle, loving voice, “What’s that darling.” I said, “I know we talked about it. But I never told you exactly what I was doing when I lick you.”

 Loving curiosity came over Sue’s face as she said, “What do you do darling.” I said, “With a few interruptions here and there, I basically use my tongue to write in big capital letters. And I write things to you.” A look of loving surprise came over Sue’s face. Then a look of eagerness came over Sue’s face. This caused a bigger loving smile to come over my face. Sue said, “Tell me the things you wrote darling!” I said, “In the past, it was nothing of any consequence. And later on here, it was more of the same. But I wrote you a love letter this time that I think you’ll like.” A look of eager happiness came over Sue’s face as she said, “Tell me what you wrote darling!” A look of solemn love came over my face. Which caused Sue’s expression to turn again to one of solemn love. I said, “I wrote: My darling love. Your love is my life.” At this point, Sue’s eyes glazed over with love. I continued, saying, “I want your eyes to be my destiny.” At this point Sue’s eyes started to well up with tears. I continued on, saying, “I want to spend the rest of my life filling your life with joy.” Tears started to flow down the sides of Sue’s wonderful face. The sight caused tears to start welling up in my eyes also.

 I continued, saying, “Because your happiness is like a bright flame in the darkness. My soul is merged with yours.” That pained look that comes with crying came over Sue’s face. I didn’t like seeing Sue in such a state. Though I knew that Sue wanted me to continue. But Sue’s pained look brought a similar look to my face also. Tears started falling from my cheeks as well. I continued, saying, “The sound of your heartbeat is the sound of my life.” Sue fully embraced me at this point with her arms and legs. My dear, sweet love was openly crying. I was all choked up myself. As Sue cried, she managed to get out, “Tell me the rest darling!” It was becoming quite difficult for me to continue. But I worked my way through it. I continued, saying, “When I see you tired, I love you more.... When I see you asleep, I love you more.... When I see you awake, I love you more... My very being... will always be your home! If you ever tire of me,” Sue grabbed me more firmly at this point and said in between sobs, “That will never happen!” I continued, saying, “just let me slip away and be forever grateful for any moment with you. The end.”

 Sue said with a tearful voice, “Oh darling!” and started peppering me around the side of my head with quick, loving kisses. Then Sue took hold of my head and started peppering me around my face with quick, loving kisses. Sue then moved on to the other side of my head and did the same. I of course had my eyes lightly closed with an emotional look of love on my face. When Sue was through with these kisses, Sue gently moved me onto my side and embraced me firmly. I embraced Sue firmly too as we wrapped our legs around each other’s. Sue said in a tender, yet emotional voice as we hugged each other, “Tell me that this isn’t a wonderful dream darling!” We lovingly caressed the sides of our heads together as I said with a voice dripping with love, “If it is a dream darling, I’ll never let you awake!” Sue said, “Oh dearest love!” We slid our cheeks together as we moved our lips toward each other’s. Quickly, we were kissing each other passionately. Both of us lovingly caressing each other’s tongues together. After about thirty seconds, I lessened the firmness of my hold and caresses. Sue also lessened the firmness of her hold and caresses.

 Both of us more lovingly embraced and caressed each other. Every now and then, we would also squirm our bodies with pleasure into each other’s. After about another minute and a half, we slowly parted our kiss and looked with blissful love into each other’s eyes. Our faces were still slightly moist from the tears we shed. I smiled a little. Which caused Sue to smile a little at me too. I said with a gentle, loving voice, “Darling. Are you sure that you don’t love me just because I can show you a good time among aliens?” I then grinned. Which caused Sue to grin also. Sue lovingly caressed the side of my face and said lovingly, “Don’t be silly darling!” I said, “Does that mean that you think you will love me as a normal human on earth?” Sue’s grin was replaced with a solemn, loving expression. Which was all the answer I needed. It made me take on a solemn, loving expression too as Sue said, “I know I will dearest love.” We then enthusiastically and firmly hugged each other again. Both of us squirmed a little with pleasure against each other’s nude bodies. We also rubbed our legs and feet together a little. Sue and I also lovingly nuzzled the sides of our heads together.

 We enjoyed each other’s embrace and caresses for a few minutes. Then Sue backed away a little and looked at me with the sweetest loving smile on her wonderful face. I smiled lovingly at Sue also. Then Sue said, “Your love letter was so wonderful darling. Would you write it down for me?” I gave Su