A UFO Love Story 2, The Adventure Continues by Erik Neilsen - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

 The Multa Arrive

 The largest multa raised their necks about eight feet out of the water. Though this wasn’t their entire length. The necks of the largest ones were about a foot and a half in diameter at their narrowest. Also, the heads of the largest ones were a little over two feet wide, close to three feet long and almost two feet thick at their thickest. Their muzzles were narrower toward the front with cow like, multa colored lips that curved around them a bit. Near the tops of their heads were two narrow slits for nostrils that sat fairly close to each other. These were at the back edge of a slightly bulbous area on the top of their heads. Below and to the front of this area, they had two black eyes. These showed through their eyelids about three and a half inches long and two and a half inches high. They faced a little sideways and forward. As I had observed earlier, their skin was a bluish grey color. It was a little darker on top and the lower parts of their necks was a lighter color. I figured this lighter color went along the bottom portion of their entire bodies. Some of the dolphin like clicks and squeals they emitted were slightly deeper in pitch than normal earth dolphins. And certainly deeper than the much smaller tucuxi.

 Some other multa were heading toward where Zem and Bev were. Most with their necks raised out of the water. Others were heading to the side of the gazebo where Sue and I were. The largest ones rose their heads out of the water about fifteen feet as the other multa were surrounding our gazebo. Mav and Til started tossing or handing the multa treats. Others picked up treats that were already sitting on the railing. Panny and Lika handed out treats too. Though seeing their size of Panny and Lika, the multa gingerly took the treats from them. Despite the treats we fed to other larger creatures, Sue and I were still a little amazed by the events unfolding around us. Bev fed one of the multa a fish directly and tossed one to another multa. Another multa picked up a treat directly off the railing. Zem gave one of the multa heads near him a treat and tossed a treat to another multa. Sue and I quickly shot each other excited grins before returning our attention to the multa. A couple of the extra Nal came and hovered above Sue and I. But a little nearer to the ceiling edge. I could see the backs of the multa and could easily see their flippers moving just under the surface.

 There was a small multa on our side that was only about eight feet long. Sue said excitedly to me, “The baby one is so cute!” Everybody shot Sue a quick grin before returning their attention to the multa. Then Sue picked up a fish she had sitting on the railing and tossed it to the baby. Which it eagerly grabbed as it hit the water. The multa on our side stopped as they came close to the gazebo. It was interesting to see their flippers under the surface effortlessly controlling their movement. One of the large ones lowered its head and went in toward one of Zem’s baskets of food as Sue and I picked up treats we had sitting on the railing. Though one of the multa on our side took one off the railing for himself. Zem grabbed the sides of its muzzle of the multa that was going for a basket. Then Zem shoved its head back as he chuckled. Zem said, “Don’t get too eager there boy!” It made some somewhat disappointed sounding whistling and clicking sounds as Bev grabbed a treat. A multa head came close to me as I held up a fish. It opened its mouth.

 In the front part, it had upper and lower canine teeth like a dogs. But the teeth in between were incisor teeth like a plant eater. In the back, it had fairly flat molars. I tossed the treat in. I then petted it around its muzzle. Its skin wasn’t all that slippery. It felt pretty much like the tucuxi. Sue petted one of the multa heads she had just fed a treat to. Then Sue tossed another fish to the little multa. It couldn’t get as close to the gazebo as the others. Just as Mav had said, there were hungry multa heads everywhere. There were six near Sue and I. Bev held a treat up to a multa that was only about a foot and a half from her. It opened its mouth as Bev petted its nose and placed the treat in its mouth. The rest of us were similarly occupied. Sue said as she petted an appreciative, chewing multa head, “This is so much fun!” Everybody grinned at Sue. Til said, “They are that.” Then we all went back to feeding and petting multa. After about a minute, Tal and Sas approached fairly quickly as they turned into fuzzy heart shapes. They apparently left the multa they were leading to go the rest of the way to the bartok themselves.

 I could see the multa heading toward the beach with their heads and necks raised out of the water at varying heights. Sue and I saw Tal and Sas turned into fuzzy heart shapes. This caused Sue and I to grin at them. Though there was a bit more of a delighted, sentimental look to Sue’s sweet face. They came over to the gazebo just behind Sue and I. We both turned to them. Some of the spare Nal that were hanging around levitated treats to the multa Sue and I were tending to. Sas said, “Try and give us your most disgusting hug you dear.” As Sas spoke, Zem, Bev, Mav and Til turned grins to them. Sue held up and spread her arms to them. Sue said, “You got it!” Tal and Sas came down fairly quickly and hit Sue on her upper shoulders near the base of Sue’s neck. They seamed to hit with a bit of a splat. This made Sue laugh. Which Zem, Bev, Mav, Til and I did to. Pim, Mim, San and Pam emitted telepathic humor. Apparently, Tal and Sas were feeling something different. Sue then cuddled Tal and Sas with her eyes lightly closed and an appreciative, sentimental smile on her face.

 The rest of us looked at this sight with sentimental smiles on our faces also. Some of the spare Nal also levitated treats to Zem, Bev, Mav and Til’s multa as they all took in the adorable sight. Pim and Mim circled around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. San and Pam were doing the same. Sue said with a sentimental tone to her voice, “You guys are such dears!” Tal said telepathically, “Just as I surmised, to an extent far beyond human understanding, you’re not disgusting at all.” An emotional, surprised look came over Sue’s face. Sue took hold of both of them and held them a little ways from her face. Sue said in a drawn out, emotional way, “Oh!” Then Sue gave each of them a brief kiss. Then Sue squished them against her cheeks as she lightly closed her eyes again with her sentimental, slightly emotional look on her face. At the same time, Sue turned her upper body from side to side a little as she hugged them. This sight made us all take on a little more sentimental look. Though for Zem, Bev, Mav and Til, they had a bit more of a look to them like they were looking at something adorable. Which they were.

 I had a terrible urge to go embrace them all too. But I didn’t. I figured it would be best to let my dear sweet love have her moment. After a few extended moments, Sue stopped turning her upper body. With her eyes still lightly closed, Sue said with a sentimental voice, “How can you guys be so wonderful!” Sas said with a sentimental thought, “We had some good role models.” Zem and Bev briefly turned their sentimental looks to each other. As did Mav and Til. Pim, Mim, San and Pam all circled their partners at a little faster speed. After a few more moments, one of the multa stroked its muzzle up Sue’s back before retreating a few feet. This made Sue open her eyes and hold Tal and Sas out a little. Sue said, “Thank you dears. But I think the multa are hungry.” I held out my arms to Tal and Sas and said, “I think you’re wonderful too.” Everybody smiled sentimentally at me as Tal and Sas levitated over to me. Then I took hold of them and squished them into my cheeks too. I too had my eyes lightly closed with a sentimental, appreciative look on my face. Sas said with a sentimental thought, “We think you’re both wonderful too.”

 As I held them, more multa started to arrive. But they couldn’t get too close. I held Tal and Sas out a little ways from me and said with an appreciative tone to my voice, “Thank you.” Tal and Sas levitated out of my hands and turned into their regular shape as they rose up. Everybody started reaching for treats as Tal and Sas started to circle around each other’s surfaces at differing angles. We started to toss them treats too. At this point, other Nal were heading out from the direction of the maketake. Three in all. Each levitated a couple baskets of food near it. These headed out to the new arrivals. I heard one of the multa near Sue give out a seemingly more delighted series of squeaks and clicks. Glancing over briefly as I handed out a couple more treats, Sue was petting the head of a multa she had just given a treat to. At the same time, Sue said with a big grin and a delighted voice, “You really like those. Don’t you.” Looking down the lakeshore, I could see that a number of multa had partially beached themselves near the bartok. The bartok were feeding them treats and petting them.

 The houks that were laying near the beach were now standing at the edge of the lake. They seemed to be looking at what was going on with envy. After handing out a couple more treats, I said, “Mav.” Everybody turned grins to me. Pam was in the process of giving Panny and Lika a couple treats to hand out. I then said, “I think the houks may be a little envious.” Everybody looked in that direction. Mav said, “I’ll take care of it.” Then Mav looked in the direction of the patio and seemed to briefly think something. I saw one of the spare Nal move toward the maketake. No doubt it was going to get more food and bring it to the houks. The Nal that had been levitating food over the water started to lure the newly arrived multa in that direction. At this point, one of the multa near Bev had apparently submerged itself. It rose its head and neck straight up near Bev with its head a little sideways to Bev. With its muzzle straight up in the air, it made smacking sounds and squeals as it opened and closed its mouth. Bev laughed. We all looked and laughed too. It was so cute!

 Bev dropped a fish in its mouth. Then Bev petted its muzzle and said, “There ya go!” It started to submerge as Bev rubbed its muzzle. Sue of course was right. These multa were so much fun! I grinned at the others as Sue went for more treats. Everybody was happily feeding or petting multa. Panny and Lika were having fun handing out treats that Pam gave to them. San, Pim and Mim were also helping the others hand out treats. Tal and Sas were giving Sue and I a little help too. I went back to feeding the multa. Even so, every now and then, Sue and I would have to shove back the head of an overly eager multa. Though they could have easily overpowered Sue and I, they were surprisingly gentle. And of course, friendly. The others also did the same every now and then. After about a minute, one of our multa stuck its head and about four feet of its neck over the railing and looked around. Sas levitated a treat to it and moved its head back. I tossed in a leafy treat into the mouth of a multa. As it chewed, it  apparently decided to open and close its nostrils quickly a few times. The way they worked was pretty interesting.

 Once in a while, one of the multa would slap another with a fin. Though they weren’t acting aggressive. It seemed that they were just having fun. Speaking of slapping, about a minute later I heard some lighter slapping coming from Mav and Til’s side of the gazebo. Both Mav and Til laughed. Til said to Sue fairly quickly, “Sue! Come over and look at this!” Sue quickly and happily scampered over by Mav. Sue started giggling with delight. Zem, Bev and I also moved in that direction to see what was so amusing. One of the babies was on the back of a female. It was smaller than the one in Sue and I’s side. This one was only a little over six feet long. This was probably the baby I had seen Pam levitate part of the way here. It was slapping its fins and making high pitched noises in a seemingly happy manner. Zem, Bev and I laughed as we approached their railing. Sue said, “How adorable!” Til said, “They’re cute, aren’t they.” Sue said in a delighted manner, “They sure are!” Til said, “Watch this.” Til tossed the baby another small fish, which it plucked out of the air. It again made some happy sounding high pitched sounds and slapped all four of its flippers on the back of the female it was on.

 At the same time, Bev, Til and Sue said in a drawn out, happy, sentimental way, “Aw!” Then Sue said, “I think I’m going to name it Slappy.” This caused everybody to laugh. Which Sue quickly joined in on. After the laughter, Mav said to Sue with mirth in his voice and a big grin, “Snappy, Grabby, Flappy and now Slappy. I think I’m starting to detect a pattern here.” We all laughed again. After the laughter, Sue said in an amused but slightly plaintive voice, “I think they’re nice names!” Bev said with a pleased, happy tone to her voice, “They are.” Mav said to Bev and Sue with an amused, but slightly plaintive voice, “I didn’t say they weren’t!” This caused us all to laugh a little again. Sue gave Mav a bit of a hug from the side. After parting, they briefly grinned at each other. Then Sue turned her grin to Til and said, “The babies are so cute! I wish I could pet one.” Til said, “That can be arranged.” Sue’s face lit up as she said, “Oh goodie!” Til said to Mav, “We’re going to the beach darling.” Assuming that Bev would be going to, Zem said to Bev, “See if you can get some of these multa to go with you sugar.” Bev said, “Ok honey.” Then they gave each other a brief but loving kiss.

 Sue and I stepped next to each other as Til took a few steps over to Mav. As Sue and I held each other’s forearms, I said, “Have fun lovie.” Sue said to me, “Thank you dearest.” As Sue and I gave each other a brief but loving kiss, Mav said to Til, “Give Slappy a pet for me sweetie.” Sue and I parted our kiss and smiled at them. Zem and Bev were smiling at them too. Til said to Mav, “Ok sweetheart.” As they gave each other a brief but loving kiss, Bev picked up a basket of fish and came up to Sue and I. Bev and I briefly exchanged grins. Then Bev said to Sue with a tiny bit of strain in her voice, “Would you grab another basket of treats. We can’t be too lazy.” We all grinned at Bev as Sue said, “Ok.” Sue and I released each other. Then Sue picked up a basket of treats. I knew that the baskets still had to be pretty heavy with the number of  treats in them. But the exercise would no doubt do the girls good. Til picked up another basket of treats too. Both Til and I briefly exchanged grins too. Then the girls started heading toward the dock. Sue said to Til, “This lake’s pretty big. But it’s hard to believe it can feed all of these multa.”

 Panny and Lika jumped down off the railing and started following the girls. Pam, Mim and Sas picked up treats and started to lure some of the multa over to the beach near where we had our spacecraft parked. Answering Sue, Til said, “We have plenty of underwater things for them to eat. Along with handy land plants near the shore. But as you noticed, they especially like our treats.” Another Nal was levitating away from the maketake a couple baskets of treats. It headed toward the gazebo. Yet another Nal was just levitating a basket out of the maketake. At this moment, the shadow of the house was halfway across the dock. Time was indeed passing. I didn’t know when Zem was going to suggest that it would be time for us to leave. But I didn’t even want to think about it. The girls continued chatting as Zem said with a smile, “Let’s feed the rest off of the end.” Mav and I were smiling too as Mav said, “Ok. I’ll cover this corner.” I said, “I’ll take the other one.” Mav picked up a basket of food. I went over to my side of the gazebo. Tal was already levitating my baskets of food over to the other end. He passed a treat to the multa as he went.

 Pim was moving both of Bev’s baskets closer to Zem’s. No doubt leaving Zem’s baskets for him to move himself. San also levitated one of Sue’s baskets over near mine. He considerately left Sue’s farthest basket for me to carry. When I reached my basket, I took a treat out and gave it to a multa. After giving its nose a brief rub, I picked up the basket and brought it over to the others. Tal and San were repositioning the multa with treats. Looking in the general direction of the bartok, there were a group of multa that had partially beached themselves near the houks. The houks were near the shore. A couple of the houks and multa were checking each other out. There were four Nal spread out a little levitating treats to both the houks and multa. Farther down the beach, the bartok and the multa seemed to be getting along well. All of the adult bartok were still spread out a little on the beach. They were standing at the shore and feeding or petting multa. The young female, Kubt, was sitting at the shore near an adult female. Next to the young female was the toddler. They were feeding and petting one of the baby multa.

 Zem had dragged his baskets over nearer to the center. I picked up a couple treats as I smiled at Zem and Mav. Zem was getting ready to hand out more treats. Mav had just fed one. I said to Mav, “If these bartok were skittish of the multa, I don’t think they are anymore.” Mav and Zem briefly grinned at me. I grinned too as they turned their attention to the bartok. I did too as I handed out a couple treats, Mav said, “That’s good. Just because they live in the water, the bartok had no real reason to be leery toward them.” I reached for more treats. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a Nal heading away from the patio with a folded blanket. Taking a quick look at the girls, they were happily chatting as they headed down the beach with their baskets of treats. A couple Nal at this point were setting down a few baskets of treats near Mav. I handed out the  treats I had grabbed to a multa on either side of the corner post. We heard the girls laughing heartily. Us guys turned grins to them. They had paused laying out a beach blanket as they laughed. Panny and Lika were playfully scampering around near the water’s edge.

 A couple of the multa had reached the beach. They were in the process of beaching themselves a little. Us guys grinned at each other. Then we went for more treats. After handing them out and petting some multa, Mav again grinned at the girls. Their hearty laughter had subsided to chuckles. Mav thought to them. Which I and no doubt Zem heard also. Mav said, “What are you guys laughing about.” Zem and I grinned at them too as they turned their chuckles toward us. Til thought with a mirth filled thought, “Just girl stuff!” I kind of wondered if Sue told them about her witty, vaginal lip, tongue beckon “thing.” It was certainly funny enough to cause that kind of laughter. Us guys turned big grins to each other. I said verbally to Zem and Mav, “As long as they’re having fun.” We then happily went for more treats. After feeding and petting some multa, I smiled at Mav and said, “Did you bring these multa here because they were on their way to extinction on their planet too?” Mav and Zem were smiling at me by the time I finished speaking. Then Mav said, “Yes.” This made me grin. Which made Mav and Zem grin also.

 I said, “You guys are just great.” Mav said, “Like Til said, it isn’t much. But saving interesting and worthy creatures is nice.” I was smiling appreciatively by the time Mav finished speaking. Then I said, “If they knew as Sue and I know how much it means, they would be loving you to death.” More sentimentality accompanied Mav and Zem’s smiles. Though Zem’s sentimentality was a slight hint greater. The multa near Mav and Zem stuck their heads a little farther in and started making sounds like they wanted more food. Though the one near Zem nudged him a little. This caused us all to chuckle. Zem said, “Well at least you guys aren’t as needy as these multa.” We all laughed a little as Zem petted the multa. Then we went for more treats. With grins on our faces, we fed and petted the multa more. After feeding a couple more treats and petting a multa head, a somber look came over my face. I said to nobody in particular, “It’s too bad how cruel the universe can sometimes be.” Mav briefly glanced at me with a somber look also and said, “As you know, sometimes the destruction can be quite extensive.”

 At this point, we heard laughs coming from the lakeshore. We all looked over and saw the girls over on the lakeshore and sitting on a beach blanket. Seeing the happy scene brought big smiles to our faces. There were five adult multa near them that had pulled themselves partially onto the beach. Just like I had seen the other multa near the houks and bartok do. It kind of reminded me a little of something like a sea turtle might have done. A smaller multa and the baby multa “Slappy” were farther on the shore. They had their heads partially over the blanket and the girls were petting them. Panny was on one’s neck and Lika was on Slappy’s back. They were both also petting their baby multa. Though Panny only did so with one hand as he held on with his other three legs and tail. Mim, Pam and Sas were delivering treats to some of the multa. At this  particular moment, Bev and Sue were paying quite a lot of attention to Slappy. Which it seemed to be enjoying. Zem said, “It looks like they’re having fun.” I said, “Girls and little baby animals. The two seem to go together.” Mav said as we all continued to watch them, “They are adorable.”

 I said, “One of the pleasing things I discovered from Bev is that the nurturing aspect of the female Reall doesn’t seem to have been lost in your evolution.” Zem and Mav turned their smiles to me. Zem said, “They wouldn’t be nearly quite so loveable if it had been lost.” One of the multa butted its head a little against Mav. They were all also making noises that seemed to be for attention. We all turned and started handing out and tossing more treats. Which the multa were surprisingly good at grabbing out of the air. As we all fed the multa, I said to Mav with a somber look on my face, “As far as what you said about the cruelty in the universe being shocking, (Mav gave me a slight smile and a nod before returning his attention to the eager multa) I am shocked by some of it that happens on earth. Such as whales eating up whole schools of fish. Bev mentioned the other day male lions that will kill the young of a defeated male lion. Even among humans, we talked about some who won’t hesitate to kill a female newborn if they feel the need.”

 Zem gave me a brief, somber nod before going back to tending the multa again. I then said, “I have even heard of older working male children in impoverished nations being given a larger portion of food to the detriment of the younger ones. Even in my country, the way people selfishly destroy the environment and other things is disgusting. It’s like an adult sitting somewhere and calling over a cute little child or favorite niece or nephew. And as the cute youngster runs over to them with a happy smiling face, the adult smiles at them as he cups the happy little face in his hands. Then the adult changes their expression to anger, spits in their face and smacks them across their head hard enough to knock them off their feet. With the world getting worse and worse, that’s basically what they’re doing. The self centered bastards.” Mav looked over at me and said, “Nothing is out of bounds when humans can call their actions god’s will.”

 Then Zem said, “There’s another fortunate and unfortunate aspect to human behavior. Though both are fairly common amongst biological beings. Both of these things basically stick with people their entire lives. Though as for the unfortunate aspect of it, that is something you can break to Sue in your own time. Your life has made you more mentally prepared than Sue. What I’m going to tell you isn’t something we Reall had to do tests to discover. But recently humans on earth have.” We continued to periodically pet or feed multa between looking at each other. Zem added, “Humans on earth recently discovered that even babies are what the status quo would like to call bigoted. Which being an effective way of avoiding unwanted symbiosis, is the way things should be. But a little more troubling aspect was revealed when they did one particular test on older children. A child was far more likely to accept less of something if it meant that another child not present at the time would receive nothing at all.” A surprised look briefly came over my face as Zem added, “This is a status thing  that came from the creatures primates evolved from. But the unfortunate evolutionary pressures exerted by humanity’s greed based economic system has added to it.

 “For example, there was a documentary done on earth that should be required viewing for all humans. But I doubt if it would do much good. It’s called, “The Corporation.” Though I found it a little long winded, it was interesting to see that it came to a correct conclusion.” I tossed a treat to a multa and handed a treat to another. Then I turned to Zem and said, “What’s that.” Zem petted a multa as he looked at me. Pim was feeding another multa near Zem a treat. Zem said, “They pointed out that corporations were pathological, psychotic entities.” I said, “I’m not surprised.” We both went for more treats as Mav fed a couple more multa. Mav turned to me and said, “With corporations being given the same rights as people, it makes it especially bad. The people who run them may often seem nice. But if you met a necrophiliac outside of doing what they do, you might think they were nice too.” Having fed a couple multa, I reached for a couple more treats as I looked at Mav. I said, “Don’t even get me started on how much some human behavior shames me. Just out of curiosity, I checked out of something disgusting I heard about,” (I had a multa nudge me a little. I handed out a couple treats as I added) “on the internet. It showed people shitting on each other and eating shit.”

 This caused Zem and Mav to look at me with “yuck” expressions on their faces. Mav said, “I know of such behavior amongst humans. But ew!” Zem said, “Me too. But yuck!” As I went for a couple more treats, I said, “Meeting people on the street who ate crap, there’s a good chance that they might seem nice too. Just like the psychos who run corporations.” Zem fed a couple of multa and turned to me. Then Zem said, “Though in the case of those who run corporations, just as those who seek cheap labor or export jobs, it is the regular people who end up eating the shit.” I said, “And don’t I know it.” We gave each other a solemn nod and went back to feeding the multa. As we did so, I said, “That reminds me of something I saw on a news program once. There is this billionaire software tycoon in the U.S.” Zem and Mav briefly looked at me as I added, “I need to kiss Sue with these lips, so I won’t even speak his name.” Zem and Mav smiled at me. Then Zem said, “That’s ok. We know who you’re speaking about.”

 I said, “I saw him sitting in front of a congressional committee and telling them that they should allow unlimited immigration of skilled foreign workers. Giving American educated workers a big shit sandwich to eat.” As we continued to feed and pet multa, I added, “Basically, what he meant was to end all immigration restrictions. Maybe he figured that it was a good alternative to shipping jobs overseas. But it isn’t a very good one. Why not just have all Americans move overseas and let all them move to the U.S. Though the way things are going, the U.S. will probably end up experiencing the same kind of grinding poverty that less developed countries experience. As Til brought up earlier, these people are just criminals.” Tal said telepathically, “May I make a comment?” We all smiled at him as Mav said, “Of course.” Tal said to me, “Your talk about criminals is interesting. With one of the spare Nal around, I am also aware of the conversation you had earlier and what Til said about the links between the U.S. government and the mafia. There is an excerpt from something written by an American general once named Smedley Butler. You may find it interesting. He wrote:

 “I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909 - 1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” I thought you would like to know this example of the ugly truths about Capitalism and “free” enterprise. It is another one of those open conspiracy theories. The way such things are now done may have changed a little. But as you know, not much. The only thing that allows America to raise its head above the muck at all is that things are worse in many other countries. You will find things on planet Bev to be infinitely better.”

 What Tal said about planet Bev made me grin. I said, “Thank you Tal. What you said was interesting.” Zem and Mav both turned slight smiles to me after handing out treats. Mav said, “I know something equally bad about that billionaire you spoke of.” I again took on a solemn look. Mav and Zem did too as Mav said, “Have you ever heard of a racist Mexican group called LaRaza?” A bit of a surprised look came over my face. I said, “Yes I have. It means “The Race” in spick. Let me guess. He donated money to them.” We all reached for more treats as Mav said, “Yes. Millions of dollars.” I shook my head a little in a disgusted manner and went back to feeding the multa. Then I said as we all tended to the multa, “I’m not surprised. If you’re going to betray your country, why not betray your species as well. Apart from cheap labor concerns, no doubt he got a disgusting brain drug thrill out of not being “racist.” I then gave a multa head a good petting as I added, “No doubt he thought he was right. But I wonder if he ever considered the consequences of his being wrong. Which he obviously is.”

 Zem and Mav looked at me as Zem said, “I doubt it. That isn’t a question most humans like to ask themselves. Especially, as you know, where money is involved.” I then gave Zem a nod in agreement. We then went for more treats. After feeding some multa, I said to Mav, “Mav. I hate to ask. But could you do me a favor?” By the time I finished speaking, Zem and Mav were smiling at me. Mav said, “If I can.” I said, “About the punishment I asked that the others besides Jesus and Mohammed receive. When you know who dies, could you make his spirit suffer the same fate?” Mav and Zem grinned. Which I did too. Mav said, “Sure. No problem.” I said, “Thank you.” As I petted a multa head, I added, “I know that there isn’t much I can do for you in ret