A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven

 Ready For The Ride Back

 From left to right, it was Mav, Til, Bev, Zem, myself and Sue. Panny and Lika’s slightly smaller multa was behind and between Sue and I’s. I thought to Sue and said, “Have you ever ridden a jet ski before sugar everything.” My new term of endearment made Sue grin at me with a little more sweetness in her expression. Sue said, “Yes I have huggy love.” I said, “I never have sweetness.” My statement made Sue’s grin diminish to a smile as I added, “You’ll have to tell me how it compares.” Zem said, “You’ll find this just as much fun in regard to the ride.” Sue and I both grinned at Zem. Then Zem said, “With the jet skis humans use, you know what they’re going to do. But unless you’re directing your multa, you never know exactly what they’re going to do. The multa may not be able to go quite as fast as a jet ski or for a prolonged period of time. But the things they do will more than make up for it. Especially if you have them go underwater.” Til then said, “While you’re standing on them, it might be a good idea to be ready to bend your knees.” Mav said, “Let’s be off then.” Our multa began to swim in the direction of the gazebo. But they didn’t swim any faster than they did on their way out.

 Mav then grinned over at Sue and I and said, “Normally, you could just think to them to make them go fast. But there is another way that they like. Just stomp your feet up and down until they get ready to take off. Then be ready for acceleration.” We were all grinning at Mav. Then Mav turned back forward and stomped his feet up and down quickly on the back of his multa. The rest of us did so too. Mav’s multa gave off some seemingly happy multa sounds as Mav bent his knees a little. The rest of us did so too. The rest of our multa also gave off seemingly happy multa sounds. They all lowered their heads and necks a little and took off as Mav verbally called out, “Ya Ha!” It flexed its back a little as it made powerful flaps with its flippers. The rest of our multa also started making slight undulations with their backs as they made powerful flaps with their flippers. The undulations and acceleration made standing on mine more difficult. No doubt the others were experiencing the same thing. The acceleration wasn’t as intense as when we took off on the houks from the river bank. But in it’s own way, it was just as exhilarating.

 At about the same time as Mav called out, Til called out, “Weee!” Bev called out, “Wha hoo!” Zem called out, “Ye ha!” I called out, “He ya!” Sue called out, “Woo Hoo!” Soon, all of our multa were really moving. Their heads lowered to just above the water as they undulated in the water. Periodic waves of water would wash over our feet. Sue thought excitedly, “This is fun!” Mav said, “Check this out!” Then Mav apparently started giving commands to his multa. Which the rest of our multa followed. Mav’s multa banked off to the left. It was interesting how it used its neck to help steer into the turn. The rest of our’s followed. We were lowered lower to the water as our multa turned to the side a bit. The G forces kept us in a standing position. Then they turned off to the right. With the same results as before. Our maneuvers let the smaller multa that Panny and Lika were riding catch up to ours. Both of them were chattering happily. Once we came out of that turn, our multa began to pick up speed again. Then they turned from side to side a bit at this greater speed. Making less pronounced turns in the water as they did so. After a little of this, Mav’s multa began to slow down. The rest of ours did too.

 Our multa were breathing slightly heavier as we started heading back toward the gazebo at the same slow speed as we came out. As our multa swam up abreast of each other and raised their heads up, Sue thought and said, “Just from the ride, I would much rather have one of these than a jet ski!” Til said, “They aren’t houks. But they are fun.” I said, “I’ll say!” Everybody briefly turned their grins from Sue to me. Then we went back to enjoying the ride. It didn’t take long for the multa to start breathing normally again. After about a minute, Mav grinned at Sue and I. Then Mav said, “You ready for more fun?” We all grinned at Mav. Then Zem, Bev and Til grinned at Sue and I too. Sue said, “Sure!” Mav said, “This time, we see who the first one to lose their footing is. And whoever falls first has to french kiss a bartok.” This caused surprised looks to come over Sue and I’s faces. The others laughed. Which figuring that Mav wasn’t serious about what he said, Sue and I quickly joined in on. After the laughter, Mav said, “Just kidding!” Bev then grinned at Sue and I and said with a happy thought, “But whoever falls first is a rotten egg!” I said, “I’m ready!” Sue said, “Me too!”

 Mav said, “Ok! Start stomping!” Then Mav quickly stomped his feet up and down on his multa again. The rest of us did so too. Mav’s multa called out happily and started speeding up. It lowered its head into the water. The rest of ours did the same. Mav’s multa lowered itself further so that there was about a foot of water rushing over the back of his multa. The rest of ours did the same at the same time. Our footing indeed became more difficult. We all put one foot in front of the other and bent our knees a little more. At the same time, we all leaned back a little to counteract the pressure being exerted on our feet. After doing this for a few extended moments, the multa lowered themselves a little more. Now there was about a foot and a half of water rushing over the backs of our multas. The smaller multa that Panny and Lika were riding didn’t participate in this game. But it did swim after our multa on the surface. After a few extended moments at this new depth, Sue gave off a brief, high pitched yell. Then Sue hit the water as she let go of her Sas handle. The rest of our multa surfaced and started slowing down as they turned back toward Sue. We all laughed and looked back at Sue.

 Sue was treading water and wiping water from her face. The multa Sue had been riding was deeper underwater. I could see it swimming back toward Sue underwater as the rest of our multa swam back toward Sue on the surface. There were of course other multa swimming around. They seemed to be happy with the game also. As we started heading back toward Sue, I called out to Sue and said, “You know I love you darling. But better you than me!” We all laughed. Sue made a mock angry face and shook her fist at me. At the same time, Sue thought angrily, “Ooo!” This enlivened the laughter of the rest of us. Sue then joined in on the laughter too. Then Sue’s multa brought its head up out of the water next to Sue. It sprayed vapor from its nostrils. Then it turned its head and neck a little to look at Sue and make happy multa sounds. Sue petted it around its head. Then Sue started to pet its neck as it rose out of the water more. As Sue’s multa began to raise her out of the water, Sue said verbally with a slightly louder than normal voice, “I had to pick an extra slippery one!” This caused the rest of us to laugh again. Which Sue quickly joined in on. We all knew of course that one multa was no more slippery than another.

 Then Sue took hold of her Sas handle and stood up as our multa began to turn in the direction of the gazebo. As the rest of our multa turned back around, I thought to Sue and said, “Don’t feel too bad sweetness. I was about ready to fall myself.” Zem said, “I don’t think that any of us could have held on much longer.” Sue smiled around at everybody. As Sue did so, Sue said, “At least it was a soft landing.” Til then said, “And at least you kept your top on.” This caused us all to laugh a little. After a moment, our multa began to swim in the direction of the gazebo again. We were close enough by now to get a good view at what was going on where the houks, multa, bartok and the multa near them were. Sue said, “It looks like everybody is having fun over there.” The rest of us looked too. Apparently, the treats had all run out. The baskets that the Nal had been feeding the houks and multa from were gone. At this particular moment, these Nal were about twenty five feet behind the multa on the surface of the water. They were spraying arching streams of water at the multa and houks. The houks were all standing in the surf.

 One of the houks was partially laying on the back of a multa from the side. Even though the houk was nearly as large as the multa, the multa didn’t seem to mind. There was a stream of water landing on this houk’s back. It flapped its unextended wings a little. There was another houk in the serf that had lowered itself a little farther into the water. It was flapping its unextended wings a little. Causing water to splash up onto its back. Other streams of water landed on a houk and multa. One of the houks and multa were playfully shoving their heads from side to side a little. Alternating which of their heads got to have a stream of water land on it. Of course, there were other groups of animals much farther inland. Farther down the beach, I could see a small column of smoke rising from the campfire of the bartok’s temporarily deserted campsite. It rose up about fifteen feet, then started to angle off toward the left. Looking at the bartok and multa on the beach, they were having fun. Apparently, they had run out of treats too. Their empty baskets sat unattended on the beach.

 The young female and the toddler were a little farther out into the water. One of the adult females was apparently kneeling in the water next to them. All three were enjoying the attention of a young multa. There were five streams of water being sprayed. Four landed on multa and another fell on a bartok that was next to a multa in the surf. A couple of the bartok were swimming out in the water with a couple of multa. Another of the bartok was also standing in water that went up to mid body level. A multa had its mouth wrapped partially around this bartok’s forearm. The bartok was playfully moving this multa’s head and upper neck around a little. Another bartok was standing in the water and petting multa. There was another bartok sitting on the beach and petting a multa. At this distance, I could barely make out a couple small specks of Nal near the beach. The bartok and multa seemed to be having a ball. Referring to the swimming bartok, Sue grinned at the others and said, “I didn’t think the bartok could swim so well.” Til said, “They are quite good swimmers.” We all turned our grins back to the happy scenes. After a few moments, I had a fun idea come to mind. I had Tal secretly relay a command to our other multa.

 Our multa began to move a little closer to each other and slow down. Til grinned at the rest of us and said, “Is somebody up to something?” I said, “I was just thinking that Sue and Zem were looking a little dry.” Then I had Tal put my plan into action. My multa began to flap its front flippers on the water and splash water on Sue and Zem. Sue gave out a little high pitched yell as water splashed on her. Zem exclaimed verbally, “Ah!” as water splashed on him. Bev, Mav and Til started laughing. I quickly joined in on the laughter. Then Zem and Sue joined in. After a little laughter, Zem said, “Take this!” Zem’s multa began to splash water on me and Bev. Bev gave out a little exclamation too. Sue’s multa splashed water on me from the other side. As we laughed, all of our multa began to splash water on us. Which the multa seemed to delight in. After a bit of splashing, I stomped my feet quickly up and down on the back of my multa. My multa took off to get me out of the splash zone. I had it swim around the front of Sue’s multa and bump it. Play time was on! The rest of the multa began to swim around and playfully bump another.

 Of course, the older multa took it easy with the smaller multa that Panny and Lika were riding. Slappy and the other baby multa were kept out of the fray by other multa. Water churned around our feet as our multa did fairly quick, banking turns in the water. We all laughed or gave off excited verbal or telepathic exclamations as our multa swam acrobatically around on the surface. Our multa accelerated, decelerated, dove slightly, etc. They did too many different kinds of maneuvers to go into. All the while of course, we wore happy expressions that often turned into excited ones. I didn’t have to give my multa very many commands. It seemed these multa knew very well how to have fun on their own. And they were intelligent enough to be mindful of their passengers. Though right from the start, it seemed that the more they found that we could handle, the more they did. We were having all kinds of fun. At one point, Mav and I’s multa headed straight toward each other like we were playing a game of chicken. I thought to Mav and said quickly and excitedly, “You better look out!” Mav thought back in the same kind of way, “You better too!”

 When our multa met, they each turned their bellies a little toward each other with their flippers flat along their sides. They gave each other a playful bump as they turned away from each other. It was amazing that Mav and I managed to keep on our feet. Though I had never been on a jet ski, I had seen them in real life and on TV. Just the swimming part of our interaction with the multa indeed had to be more fun than a jet ski! After about ten minutes of this play, our multa began to stop. Somebody must have thought to them. Our multa all swam up to each other in a circle. The multa gave off happy vocalizations. We were all grinning as we petted another’s multa head. As we did so, Sue said to everybody verbally in an excited voice, “This is so much fun!” Til said verbally to Sue, “The multa are such dears!” I looked over at Panny and Lika. Their smaller multa had joined ours. I grinned at Zem and pointed at Panny and Lika. Feeling like asking a stupid question, I said, “Do you think these guys are enjoying themselves?” We all chuckled a little. Zem said, “Let me ask.” We all grinned at Panny and Lika as Zem apparently thought something to them.

 They began to chatter excitedly and hop up and down a little as they held onto their smaller Nal handle. It was so cute, we all had to laugh. As we all turned our grins back to each other, Zem said, “Well, there’s your answer!” We all laughed again. After the laughter, Bev said, “Panny has ridden multa before. But Lika has only ever ridden a tucuxi. It’s no wonder she is enjoying it.” Mav grinned at Sue and I and said, “How deep have either of you two gone when swimming.” I said, “One of the multa at the gazebo took me deeper than I’ve ever gone before.” Sue said, “I’ve been as deep as about eighty feet few times when scuba diving on earth.” Mav said, “Without the help of a Nal, I think we can briefly do a little better than that.” As Mav’s multa began to back away, the rest of ours did the same. As they did so, Sue said, “I hope we don’t go too deep.” The others started to lay down on their multa. Sue and I did the same as Mav said, “Not too deep. Certainly nothing near what a multa is capable of. And you have nothing to worry about with Sas around. Though whenever you feel you’ve gone deep enough, you can just think to your multa to head back to the surface. This isn’t a contest. So nobody has to worry about being a rotten egg.” This made the rest of us laugh a little. Which Mav quickly joined in on. By the time the laughter stopped, our multa also stopped. Bev thought to Sue and I. Though everybody could hear. Bev said, “Take some deep breaths!” We all started taking some deep breaths. After taking a few, Mav said, “Here we go!” Mav’s multa nosed down in the water. The rest of ours did the same. Just like the others, the body of my multa also bent its body downward. As soon as I was underwater, I smiled around at the others. Panny and Lika accompanied us on their multa. Sue and I exchanged brief smiles. Then we turned back toward our dive. I couldn’t see anything besides deep water below us and a few smaller fish swimming along with us. I thought just as a general question for anybody to answer, I thought, “I can’t see the bottom. Just how deep is the water out here.”

 Til said, “Only about six hundred feet.” Sue said, “Those are some an interesting fish.” I looked over and saw the fish Sue was looking at. There was a group of about seven of them. Overall, they were about four feet long. The front part of them sort of reminded me of a Penguin. Though its head was more fish like with a short, flexible neck. The front flippers appeared to do most of the work. They had forked tails that trailed fins back about a foot. The back third of which were a vibrant purple color. As were the end third of their front flippers. The rest of their body was mostly orange. This orange color was lighter on their bellies and graduated to a darker orange along their backs. Also on their bodies, they had a number of vertical, thin stripes. These started off as a light green color at their bottoms, but changed to a blue color near their tops. Their eyes were red with a black pupil. Everybody else looked at the fish too. Til said, “Yes. They are pretty colorful.” We went back to looking at where were going. The multa Panny and Lika were riding headed back toward the surface. The water pressure continued to increase the deeper we went.

 After a certain point, we must have gone through a different layer of water. Because the water here was a lot colder. We were only about a hundred feet underwater. About twice the overall length of the largest multa. Sue said, “It’s too cold down here! I’m going back to the surface.” As Sue’s multa angled its head and flexed its neck and body back toward the surface, Bev said, “I agree. I’ll join you.” As Bev’s multa also turned toward the surface, Mav said, “I’ve gone deep enough too.” The rest of our multa also headed toward the surface. I said, “I hope we don’t get the bends.” I could sense humor from the others. Zem said, “That takes more time underwater.” Til said, “Sue. Start letting a little breath out to counteract the pressure.” Sue thought, “Ok.” I looked at Sue. Following Til’s suggestion, I could see a little trail of bubbles coming from Sue’s head. There were some other multa swimming about too. Of course, the water had various multa sounds going on. Up near the surface, Panny and Lika’s multa was again taking them for a shallow dive. When I got to about where Sue had started letting out air, I did the same.

 No doubt, as Mav had said, this dive was nothing for a multa. But it was quite an adventure for me. Soon, I could see Sue’s multa break the surface. Quickly followed by Bev’s. The rest of ours weren’t far behind. Once Sue and Bev were surfaced, I heard Sue think to Bev, “That was fun.” As the rest of our multa began to break the surface, Bev said, “A nice little dive is always fun.” Once we had all come to the surface, Sue and Bev were still laying on their multa. Both of them were giving their multa backs a good scratch. After the rest of us caught our breath, we all did the same. I thought to the others as I did so, “I would imagine that you guys sometimes do the same with the Nal’s help.” Mav said as he scratched his multa, “Sometimes. But usually in warmer water.” Sue started slapping the areas she had just scratched. Then Sue rubbed them. Seeing how much Sue’s multa enjoyed it, the rest of us did the same. As we did so, our multa started to swim next to the ones our partners were on. All of us sat up on our multa and grinned at each other.

 I wasn’t about to be indelicate by saying anything. But the deep cold water was still having an effect on our girls. All of them showed extra firm nipples under their bikini tops. Which of course, only made them more appealing. It also made me long to have my love in my arms again. We grinned at our partners as our multa neared each other. Our Nal transformed themselves back into their normal shape. Tal and Sas came together and started circling around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. Pim and Mim did the same. As did San and Pam. I said to Sue verbally in a slightly louder than normal voice, “Come on over to my multa darling and let me warm you up.” Sue smiled at me lovingly and said, “Sure darling.” Zem also called over to Bev verbally as he held out his hand to her. Zem said with a loving look on his face, “Come to me darling.” As Bev’s multa moved toward Zem’s, Bev said with a loving look on her face, “Ok darling.” Mav looked at Til lovingly. Mav also held out his arm toward Til and said, “I need you my love!” Til’s multa was already heading toward Mav’s as Til said to him with a loving look on her face, “Oh Mav!”

 Sue’s multa came next to mine and put a flipper on the back of my multa as we both stood up. Then Sue happily scampered across the flipper over to my multa. We both smiled lovingly at each other. Bev happily scampered across a flipper to Zem’s multa and Til did the same across a flipper to Mav’s multa. As Sue and I held each other in a loose embrace and looked at each other lovingly. Sue said lovingly, “Did you miss me darling?” I said lovingly to Sue, “I’ll always miss you darling.” A more loving look came over Sue’s face. Sue took on a “kiss me” look as her lips beckoned to me. Sue didn’t wait long. Quickly, we started kissing each other passionately as we held each other in a fuller, caress filled embrace. Sue and I gave off slight moans of pleasure. I also let Sue know how I felt with my lips, tongue, embrace and caresses. My dearest sweet love did the same with me. Of course, Zem and Bev were kissing each other in a similar manner. As were Mav and Til. While we kissed our partners, some of what I took to be male and female multa also lovingly rubbed their heads and necks together. Making seemingly loving multa sounds as they did so.

 My dear sweet love and I must have kissed each other for about a minute before breaking off our kiss and fully embracing each other. Both of us of course had our eyes lightly closed with loving looks on our faces while we lovingly nuzzled the sides of our heads together. At this point, I was stiff as a board down below. I sure hoped nobody would notice. Though if I had to guess, I would say that Zem and Mav were experiencing the same thing. As Sue and I also lovingly caressed each other, I said with a gentle, loving voice, “Whenever you’re not with me darling, it’s torture.” Sue said with a voice just dripping with love as she slid her lips back toward mine, “Oh darling!” We started kissing each other passionately again. Both of us also again gave off slight moans of pleasure again as we started doing so. Sue and I gave each other a caress filled kiss for at least another minute. Then we fully embraced again.

 After about a minute of this, Mav called out and said to Sue and I, “You guys ready for the ride back?” Sue and I parted enough to grin at the others. They were all holding their partners in a loose embrace and smiling at Sue and I. Sue called back and said, “Sure. We’re ready.” Til said, “I’ll send over an unridden multa.” Til then looked around and apparently thought to some other multa. These started to head toward the multa us couples were on. Sue and I smiled at each other. Then we gave each other a brief but loving kiss. Sue and I then turned our smiles back to the others. I thought to Mav and Til and said, “I hope you’re not in too much of a hurry to get back. It’s so beautiful out here.” This made the other’s grin. Which I did too. As a multa came up on the right side of ours and put its flipper on our multa’s back, Mav said, “We’ll take it nice and slow.” Sue and I gave each a little extra hug at Mav’s statement. Then Sue and I briefly turned our grins to each other as we took each other’s hand. We Then walked over to the flipper. I let go of Sue’s hand and said, “You go first honey.”

 Sue gave me a brief little extra grin and scampered across the flipper. After Sue was across, I followed. Sue jogged into the middle of our new multa’s back as it made some seemingly happy multa sounds. I jogged up to Sue and we gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After parting, Sue said to me verbally, “I think somebody needs some petting.” I said quickly, “Me first!” Then I dropped down quickly to my knees and started scratching around the multa’s back. Sue quickly followed and started scratching too as we both shared in each other’s laughter. Our multa of course enjoyed our scratching. While we did so, Til and Mav made their way onto a new multa in a similar manner. So did Bev and Zem. They also scratched around on their multas. After Sue and I were sure that our multa was well petted, Sue and I leaned forward on our hands and knees. We then gave each other a brief but loving kiss. After our kiss, I sat down on the multa and faced forward with my legs apart a little. Sue sat cross legged between my legs. I wrapped my arms around my dear sweet love from behind and laid the side of my head next to Sue’s. Sue caressed my arms in front. We both had loving, contented smiles on our faces as we got all snuggly.

 At this moment, Zem and Bev were getting into a similar sitting position on their multa. Mav and Til were getting into a similar sitting position on their multa too. I directed our multa to swim off to the right side of Zem and Bev’s multa. Bev’s adorable clouds that she had made still hung up in the sky. But because the sun had gotten a little lower, they had gotten a little lower too. The sight of them made me caress Sue’s head a little with my cheek. Sue gave my arms a little extra caress and caressed my cheek back slightly with her head. We were still a pretty good distance from the gazebo. But as I said to Mav and Til, I was in no particular hurry to get back. Though anyplace I was with Sue was wonderful anyway. There were of course other multa swimming about as we pulled up near Zem and Bev’s multa. Some of which were underwater. The slightly smaller multa Panny and Lika were riding was at this moment a little ways behind Mav and Til’s multa. They were laying on their stomachs next to each other with their tails entwined. What had been their Nal collar, leash and handle was back in a Nal shape and hovering about five feet above them. Mav, Til, Zem and Bev all turned contented smiles to Sue and I.

 Sue and I smiled in a similar manner at them as Bev said to Sue and I with a slightly louder than normal voice, “You two ready?” Sue said to Bev in a similar manner, “Ready.” Our multa started moving back toward the other shore. Though at a slower pace than before. Also, we were heading off toward the left of where we had our spaceships parked. Apparently, along with going slow, we were also going to take a bit of a zig zag course back. We turned our attention back in that general direction. As we went, Sue said with a contented tone to her thought, “Bev. The shade of your clouds is like being in the shade of love. They’re so sweet.” Bev thought back with an equally contented thought, “Thank you.” Zem then thought to Bev. We could all hear this. It wasn’t anything of an intimate nature or something we hadn’t heard before. Zem said, “You’ll always be in the shade of my love darling.” We all turned sentimental smiles to Zem and Bev. Zem and Bev had turned a little in their embrace to look at each other lovingly. Bev said with a highly loving thought, “Oh darling. Your love is both my sunshine and my shade.”

 Zem and Bev turned a little a little more in their position and started kissing each other passionately. The Nal couples also extruded a number of loving tendrils over the surfaces of their partners. Mav and Til looked at each other lovingly as Mav said to Til with a loving thought, “The love of your eyes darling is my light. And your kiss is my loving shade.” Til said lovingly, “Let me give you some shade darling.” They started to kiss each other passionately too.” The Nal couples began to glow with their chosen color. Sue and I turned loving looks to each other. I lovingly thought to Sue for everybody to hear, “Your eyes light my soul darling. And your lips shade my heart.” Sue’s eyes glazed over with love. Mine did too. Sue said with a loving thought as Sue’s lips beckoned to me, “Let me give you some shade darling.” We began to kiss each other passionately too. As our tongues caressed each other’s, we both gave off slight moans of pleasure. While we kissed, Sue also caressed her hand up my inner thigh and under the loose fitting leg of my swimming trunks. For a few extended moments, Sue lovingly caressed my genitals over the inner lining of my swimming trunks.

 While Sue did so, we both gave off a little louder moans of pleasure as I also caressed one of Sue’s breasts. Seeing how the others were occupied, all this was probably ok. In fact, I would have been disappointed if the other couples didn’t sneak in a tiny bit of intimate petting of their partners here and there. And I was almost positive that I wouldn’t have been disappointed. What Sue did caused me to become rock hard again. Sue then removed her hand and started caressing me elsewhere. I removed my hand from Sue’s breast and started caressing her elsewhere. Then I parted my kiss from Sue and kissed my way to Sue’s ear. Both of our eyes were of course lightly closed with passionate expressions on our faces. After giving Sue’s ear a good but brief kiss, I whispered lovingly into Sue’s ear, “Where Tal and Sas can see darling. You’re so naughty.” Sue then gave my ear a good kiss. After kissing my ear a little, Sue whispered lovingly, “If they’re even noticing darling, I’m sure they don’t care.” I gave Sue’s ear another loving kiss. Then I whispered lovingly into Sue’s ear, “I was only kidding my love.” Sue and I then slid the edges of our lips across each other’s cheeks toward each other’s lips.

 When our eager lips met, we kissed each other passionately. This caused us to give off slight moans of pleasure. After about a minute of kissing, we parted our kiss and nuzzled the sides of each other’s heads with our cheeks. Both of our eyes were lightly closed with loving expressions on our faces. As Sue and I did so, I said with a soft, loving voice, “I love you so much darling.” Sue said with a soft, loving voice, “I love you so much too darling.” Then Sue and I started to caress our cheeks back to bring us back to a heavenly kiss. When our lips met, Sue and I started kissing each other passionately again. Oh how I loved the soft, loving lips of my wife. And the caress of each other’s tongues was heavenly. Sue and I again gave off slight moans of pleasure as we kissed. No doubt Sue was equally pleased with my kiss. We all must have kissed and caressed our partners for about another minute and a half. Then, one by one, us couples slowly parted our kiss from our partners and smiled lovingly at our partners. Then we would get back into our cuddly position and look at the scenery with loving, contented looks on our faces.

 Not long after Sue and I had done so, our zig had zagged a little more in the direction of the bartok. The houks and the multa still seemed to be enjoying themselves. As were the bartok and the multa they were with. At this particular moment, one of the bartok that was out swimming with a multa had its hands around the upper neck of a multa. The multa only had its head raised a little out of the water. That multa was pullin